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      Louisa May Alcott

      Becky's Christmas Dream & Other Christmas Stories

      Published by


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      2020 OK Publishing

      EAN 4064066385002

      Table of Contents

       Merry Christmas

       A Christmas Dream and How It Came True

       Becky's Christmas Dream

       Kitty's Class Day

       Rosa's Tale

       Tilly's Christmas

       The Abbot's Ghost, or Maurice Treherne's Temptation

       What the Bell Saw and Said

       A Christmas Turkey, and How It Came

       The Little Red Purse

       A Country Christmas

      Merry Christmas

       Table of Contents

      In the rush of early morning,

       When the red burns through the gray,

       And the wintry world lies waiting

       For the glory of the day,

       Then we hear a fitful rustling

       Just without upon the stair,

       See two small white phantoms coming,

       Catch the gleam of sunny hair.

       Are they Christmas fairies stealing

       Rows of little socks to fill?

       Are they angels floating hither

       With their message of good-will?

       What sweet spell are these elves weaving,

       As like larks they chirp and sing?

       Are these palms of peace from heaven

       That these lovely spirits bring?

       Rosy feet upon the threshold,

       Eager faces peeping through,

       With the first red ray of sunshine,

       Chanting cherubs come in view:

       Mistletoe and gleaming holly,

       Symbols of a blessed day,

       In their chubby hands they carry,

       Streaming all along the way.

       Well we know them, never weary

       Of this innocent surprise;

       Waiting, watching, listening always

       With full hearts and tender eyes,

       While our little household angels,

       White and golden in the sun,

       Greet us with the sweet old welcome,—

       "Merry Christmas, every one!"

      A Christmas Dream and How It Came True

       Table of Contents

      "I'm so tired of Christmas I wish there never would be another one!" exclaimed a discontented-looking little girl, as she sat idly watching her mother arrange a pile of gifts two days before they were to be given.

      "Why, Effie, what a dreadful thing to say! You are as bad as old Scrooge; and I'm afraid something will happen to you, as it did to him, if you don't care for dear Christmas," answered mamma, almost dropping the silver horn she was filling with delicious candies.

      "Who was Scrooge? What happened to him?" asked Effie, with a glimmer of interest in her listless face, as she picked out the sourest lemon-drop she could find; for nothing sweet suited her just then.

      "He was one of Dickens's best people, and you can read the charming story some day. He hated Christmas until a strange dream showed him how dear and beautiful it was, and made a better man of him."

      "I shall read it; for I like dreams, and have a great many curious ones myself. But they don't keep me from being tired of Christmas," said Effie, poking discontentedly among the sweeties for something worth eating.

      "Why are you tired of what should be the happiest time of all the year?" asked mamma, anxiously.

      "Perhaps I shouldn't be if I had something new. But it is always the same, and there isn't any more surprise about it. I always find heaps of goodies in my stocking. Don't like some of them, and soon get tired of those I do like. We always have a great dinner, and I eat too much, and feel ill next day. Then there is a Christmas tree somewhere, with a doll on top, or a stupid old Santa Claus, and children dancing and screaming over bonbons and toys that break, and shiny things that are of no use. Really, mamma, I've had so many Christmases all alike that I don't think I _can_ bear another one." And Effie laid herself flat on the sofa, as if the mere idea was too much for her.

      Her mother laughed at her despair, but was sorry to see her little girl so discontented, when she had everything to make her happy, and had known but ten Christmas days.

      "Suppose we don't give you _any_ presents at all,--how would that suit you?" asked mamma, anxious to please her spoiled child.

      "I should like one large and splendid one, and one dear little one, to remember some very nice person by," said Effie, who was a fanciful little body, full of odd whims and notions, which her friends loved to gratify, regardless of time, trouble, or money; for she was the last of three little girls, and very dear to all the family.

      "Well, my darling, I will see what I can do to please you, and not say a word until all is ready. If I could only get a new idea to start with!" And mamma went on tying up her pretty bundles with a thoughtful face, while Effie strolled to the window to watch the rain that kept her in-doors and made her dismal.

      "Seems to me poor children have better times than rich ones. I can't go out, and there is a girl about my age splashing along, without any maid to fuss about rubbers and cloaks and umbrellas and colds. I wish I was a beggar-girl."

      "Would you like to be hungry, cold, and ragged, to beg all day, and sleep on an ash-heap at night?" asked mamma, wondering what would come next.

      "Cinderella did, and had a nice time in the end. This girl out here has a basket of scraps on

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