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And God Created the Au Pair. Pascale SmetsЧитать онлайн книгу.

And God Created the Au Pair - Pascale Smets

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       And God Created the Au Pair


       For Mum and Pa



       Title Page

       February 00

       March 00

       April 00

       May 00

       June 00

       July 00

       August 00

       September 00

       October 00

       November 00

       December 00

       January 01

       February 01

       March 01

       April 01

       May 01

       June 01

       July 01

       August 01

       September 01



       About the Author


       About the Publisher


       SEPTEMBER 99

      From: Nell Fenton

      To: Charlotte Bailey


      Do not, repeat do not confuse dishwashing liquid with dishwasher liquid. Dishwashing liquid is in fact washing-up liquid in N America and when used in the dishwasher creates a giant foam monster that pours through what one naively assumes are the watertight seals on the edges of the dishwasher door. First tried to scoop the pouring tide of foam into kitchen sink but that immediately filled up with foam that would not die so then had to fill buckets with foam and run and throw them out on the deck. When Michael finally responded to my shrieks for assistance and wandered downstairs he (most unusually) had the good idea that we should sprinkle the small sachet of dishwasher powder that came free with the machine over the foam. Surprisingly it did in fact kill the beast. But everything very wet and foamy afterwards and him very smug.


      From: Charlotte Bailey

      To: Nell Fenton

      Re: the beast


      Didn’t the size of the bottle alert you? Any sign of missing saucepans yet?


      From: Nell Fenton

      To: Charlotte Bailey


      Bottle was huge. V easy mistake to make. Saucepans still mysteriously absent. Have unearthed one box of stuff so am now able to grate things or whisk things.


      From: Charlotte Bailey

      To: Nell Fenton


      Have some ghastly problem with our drains at the moment, v stinky & wet at the bottom of the garden. Albert who is here to paint the kitchen full of gloomy predictions, have to say feel a bit gloomy myself but am resolutely trying to hide it as it only encourages him.


      From: Nell Fenton

      To: Charlotte Bailey


      Sure it’s nothing too serious. You know Albert would rather eat his own head than miss an opportunity to revel in a bit of doom and gloom. Have finally tracked down saucepans (in the basement under approx 1000 boxes of toys).


      Went downtown today to buy lots of ugly expensive school uniform, for ugly, expensive (though apparently excellent) new school. Remarkably, Ollie though only doing mornings has to wear uniform on Fridays complete with blazer (absurd as he is not yet 3 and a midget to boot), so have had to go to all that expense so he can look like a small square waiter one morning a week. Felt really nervous about driving my big new car on big roads at first, but

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