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In This Together. Kara LennoxЧитать онлайн книгу.

In This Together - Kara Lennox

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      Desperate times call for desperate measures…

      And Travis Riggs is way past desperate. With time running out to overturn his brother’s wrongful murder conviction and stop his niece’s adoption, Project Justice is Travis’s last hope. But when his request for an interview is denied, he resorts to drastic measures—kidnapping the founder’s personal assistant, Elena Marquez.

      Travis hadn’t planned for any of this to happen, least of all the chemistry between him and Elena. Under different circumstances, they may have had a chance at a relationship. However, the last thing he wants is to drag her down with him, which is exactly what will happen if he accepts her help. Not that Elena is giving him much of a choice….

      Travis enjoyed the playful conversation way more than he should have

      It was almost as if they were on a first date…flirting. With each snippet Elena revealed about herself, his admiration for her grew.

      He suddenly wished he had met her at some other point in his life, instead of this desperate moment. When was the last time he’d flirted with a woman? Had to be Judith.

      Had he ever even known what it felt like to simply enjoy the company of a woman? He’d spent his youth staying alive, keeping his brother on track. Then there was the army, prison, his business…and Judith. Nothing about his ex-wife had been simple. Every encounter with her had been fraught with the stress of trying to meet her expectations.

      His heart ached unexpectedly with what could never be—not with Elena, and probably not with anyone. By the time he got out of prison this time, he’d be an old man, and Elena would be married to someone else with a houseful of children, even grandchildren.

      Another Project Justice story where fighting injustice can lead to finding love!

      Dear Reader,

      Being kidnapped would have to be in my top five fears. Maybe I’ve watched too many serial killer true crime shows. But I wanted to do a book where the heroine was kidnapped, tapping into my own primal emotions.

      The kidnapping romance plot is an oldie but a goodie; the trick is to make it fresh for modern readers. I chose to place most of my focus on what happens after the hostage situation ends. How do two people who had such an unpromising start ever forge a relationship?

      I have to give credit to my feisty heroine, Elena, for going after what she wants despite everyone in her world telling her she’s wrong. I’m not sure I’d be as determined, or as forgiving. But then, if I wrote about a heroine who was me, it might not make a very good book. (I don’t have much drama in my life!)

      Hope you enjoy Elena's and Travis’s adventure!

      Kara Lennox

      In This Together

      Kara Lennox



      Kara Lennox has earned her living at various times as an art director, typesetter, textbook editor and reporter. She’s worked in a boutique, a health club and an ad agency. She’s been an antiques dealer, an artist and even a blackjack dealer. But no work has ever made her happier than writing romance novels. To date, she has written more than sixty books. Kara is a recent transplant to Southern California. When not writing, she indulges in an ever-changing array of hobbies. Her latest passions are bird-watching, long-distance bicycling, vintage jewelry and, by necessity, do-it-yourself home renovation. She loves to hear from readers. You can find her at www.karalennox.com.

      For my writing support/brainstorming group: Tessa Dare, Laura Drake and Susan Squires. You all have no idea how much you inspire me.


       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen

       Chapter Nineteen

       Chapter Twenty

       Chapter Twenty-One



      TRAVIS RIGGS LOOKED up at the imposing wrought-iron gate, and for the first time in his life he knew what the word awe truly meant. Who the hell had a gate like this? Who needed a gate like this? What was Daniel Logan protecting? This ostentatious show of wealth didn’t jibe with the Daniel Logan he’d heard about, the one who’d spent six years on death row for a murder he didn’t commit, the one who’d devoted his life to helping other men and women who’d been falsely convicted of serious crimes.

      He wondered if this was some wild-goose chase.

      Still, Travis had come too far to turn back. Whoever Daniel Logan was, he was the last hope for saving Eric. Travis had put on his best shirt and his newest pair of jeans, the ones that weren’t yet paint spattered. His work boots weren’t exactly classy, but it was that or beat-up athletic shoes. He didn’t have much call for dressing up in his normal life.

      Taking a deep breath, he pushed the buzzer.

      “Yes, may I help you?” The husky female voice was unexpected. Whoever she was, she had an accent, not strong but exotic nonetheless. A picture came into his mind of a sultry Spanish flamenco dancer.

      “Yes, my name is Travis Riggs. I’ve come to see Daniel Logan.”

      “Do you have an appointment?”

      “No, I’m sorry, I don’t.” Every time he thought about his unsuccessful

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