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Courting Miss Callie. Dorothy ClarkЧитать онлайн книгу.

Courting Miss Callie - Dorothy  Clark

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      Seeking True Love

      Stunningly beautiful Callie Conner is sick of being pursued by shallow suitors. She wants a man of faith, honesty and moral integrity who will love and value her for more than her appearance. So she flees to her aunt’s hotel, where she soon finds herself falling for the handsome new stable hand.

      A successful businessman in disguise, Ezra Ryder enjoys working in Pinewood where he is accepted for himself, and not for his money. Growing closer to Miss Callie, he longs to proclaim his love. But revealing his true identity would also mean revealing his deceit—can he risk losing Callie’s trust forever?

      Ezra offered a sprig of pussy willow to Callie with a bow. “I wish this were a rose.”

      “A kind thought, sir. But I prefer the pussy willow.”

      When their hands touched, Callie’s fingers trembled and Ezra stepped closer.

      “Callie...” Her name was a hoarse whisper, a question.

      She stepped back. “Thank you, Ezra.” She turned toward the hotel.

      Ezra’s pulse quickened as they approached the steps. He would take her elbow and help her up to the porch, bid her good-night at the door.

      But Callie stopped short at the base of the stairs.

      “Good evening, Ezra.”

      The finality of her tone made her meaning clear—he was to come no farther. She climbed the steps and crossed the porch.

      Ezra waited until she was safe inside, then exhaled a long breath. He was accustomed to young women welcoming his slightest attention, not turning their backs on him. Courting Callie Conner could prove to be more costly to his pride than he imagined.


      Critically acclaimed, award-winning author Dorothy Clark lives in rural New York, in a home she designed and helped her husband build (she swings a mean hammer!) with the able assistance of their three children. When she is not writing, she and her husband enjoy traveling throughout the United States doing research and gaining inspiration for future books. Dorothy believes in God, love, family and happy endings, which explains why she feels so at home writing stories for Love Inspired Books. Dorothy enjoys hearing from her readers and may be contacted at [email protected].

      Counting Miss Callie

      Dorothy Clark


      A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favor rather than silver and gold.

      —Proverbs 22:1

      This book is dedicated with love

      and deep appreciation to my church family.

      To those prayer warriors who faithfully

      seek the Lord on behalf of my writing—thank you. I love and appreciate you all.

      And, again, to Sam. Thank you is such a

      puny expression of my appreciation, but it will

      have to do—unless that fertile mind of yours can come up with better words. Blessings, my friend.

      “Commit thy works unto the Lord,

      and thy thoughts shall be established.”

      Your Word is truth. Thank You, Jesus.

      To You be the glory.


       Chapter One

       Chapter Two

       Chapter Three

       Chapter Four

       Chapter Five

       Chapter Six

       Chapter Seven

       Chapter Eight

       Chapter Nine

       Chapter Ten

       Chapter Eleven

       Chapter Twelve

       Chapter Thirteen

       Chapter Fourteen

       Chapter Fifteen

       Chapter Sixteen

       Chapter Seventeen

       Chapter Eighteen

       Chapter Nineteen

       Chapter Twenty

       Chapter Twenty-One

       Chapter Twenty-Two

       Chapter Twenty-Three

       Chapter Twenty-Four

       Chapter Twenty-Five

       Chapter Twenty-Six


       Dear Reader

       Questions for Discussion


      Chapter One

      March, 1841

      Pinewood Village, New York

      Callie Conner propped the full basket on her hip, closed the door of the buttery and started toward the hotel, then stopped and stared at the man limping up the path toward her. A logger by the looks of him. She sighed, looked down at the ground and waited. She hated meeting new people—especially men. There was always the staring, and then the profuse compliments about her beauty, and then—

      “That basket looks heavy for you, miss. May I carry it for you?” She lifted her head and it happened—just as it always did. The man’s eyes widened. He stared, blinked and stared again. He gazed into her eyes, and she heard his breath

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