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Hide and Seek. Desiree HoltЧитать онлайн книгу.

Hide and Seek - Desiree  Holt

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      Cover copy

      Anything can happen when you let your guard down . . .

      After receiving a violent threat on the heels of her father’s disappearance from the town of Arrowhead Bay, Devon Cole fears for her life—until Vigilance, a local private security agency, steps in to shield her from danger. Although she isn’t usually quick to surrender her freedom, she has no problem stripping her defenses for her new sexy bodyguard . . .

      Tortured by the painful memory of lost love, Logan Malik is determined not to risk his heart again. So when he’s tasked with watching over Devon day and night, he’s focused on doing his job. Day is no problem, but as tensions rise at night, nothing can protect them from giving in to unbridled passion . . .

      Visit us at www.kensingtonbooks.com

      Books by Desiree Holt

      Finding Julia

      Game On Series

      Forward Pass

      Line of Scrimmage

      Pass Interference

      Fourth Down

      Vigilance Series

      Hide and Seek

      Published by Kensington Publishing Corporation

      Hide and Seek

      A Vigilance Novel

      Desiree Holt


      Kensington Publishing Corp.



      Lyrical Press books are published by

      Kensington Publishing Corp. 119 West 40th Street New York, NY 10018

      Copyright © 2017 by Desiree Holt

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      First Electronic Edition: October 2017

      eISBN-13: 1978-1-5161-0367-6

      eISBN-10: -5161-0367-X

      First Print Edition: October 2017

      ISBN-13: 978-1-5161-0370-6

      ISBN-10: 1-5161-0370-X

      Printed in the United States of America


      To Joseph Patrick Trainor, who has become my go-to guy on all things law enforcement and special operations. Thank you for all your patience and for answering my millions of questions

      Author’s Foreword

      From Desiree

      Writing a book is a solitary experience but it never comes to the bookshelves, virtual or other, alone. For me it starts with my treasured friend and beta reader extraordinaire, Margie Hager, who has the best eagle eye in the world. Thank you, Margie my love, for all the hours you put in to help me bring my stories to life. And for your friendship, which is a highlight of my life. And to Janet Rodman who always looks out for me.

      Then there is my family. Do they read my books? Absolutely not! But they are the best public relations team in the world. From my daughter Amy who tells all her clients about me to my son Steve who makes sure he lets everyone he knows when I have a book released to my younger daughter Suzanne who is my good right hand and my granddaughter Kayla who is my wonderful left hand. Guys, I could not do it without you. If you see me at a convention, Suzanne will not be far from my side.

      My cats, of course, keep me company while I write, especially Bast who thinks she should get coauthor credit!

      Thanks to all the people who answer my endless questions, from SEALs to Force Recon Marines to Delta Force soldiers to local law enforcement to sports experts. The time you continue to give me is very special.

      Last but very far from least are all of you, my wonderful readers, who send me such great e-mails and posts and are so faithful. A special shout-out to Phuong Phen, Fedora Chen, Shirley Long, and Patricia Sager who have been with me since my journey started and in frustrating times give me the inspiration to push ahead.

      I love you so much. You are my extended family and I send you all many hugs.

      There are a lot more stories to come. Please stay tuned.

      I love to hear from my readers. You can write to me at [email protected] and I hope you will do that.

      Where else can you find me?



      Facebook: www.facebook.com/authordesireeholt

      Twitter: @desireeholt

      Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/desiree02holt

      I look forward to hearing from all of you.



      Thank you to Marine Brig General Thomas V. Draude, who helped me in my information gathering


      Graham Cole clutched his cell phone, barely restraining himself from throwing it against the wall. Where the hell was Vince? Everything was falling apart and they needed to get the hell out of Dodge.

      How had they even gotten to this point?

      A drug cartel. He was laundering money for a drug cartel.

      It had all started so slowly.

      “We think if you changed these suppliers, you’d help your bottom line.”

      “If you switched distributors for these products, you’d be in a lot better shape.”

      “These people are the cause of all that red ink. Get rid of them.”

      When Graham had discovered the true source of the funds he’d used to save his business, and wanted to pull out, Vince had convinced him it was too dangerous. Vince had been right. No one ever walked away from a cartel.

      Still, he’d been determined to see if there was a way out of the chokehold. Somehow—he had no idea how—word had gotten through to Cruz Moreno, head of the vicious Moreno cartel, that Graham wanted out. He was told to take his money and shut up.

      “They could go after Devon, too,” Vince had told him.

      God! On top of everything else he’d made both Vince and Devon targets of these miserable assholes.


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