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Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission, Volume 1. Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Handbook of Aggregation-Induced Emission, Volume 1 - Группа авторов

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page Volume 1 Tutorial Lectures and Mechanism Studies

      3  Copyright Page

      4  Dedication Page

      5  List of Contributors

      6  Preface to Handbook of Aggregation‐Induced Emission

      7  Preface to Volume 1: Fundamentals

      8  1 The Mechanistic Understanding of the Importance of Molecular Motions to Aggregation‐induced Emission 1.1 Introduction 1.2 Restriction of Intramolecular Motion 1.3 Restricted Access to Conical Intersection 1.4 Restriction of Access to the Dark State 1.5 Suppression of Kasha’s Rule 1.6 Through Space Conjugation 1.7 Perspective References

      9  2 Understanding the AIE Mechanism at the Molecular Level 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Theoretical Methods 2.3 Revealed AIE Mechanism 2.4 Visualize Calculated Parameters in Experiments 2.5 Molecular Design Based on AIE Mechanism 2.6 Summary and Outlook Acknowledgments References

      10  3 Aggregation‐induced Emission from the Restriction of Double Bond Rotation at the Excited State 3.1 Introduction 3.2 AIE Phenomena and Applications from RDBR Mechanism 3.3 Conclusions References

      11  4 The Expansion of AIE Thought 4.1 Aggregation‐Induced Emission 4.2 Photoluminescence Materials Based on Molecular Set 4.3 Mechanoluminescence Materials Based on Molecular Set 4.4 Mechanochromism Materials 4.5 Room Temperature Phosphorescence Materials Based on Molecular Uniting 4.6 Conclusion and Perspectives References

      12  5 Clusterization‐Triggered Emission 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Pure n‐Electron Systems 5.3 Pure π‐Electron Systems 5.4 (n, π)‐Electrons Systems 5.5 Other Systems 5.6 Summary References

      13  6 Crystallization‐induced Emission Enhancement 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Tetraphenylethylene Derivatives 6.3 CIEE Active Luminogens with Bulky Conjugation Core 6.4 Other High‐contrast CIEE Luminogens 6.5 Potential Applications 6.6 Summary and Perspective References

      14  7 Surface‐fixation Induced Emission 7.1 Introduction 7.2 What Happened to the Characteristics of Molecules on the Clay Mineral Nanosheets 7.3 Clay–Molecular Complexes 7.4 Absorption Spectra of Clay–Molecular Complexes 7.5 Emission Enhancement Phenomenon in Clay–Molecular Complexes: S‐FIE 7.6 Mechanism of Surface‐Fixation Induced Emission 7.7 Summary and Outlook Acknowledgment References

      15  8 Aggregation‐induced Delayed Fluorescence 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Novel Aggregation‐induced Delayed Fluorescence Luminogens Скачать книгу
