Security Engineering. Ross AndersonЧитать онлайн книгу.
way, you might try to hack a cryptosystem by finding a mathematical weakness in the encryption algorithm, or you can go down a level and measure the power drawn by a device that implements it in order to work out the key, or up a level and deceive the device's custodian into using it when they shouldn't. This book contains many examples. In the broader context, hacking is sometimes a source of significant innovation. If a hack becomes popular, the rules may be changed to stop it; but it may also become normalised (examples range from libraries through the filibuster to search engines and social media).
The last matter I'll clarify here is the terminology that describes what we're trying to achieve. A vulnerability is a property of a system or its environment which, in conjunction with an internal or external threat, can lead to a security failure, which is a breach of the system's security policy. By security policy I will mean a succinct statement of a system's protection strategy (for example, “in each transaction, sums of credits and debits are equal, and all transactions over $1,000,000 must be authorized by two managers”). A security target is a more detailed specification which sets out the means by which a security policy will be implemented in a particular product – encryption and digital signature mechanisms, access controls, audit logs and so on – and which will be used as the yardstick to evaluate whether the engineers have done a proper job. Between these two levels you may find a protection profile which is like a security target, except written in a sufficiently device-independent way to allow comparative evaluations among different products and different versions of the same product. I'll elaborate on security policies, security targets and protection profiles in Part 3. In general, the word protection will mean a property such as confidentiality or integrity, defined in a sufficiently abstract way for us to reason about it in the context of general systems rather than specific implementations.
This somewhat mirrors the terminology we use for safety-critical systems, and as we are going to have to engineer security and safety together in ever more applications it is useful to keep thinking of the two side by side.
In the safety world, a critical system or component is one whose failure could lead to an accident, given a hazard – a set of internal conditions or external circumstances. Danger is the probability that a hazard will lead to an accident, and risk is the overall probability of an accident. Risk is thus hazard level combined with danger and latency – the hazard exposure and duration. Uncertainty is where the risk is not quantifiable, while safety is freedom from accidents. We then have a safety policy which gives us a succinct statement of how risks will be kept below an acceptable threshold (and this might range from succinct, such as “don't put explosives and detonators in the same truck”, to the much more complex policies used in medicine and aviation); at the next level down, we might find a safety case having to be made for a particular component such as an aircraft, an aircraft engine or even the control software for an aircraft engine.
1.8 Summary
‘Security’ is a terribly overloaded word, which often means quite incompatible things to different people. To a corporation, it might mean the ability to monitor all employees' email and web browsing; to the employees, it might mean being able to use email and the web without being monitored.
As time goes on, and security mechanisms are used more and more by the people who control a system's design to gain some commercial advantage over the other people who use it, we can expect conflicts, confusion and the deceptive use of language to increase.
One is reminded of a passage from Lewis Carroll:
“When I use a word,” Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone, “it means just what I choose it to mean – neither more nor less.” “The question is,” said Alice, “whether you can make words mean so many different things.” “The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master – that's all.”
The security engineer must be sensitive to the different nuances of meaning that words acquire in different applications, and be able to formalize what the security policy and target actually are. That may sometimes be inconvenient for clients who wish to get away with something, but, in general, robust security design requires that the protection goals are made explicit.
1 1 The law around companies may come in handy when we start having to develop rules around AI. A company, like a robot, may be immortal and have some functional intelligence – but without consciousness. You can't jail a company but you can fine it.
CHAPTER 2 Who Is the Opponent?
Going all the way back to early time-sharing systems we systems people regarded the users, and any code they wrote, as the mortal enemies of us and each other. We were like the police force in a violent slum.
False face must hide what the false heart doth know.
2.1 Introduction
Ideologues may deal with the world as they would wish it to be, but engineers deal with the world as it is. If you're going to defend systems against attack, you first need to know who your enemies are.
In the early days of computing, we mostly didn't have real enemies; while banks and the military had to protect their systems, most other people didn't really bother. The first computer systems were isolated, serving a single company or university. Students might try to hack the system to get more resources and sysadmins would try to stop them, but it was mostly a game. When dial-up connections started to appear, pranksters occasionally guessed passwords and left joke messages, as they'd done at university. The early Internet was a friendly place, inhabited by academics, engineers at tech companies, and a few hobbyists. We knew that malware was possible but almost nobody took it seriously until the late 1980s when PC viruses appeared, followed by the Internet worm in 1988. (Even that was a student experiment that escaped from the lab; I tell the story in section 21.3.2.)
Things changed once everyone started to get online. The mid-1990s saw the first spam, the late 1990s brought the first distributed denial-of-service attack, and the explosion of mail-order business in the dotcom boom introduced credit card fraud. To begin with, online fraud was a cottage industry; the same person would steal credit card numbers and use them to buy goods which he'd then sell, or make up forged cards to use in a store. Things changed in the mid-2000s with the emergence of underground markets. These let the bad guys specialise – one gang could write malware, another could harvest bank credentials, and yet others could devise ways of cashing out. This enabled them to get good at their jobs, to scale up and to globalise, just as manufacturing did in the late eighteenth century. The 2000s also saw the world's governments putting in the effort to ‘Master the Internet’ (as the NSA put it) – working out how to collect data at scale and index it, just as Google does, to make it available to analysts. It also saw the emergence of social networks, so that everyone could have a home online – not just geeks with the skills to create their own handcrafted web pages. And of course, once everyone is online, that includes not just spies and crooks but also jerks, creeps, racists and bullies.
Over the past decade, this threat landscape has stabilised. We also know quite a lot about it. Thanks to Ed Snowden and other whistleblowers, we know a lot about the capabilities and methods of Western intelligence services; we've also learned a lot about China, Russia and other nation-state threat actors. We know a lot about cybercrime; online crime now makes up about half of all crime, by volume and by value. There's a substantial criminal infrastructure based on malware and botnets with which we are constantly struggling;