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Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary. Phan Van GiuongЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tuttle Pocket Vietnamese Dictionary - Phan Van Giuong

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1 n. communal house in the village; R hall, palace, courtyard 2 v. to stop, to postpone

      ñình baûn v. to cease publication; to close [a newspaper]

      ñình chæ v. to stop, to cease

      ñình chieán v., n. to stop fighting; armistice

      ñình coâng v. to go on strike, to strike

      ñình ñoán v. to come to a standstill, to stagnate

      ñình treä v. to put off, to stop up, to slow down

      ñænh 1 n. top, summit, peak 2 n. incense burner

      ñænh chung n. luxurious life, high living

      ñónh n. R boat, ship

      ñònh v. to fix, to determine, to decide, to plan [to]

      ñònh cö v. to be settled; to settle [refugees]

      ñònh ñeà n. postulate

      ñònh ñoaït v. to decide, to determine

      ñònh haïn v. to set a deadline

      ñònh höôùng v. to set a direction, to be orientated

      ñònh kieán n. bias, fixed idea

      ñònh kyø n. fixed time, agreed deadline

      ñònh lieäu v. to make arrangements

      ñònh luaät n. [scientific] law

      ñònh löôïng v., adj. to decide an amount; quantitative

      ñònh lyù n. theorem

      ñònh meänh n. destiny, fate

      ñònh nghóa v., n. to define; definition

      ñònh soá n. fixed number

      ñònh sôû n. fixed address, permanent dwelling place

      ñònh taâm v. to intend; to calm down

      ñònh thöùc n. formula, fixed pattern

      ñònh tinh n. fixed star

      ñònh tính adj. qualitative

      ñònh tuùc soá n. quorum

      ñít n. buttock, bottom, rear end

      ñít cua n. speech

      ñòt v. to break wind

      ñìu hiu adj . [of sight, landscape] desolate, gloomy

      ño v. to measure, to gauge, to survey

      ño löôøng v. to measure

      ñoù pron., that, those; there, that place

      ñoø n. ferry, boat

      ñoû adj. red; lucky

      ñoï v. to compare

      ñoaù n. CL for flowers

      ñoaï adj. decadent

      ñoaùi v. to have pity for

      ñoaùi töôûng v. to reminisce

      ñoan 1 n. the customs 2 v. to promise firmly

      ñoan chính adj. righteous, serious

      ñoan ngoï n. Double Five Festival [on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month]

      ñoan keát v. to promise

      ñoan trang adj. correct and decent, serious

      ñoaùn v. to guess, to predict

      ñoaøn n. band, flock, detachment, body, train

      ñoaøn keát v., n. to unite; unity, union

      ñoaøn theå n. group, organization, body, community

      ñoaøn tuï v. to be together, to re-unite

      ñoaûn adj. R to be short, brief

      ñoaûn meänh adj., n. to be short-lived; short life

      ñoaûn soá adj., n. to be short-lived; short life

      ñoaûn thieân tieåu thuyeát n. short story, novelette

      ñoaïn n. section, part, passage, paragraph

      ñoaïn ñaàu ñaøi n. guillotine, scaffold

      ñoaïn haäu v. to cut off the retreat

      ñoaïn maïi n. definitive sale

      ñoaïn tröôøng adj., n. painful; pains, misfortunes

      ñoaïn tuyeät v. to break off

      ñoaûn adj. short

      ñoaønh intj. Bang!

      ñoaït v. to seize, to grab [power, money], to win [prize, title]

      ñoïc v. to pronounce, to read [silently or aloud]

      ñoùi v. to be hungry

      ñoùi khoå adj. starving and poor, miserable

      ñoùi raùch adj. poor

      ñoøi v. to demand [food, money, payment], to claim

      ñoøi hoûi v. to request, to ask

      ñom ñoùm n. firefly, glow worm

      ñoùm n. bamboo fragment, spill

      ñoûm adj. spruced, neatly dressed

      ñon ñaû v. to show willingness to help

      ñoùn v. to go to greet or to meet, to welcome, to receive

      ñoøn 1 n. lever; carrying pole 2 n. whipping, thrashing

      ñoøn dong n. ridge-pole, ridge-beam

      ñoøn baåy n. motive force, leverage

      ñoøn xoùc n. sharp-ended carrying pole

      ñong v. to measure [capacity], to buy [cereals]

      ñoùng 1 v. to close, to shut 2 v. to drive in, to nail 3 v. to pay; to contribute

      ñoùng boä adj. dressed up

      ñoùng chai v. to bottle

      ñoùng daáu v. to stamp, to put the seal on

      ñoùng ñai v. to girdle

      ñoùng goùp v. to contribute

      ñoùng khung v. to frame; to dress up

      ñoùng kòch v. to play a role, to act a part

      ñoùng tro v. to act

      ñoùng vai v. to play a part

      ñoùng vaåy v. to heal, to skin over

      ñoïng v. to accumulate, [of water] to stagnate, to be in abeyance

      ñoït n. browse, sprout

      ñoâ n. R metropolis, capital city

      ñoâ ñoác n. commander-in-chief, admiral

      ñoâ hoä v. to dominate, to have domination over

      ñoâ hoäi n. big metropolis, business city

      ñoâ la n. dollar

      ñoâ saûnh n. city hall

      ñoâ thaønh n. city

      ñoâ thò n. city, urban center

      ñoâ vaät n. wrestler

      ñoá v. to dare, to defy, to challenge

      ñoá kî adj., v. jealous, to envy

      ñoà 1 n. thing, object 2 v. to trace, to calk

      ñoà aùn n. plan, design

      ñoà baûn n. map, drawing

      ñoà bieåu n. diagram


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