Clinical Atlas of Retreatment in Endodontics. Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.
Table of Contents
1 Cover
4 Foreword
5 Preface
10 Introduction to endodontic retreatment I.1 Definition I.2 Rationale for retreatment I.3 Aim of endodontic retreatment References
11 1 Clinical Case 1 – Perforation repair 1.1 Patient information 1.2 Tooth 1.3 Treatment plan 1.4 Technical aspects 1.5 Follow‐up 1.6 Learning objectives 1.7 How can this endodontic mishap be avoided?
12 2 Clinical Case 2 – Instrument separation 2.1 Patient information 2.2 Tooth 2.3 Treatment plan 2.4 Surgical procedure 2.5 Technical aspects 2.6 Follow‐up 2.7 Learning objectives
13 3 Clinical Case 3 – A case of retreatment of Tooth 16 3.1 Patient information 3.2 Tooth 3.3 Treatment plan 3.4 Technical aspects 3.5 Follow‐up 3.6 Learning objectives 3.7 How can this endodontic mishap be avoided?
14 4 Clinical Case 4 – Instrument retrieval 4.1 Patient information 4.2 Tooth 4.3 Treatment plan 4.4 Removing or bypassing the fractured instrument: decision making 4.5 Follow‐up 4.6 Learning objectives 4.7 How can this endodontic mishap be avoided?
15 5 Clinical Case 5 – Perforation repair with instrument retrieval 5.1 Patient information 5.2 Tooth 5.3 Treatment plan 5.4 Technical aspects 5.5 Follow‐up 5.6 Learning objectives 5.7 How can this endodontic mishap be avoided?
16 6 Clinical Case 6 – Management of strip perforation and fractured instrument 6.1 Patient information 6.2 Tooth 6.3 Treatment plan 6.4 Technical aspects 6.5 Follow‐up 6.6 Learning objectives 6.7 How can this endodontic mishap be avoided?
17 7 Clinical Case 7 – Management of root canal treatment failure case with missed lateral canal anatomy and inadequate obturation 7.1 Patient information 7.2 Tooth 7.3 Treatment plan 7.4 Technical aspects 7.5 Follow‐up 7.6 Learning objectives 7.7 How can this endodontic mishap be avoided?