Food of Australia (H). Wendy HuttonЧитать онлайн книгу.
Published by
Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd. with editorial offices at 364 Innovation Drive, North Clarendon, VT 05759 U.S.A. and 61 Tai Seng Avenue, #02-12 Singapore 534167.
Copyright © 2001
Periplus Editions (HK) Ltd.
ISBN: 978-1-4629-0973-5 (ebook)
Library of Congress Catalog
Card Number: 98-83180
Food photographs by Ashley Mackevicius. All other photography by John Hay, except pages 12, 15 & 24, by Esther Beaton, Terra Australis Photo Agency, and pages 13, 28 & 30 by Glenn Gibson, Blitz Pictures.
The publisher gratefully acknowledges the enthusiastic support of Igal Bigos, Area Director, Food and Beverage Operations, of Hilton International Australia; his assistant, Jacqui Fink, and Rod Ritchie of Rainforest Publishing, who helped co-ordinate the project. The publisher also wishes to thank all those who lent props for photography, the contributing authors and, above all, the enthusiastic and talented chefs who so generously shared their culinary secrets.
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First Edition
3 5 7 9 10 8 6 4 2
06 05 04 03 02 01
Contemporary Recipes from Australia's Leading Chefs
Stephanie Alexander Maggie Beer Andrew Blake Cheong Liew Andrew Fielke Herbert Franceschini Werner Kimmeringer Kurt Looser Bill Marchetti Damien Pignolet Alla Wolf-Tasker | Guido van Baelen Beh Kim Un Marieke Brugman Gerda Bits Bethany Finn Paul Hoeps Alan Koh Christine Manfield Paul Merrony Dietmar Sawyer Tetsuya Wakuda |
Produced in association with Hilton International Australia
Food photography by Ashley Mackevicius
Styling by Wendy Berecry & props by Christina Ong
Edited by Wendy Hutton
From the Indian Ocean on the west to the Pacific Ocean on the east, the Australian continent is a land of contrasts.
A History of Australian Cuisine 10
Australia's Asian Connection 19
Gourmet Dining in the Country 25
Appetizers 36
Salads 54
Pastas 64
Seafood 80
Poultry 94
Meat 100
Desserts 116
Appendix 140
Index 143
Part One: Food in Australia
The new "cuisine of the southern sun"
by Tony Baker
Australia's contemporary cuisine has, over the past fifteen years or so, joined the ranks of the world's best, thanks to the dazzling range of local ingredients, a truly multicultural society and a new generation of boldly creative chefs. It is a perfect drawing together of flavors and styles; of French traditional and nouvelle cuisine, regional Italian and pan-Asian styles laced with cool Californian chic.
The evolution of the new cuisine seems to have taken place with startling swiftness. To write about