Aladdin is a lazy boy. He does not like work and he plays all day with his friends in the market. He and his mother are very poor, and are often hungry, but Aladdin never works, and never helps his mother.
One day Aladdin’s uncle, Abanazar, arrives in the city. ‘I am a rich man,’ he tells Aladdin and his mother. He gives them gold, buys Aladdin a beautiful new coat, and wants to help them. Aladdin is very happy.
But Abanazar is not Aladdin’s uncle. He is a magician from Morocco, and he wants to find an enchanted lamp. He knows the lamp is in a magical garden under the ground, near a city in Arabia. Only a poor boy from the city can get into the garden and find the lamp. And that boy’s name is Aladdin …
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