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Kazakhs and Turks. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Kazakhs and Turks - Almaz Braev

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Kazakhs and Turks

      Almaz Braev

      © Almaz Braev, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0060-3591-1

      Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

      At the Turkish Championship meeting, Galatasaray football club fans set a world record for noise – 131.76 decibels.

      The siren of a fire truck gives 100 decibels, a moving train gives 110 decibels. The noise of a jet plane is 130 decibels. At 130 decibels, pain begins, and at 150, you can go crazy – this is already a combat weapon.

      The frenzy of Galatasaray’s Turkish fans is very similar to the actions of football hooligans – ultras of Greek and Serbian clubs. Where did this come from?

      These people are united by history. The most recent shared dormitory for Turks, Greeks, and Serbs is the Ottoman Empire.

      On closer inspection, Turkish, Greek, and Serbian inhabitants are no different from us. But we can be divided in a situation of catharsis like football. Our fans are sitting quietly, and we can say disciplined; that is, we are not only different in appearance, but we are generally different. We are the inhabitants of the steppes and plains. We, the steppe people, shouted hurrah..Ah, when they rode at the enemies. The rest of the time, we were silent. We Kazakhs are a disciplined people. We go on the attack and shout only at the leader’s command, necessarily an authoritative person. If we don’t like the leader, we silently leave the camps – we scatter in different directions – the steppe is large and broad.

      You can’t get far in the Caucasus, for example. You can climb to another peak together with your relatives. But how many people can rise?

      Why do mountaineers talk loudly, even if they are standing next to each other (for Georgians, the most obvious thing)

      Yes, because of the mountains. Perhaps the morning fog is in the way; the stones are falling, and the river is making a lot of noise in the rocks. You see? Why do Georgians talk loudly next to each other? That’s why the Turkish fans are making the loudest noise. The answer can be found in the Caucasian genes of these people – nothing else.

      Kazakhs will never join a noisy crowd; Kazakhs generally shun noise. If Kazakhs shout or raise their voices, it is an emergency. If the Kazakhs see a moving caravan, they will dock and join it quietly. Unless, of course, strangers are noticed in the caravan. They will also remain silent at first. They won’t scream. Only Kazakhs guyss emit specific screams, especially during a horse race or a cockpar. Non-Kazakhs cannot make such «Kazakh» sounds of triumph and strength, but each Kazakh is strong one by one, not together, even if brothers surround him. The brothers do not make sounds of triumph – lasting a second or two. This sound of Kazakh celebration scares outsiders. When young horsemen see graceful beauties, they make the same sounds through the open window of their jeeps. No one screams like that – only Kazakhs

      Chapter 1

      Turks and Kazakhs

      War must be inevitable and vital. As long as the life of the nation is not in danger, war is murder.

      Mustafa Kemal Ataturk

      The Zerefs are the first, the most massive group of self-reflection. These are warriors, ordinary people, workers, and philistines. From a historical perspective, the self-reflection of Zeref means warriors, members of a tribal collective, where each Zeref, if necessary, is a warrior, alien to another Zeref from another tribe. I would not say that modern nationalists use the rudiments of the primitive culture of warriors. After modernization, people with Zeref reflection can be found anywhere in the civilized world. In a crisis, even the intelligentsia – the nation’s gold – the Remids turn into savages out of anger and resentment against other savages and barbarians. It is this fallen intelligentsia that forms the idea of fascism. The Zerefs self are not capable of forming thought forms, except for actions; for them, feral, embittered Remids form the Nazi ideology, but mostly the officers of the SS and blackshirts detachments are the Zeremids – children of the rural intelligentsia. In general, after modernization in the 20th and 21st centuries, the rudest people, philistines, and people with low tastes and needs are Zerefs. The Zerefs are biased and proud when they use the primary tones of the Zerefs. The Zerefs conventionally has two colors, shades, many sounds to express emotions, two sides, and two sensations – good and evil. Evil and good they feel and understand as satiety and prosperity today only of their family, and in the past – prosperity and satiety only of their kind, clan, tribe, and people. They say either yes or no, but at the same time, they always look at a person’s age when answering. Thus, all traditional people have very good qualities; they respect and care for old people.

      The Zerefs understand the idea well as a pleasant emotion because they draw satiety and prosperity again as a minimum for family and a maximum for people. The idealism of the masses ends when the people do not receive the promised, for example, in the form of communism, as happened with the Zerefs of the USSR or at the time of democracy – this is already a typical example of the birth of Nazism and fascism. The leader of the Zerefs must necessarily be a strong leader because the Zerefs are ideological; they must know that they will receive democracy or communism. Communism and democracy are interpreted by the Zerefs not as equality, although the equality of the Zerefs is always welcomed, the lands or trophies that the Zerefs are plucking. In a democracy, the Zerefs are like the first place. Or any honorable new place because it is democracy that creates the illusion of a new, necessarily decent place. In any idea, the Zerefs want to leave the social bottom they occupied in the previous formation, the old world, and the last state. Yes, Zerefs, after modernization, are a crowd of Philistines. They will welcome democracy precisely because of mass opportunity. The conditional bottom is excited that all bottom creatures will float to the surface and live there. Unfortunately for the Zerefs, they are creating a hierarchy again – with a new bottom and new top gold, with the new elite and the despicable rabble. A strong leader reduces the activity, or rather the greed of the Zerefs, and teaches the Zerefs to work and be responsible. If the Zerefs do not have a dictator, they will resort to the old habit of fighting for a new place of honor.

      Chapter 2

      The love of power is in the nomads' blood

      Yes, there are many incomprehensible things in the behavior, not only in the temperament of the Turks. To simplify the situation, we can say that many things would be incredible to those Turkomans and officially to the Oghuz Turks if they from the 11th century could communicate with their civilized descendants. But this is impossible. We know that. Centuries have passed since the ordinary residence of the Anatolian population and the Oghuz newcomers, before all the Ottomans were formed, then the citizens of the Turkish Republic. They say that there are no pure Turks today (except for the nomadic Turkomans on the border with Syria). Turkey is not just a mixed population; it is a population that has been woven over the centuries. This is a mixture of many peoples in the cauldron of the Ottoman Empire. Those Turkish features that are incomprehensible to Kazakhs are, instead, the quality of the indigenous population of the Near East. That’s why we don’t even understand Turkish somewhere. (For example, the Turks have never engaged in trade. Today, small businesses are well-developed in Turkey. Kazakhs have never been involved in trade, either. After 30 years of independence, they suddenly learned. But we have only 30 years left, and the Turks have 130 in their luggage. The difference is a century). This is not to mention the fact that the peoples who inhabited these territories were engaged in trade for 1000 years before the arrival of the Oghuz. Before the Turks came, life was generally different. There was a settled population of farmers in the Near East. Even before the creation of the Turkish Republic, that is, exclusively in Modern times, the Greek and Armenian clans were mainly engaged in trade. The Turks were involved in military affairs and made up the entire administration. In other words, the Turks were the managers of the empire.

      Isn’t that what Turks and Kazakhs have in common, huh? Kazakhs, by the way, also like to command. (Even under the USSR, Kazakhs sought to occupy administrative

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