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Deficiencies in the Justification of the Ungodly. Manuel (Manny) AlanizСловари.

Deficiencies in the Justification of the Ungodly
Manuel (Manny) Alaniz
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In recent years, the traditional reformed view of imputed righteousness has come under heavy scrutiny and disagreement, resulting in an injection of theological fervor centering on the writings of the Apostle Paul. The primary source of much of the disagreement comes from a theological movement called the New Perspective on Paul (NPP). The NPP movement has come to the forefront of New Testament theological scholarship, resulting in a continuing debate on the Pauline writings. The debate centers on the exegetical interpretation of these writings. To state this more clearly, the debate involves the reinterpretation of Paul's corpus of work found in Holy Scripture based on a new or different perspective. The NPP encompasses a multifaceted theological rubric, which questions the traditional interpretation of the Pauline writings, including the doctrine of imputed righteousness. Currently, one of the foremost advocates for the NPP is N. T. Wright. Wright, an evangelical New Testament scholar, strongly criticizes the traditional interpretation of the doctrine of imputed righteousness. This book takes a critical look at Wright's view of the doctrine of imputed righteousness and identifies some deficiencies from a traditional reformed perspective.