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Kazakhs and Jews. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Kazakhs and Jews - Almaz Braev

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>Kazakhs and Jews

      Almaz Braev

      © Almaz Braev, 2024

      ISBN 978-5-0062-7985-8

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter 1

      Why do we need God?

      Our land is large and abundant, but it has no order. Yes, come to rule and own us.» («The Tale of Bygone Years»).

      That’s how representatives of the Krivichi, Vesey, and Chudy turned to the Varangians to restore order – they stopped the tribal slaughter when, according to the chronicler, «the clan rose to the clan, strife began.» Then, three brothers came – Rurik, Sineus, and Truvor and, after a while, this land became known as Russia.

      There are a lot of similar appeals in history. Not all of them were recorded literally. We can only guess about many of them (this may be an agreement after a personal meeting or a phone call from Bashar al-Assad to Putin, for example).

      But it’s the same picture everywhere. The ongoing slaughter of the authorities on a formal occasion (nobility of the family, there are heretics, traitors, and others, other «wrong ones» in power – it is not brutal to find the reason if there is a great desire. And man is an inventive being). What did the state suffer from, as well as society and the people? People are starting to grumble. They don’t know what to do or where to run.

      Then, a ruler «chosen by God himself» appears. In any case, this is what all the holy (religious) books say.

      At the beginning of the 4th century, the Roman Empire declined. Barbarians were harassing her from all sides. The legal division of the empire for two Augustans and two Caesars essentially anticipated the famous feudal separatism in the future. When people do not know who is the most important, they fall into prostration (not literally, of course; everyone continues to do everyday things out of habit, but anxiety lives in everyone’s soul. And where there is anxiety, there are antidepressants. What kind of universal antidepressants can there be if they haven’t been invented yet? Yes, of course, these are idols! – time-tested practice). There cannot be two leaders in an empire. This disrupts its mechanisms. Any system has a hierarchy, especially in the empire. From here, whoever wins will be deified! And ministers of worship and associates – future court oligarchs and the people. The people themselves need a king. He cannot live «without a king in his head» (if any modern Zeref lives without a king in his head, he is likely no longer a Zeref, but a Refag – praying for money, dollars there, etc.).

      So, Emperor Constantine saw the sign of the cross before the battle with Maxentius (other churchmen say that he dreamed. Lev Gumilev also claims that most of his soldiers were already Christians because they painted crosses on Roman scutum shields. And besides, his wife was also a Christian – an essential factor of suggestion).

      So, after defeating Maxentius, Constantine proclaimed religious tolerance and legalized Christianity. From that moment on, Christians have now equalized the rights of the pagans to the Mithraists. That is, he inevitably became «great» as well. Not immediately, but 67 years later, Christianity took over all the cults and became the state religion. Which was exactly what needed to be proved. The Empire has healed well, peacefully, calmly. And not very much.

      There is such a moment here. More like a stereotype. That monotheism is proclaimed precisely with a centripetal tendency, then with the consolidation of central power.

      And what are the motives for the monarchy? Why do monarchs need God? Not detachments of gods, not a pantheon, not a multitude of assorted egotistically unpredictable deities, but one universal and transcendent God (which the Jews have had for 6,000 years, say, and then for 2,000 years for Christians, for example), which is not visible, but it is everywhere. And everyone knows about it.

      If Constantine had not chosen Christianity, what would have happened?

      But nothing. Another civil war. The battle of all with all, as in the primitive era.

      And now we are giving away the greatest secret – the secret of separatism of all times and peoples (even now, this rule acts as a natural mechanism of nature).

      Yes, perhaps Constantine is really great, as his descendants called him. But he was just a man, albeit over-empowered by his Roman society. He needed a victory over his personal rivals for power. And Christian warriors as an effective means of this victory.

      But Constantine the Great (and similar greatness to him in history) did not know the great secret of zeref (tribal reflection). The Zerefs of the past and present won’t let me lie.

      All the Zerefs in the world are pagans. The pagans have many deities – idols of various modifications. There are so many of these gods among different peoples that it is impossible to remember all of them and not list them all. But all these gods were on their own. And they fought among themselves – just like people, that is, any deity is a product of human experience, any idol climbed from a posteriori – where a man’s imagination, especially a savage, can reach.

      The same code of conduct guides all the Zerefs of the world. Especially those Zerefs who claimed tribal (feudal, monarchical, communist, even democratic) power. All Zerefs become Zerots – the traditional elite – acting according to the same law – «the first and me or the second?». Even the smallest child, beginning to think, already knows his place. What can be said about adults with exactly the same knowledge or sudden ignorance of a given place? The situation of collapse, tragedy, misfortune, attacks by neighbors, or illness often creates this ignorance. People with such a reflection solve the problem of the first place long before the incident (I call this culture traditional or conservative for short). The ambiguity of the primary or secondary causes an immediate reflex of fraternal slaughter. Power is sweet. Even despite the absence of force majeure, people with a similar culture are ready in advance (but they do not know this and are still hugging in public) for a bloody fight. It is having a question – am I the first or the second? Doesn’t everyone ask themselves who is he, and where is he? And for the Zerefs, this is a sharp reaction of envy and undisguised ill-will – am I the first or the second?

      Therefore, when they receive one god, the Zerefs go blind. Their instinct for power, primacy, and secondariness is silenced and clogged with fear. And God is the mediator. The one god of monotheism is the shadow of the emperor, which neither jealousy, envy, nor malice can reach. If they want to challenge the emperor about something, they see God. That there is an excellent remedy for separatism.

      On the other hand, the modern religion of money generates so many separatists that they declare war on everyone around them and do not know about it themselves.

      Chapter 2

      What did G-D wean the Jews from for 2000 years

      «There will be a powerful king who will have great power and who will do whatever he wants.»

      (Daniel 11:3,4).

      In the east, in the Roman Empire, there lived a very restless people – the Jews.

      They got into some kind of story all the time.

      They were in conflict with their neighbors all the time (under Joshua, when they took the «promised land»). They were attacked (by the Egyptians, Philistines, Arameans who remained after the genocide of the Goyim of Canaan) and enslaved by the Assyrians (at the first destruction of the temple of Solomon).

      They had just eliminated the Seleucids’ oppression, as the Romans conquered them after a while.

      The Romans did not punish anyone like that, but the Jews were perhaps the most unlucky in the history of nations (although, who knows, maybe God intended them to rule the world).

      So they were punished. The Romans destroyed the Jewish shrine – the second temple of Herod the Great and demolished the walls of Jerusalem. The Jews have been scattered all over the world for 2,000 years.

      The Jews always knew who was to blame.

      They knew that it was always their own fault.

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