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The Private Equity Toolkit. Tamara SakovskaЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Private Equity Toolkit - Tamara Sakovska

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      Table of Contents

      1  Cover

      2  Title Page

      3  Copyright

      4  Dedication

      5  Preface Chapter 1: First Thoughts on Deal Sourcing Chapter 2: Thematic Deal Sourcing Chapter 3: Opportunistic Deal Sourcing Chapter 4: Deal Selection: Eliminating the Wrong Deal Chapter 5: Deal Selection: Identifying the Right Deal Chapter 6: Assessing the Top Management Team Chapter 7: Analyzing the Business Plan Chapter 8: Valuation Chapter 9: Deal Structuring Chapter 10: Deal Execution: Transaction Process and Due Diligence Chapter 11: Deal Execution: Legal Documentation Chapter 12: Adding Value Through Active Ownership Chapter 13: Exit Strategies and Deal Monetization

      6  Acknowledgments

      7  About the Author

      8  1 First Thoughts on Deal Sourcing Introduction to Deal Sourcing Deal Sourcing Strategies Assessment of Your Current Deal Sourcing Capabilities Where Do Deals Come From?

      9  2 Thematic Deal Sourcing The Benefits of Thematic Deal Sourcing Thematic Deal Sourcing: ICEBERG Roadmap™ 1. Identify a sector theme and build aninvestment thesis 2. Conduct an in-depth analysis of the selected industry 3. Elaborate on your knowledge by mapping out key players operating in the industry 4. Build a network of experts and company executives to fill knowledge gaps 5. Establish a long list of potential deal targets and initiate coverage of these companies 6. Rank the companies by attractiveness and approach two or three potential deal targets at a time 7. Go visit companies to convert deal ideas into real transactions Notes

      10  3 Opportunistic Deal Sourcing Developing an Edge in Opportunistic Deal Sourcing DATABASE Roadmap™ for Opportunistic Deal Sourcing Opportunistic Deal Sourcing: DATABASE Roadmap™ 1. Develop a clear point of view about what kind of deals your fund wants to target 2. Articulate a concise and memorable message about your mandate 3. Team up with intermediaries who consistently add value 4. Add new relevant connections to your network 5. Build a strong brand 6. Apply creative thinking to supplement your opportunistic deal flow 7. Set-up a dedicated digital platform to manage your deal origination workflows 8. Establish a business development team fully devoted to deal sourcing Notes

      11  4 Deal Selection—Eliminating the Wrong Deal Introduction to the Deal Selection Process Eliminating the Wrong Deal Through Negative Screening Notes

      12  5 Deal Selection—Identifying the Right Deal Positive Screening Framework Notes

      13  6 Assessing the Top Management Team Management Practices in Private Equity What Makes a Great CEO What Makes a Great Private Equity CEO Management Assessment Notes

      14  7 Analyzing

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