The Billionaire's Blackmail Bargain. Margaret MayoЧитать онлайн книгу.
ng>Simone’s heartbeats increased to a treacherous level. She had a feeling she wasn’t going to like what he had to say next. He wasn’t talking about money here; it was something far more dangerous.
‘So what is it exactly you want from me, Cade?’ she asked, when he came to a halt at her side. She could feel the heat of his skin, smell the dangerous male scent of him. Every one of her senses was on high alert.
‘I’ll turn your company around in return for—’
Simone knew what he was doing; he was testing her nerves, wanting to see whether she’d back out before he put any clauses into their agreement. She stood up and looked straight into his face, trying not to show the panic swirling inside her.
His golden eyes blazed into hers, claiming her, making her his before he’d even spoken. ‘In return for you in bed beside me. Every night. As my mistress. No concessions. If you want to keep your business you’ve no choice.’
Margaret Mayo was born in Staffordshire, England, and still lives within twenty miles of her childhood home. Ever since she was a child she has always loved reading, but never dreamt that one day she would write her own books. She began writing in the seventies, when an idea for a story popped into her head, and she plans to go on doing so for a very long time. She likes nothing better than to sit in her office and dream up new characters and situations.
Recent titles by the same author:
Dear Reader
100 years of Mills & Boon! I can’t help but wonder how many titles have been published in that time, and I’m proud to be a part of this phenomenon in romantic fiction. I was first published in 1976, and had the honour of dining with Alan Boon at the GPO Tower in London. I received a Certificate of Orbit, on which Alan wrote, ‘I much enjoyed our high-level talks—and look forward to the result.’ The result is thirty-two years of writing!
This year has not only been an exciting year for Mills & Boon, but for its authors as well. We’re all a part of the celebrations. Writing romance has to be the best profession in the world. I never thought when my first book was accepted that I’d still be writing now. And the sheer joy of it never goes away.
In this book, set in Australia, Cade meets up with Simone, the woman who was instrumental in him losing his inheritance, and he is determined to get his revenge. Tempers fly but, as in all good romance stories, love conquers all. It’s the journey to that final declaration of love that’s the all-important story. I do hope you enjoy it.
Warmest wishes
SIMONE Maxwell sat staring into space, twirling her wine glass between nerveless fingers, unaware that a good-looking man sitting on the other side of the room had been observing her closely. Outwardly she looked calm and in control, but inwardly she was seething with despair.
This was the worst day of her life. The words she had just heard from the two men seated opposite her were the death- knell to her business, which was already teetering on the edge of disaster. She did an instant replay of their conversation in her head before speaking. ‘Are you sure I can’t get you to change your mind?’ It was a struggle to keep her voice steady.
Two heads shook in unison. Two faces were very serious. One of the men spoke. ‘We’re very sorry, Miss Maxwell, but it’s not a sound proposition. It would simply take more money than we’re prepared to invest.’
‘And there’s nothing I can say that will make any difference?’ Simone tried to make her voice remain calm, hoping she didn’t sound too anxious. She didn’t want to appear as a desperate, panicking, neurotic female in front of these two men, even if that was exactly what she felt like at this precise moment.
Throughout dinner she had maintained her calm demeanour, stating her case clearly, assuring them it would be a good long-term investment. She had failed, but she was determined to try just one last time. ‘Gentlemen, I’m certain that—’
‘Miss Maxwell, there’s nothing more you can say,’ interjected the younger of her male companions. ‘Like I said, we’re sorry, but it’s not for us.’ They finished their coffee and got to their feet. ‘We wish you the best of luck.’ They shook hands and then quietly left the restaurant.
The best of luck! Luck didn’t enter into the equation. She was done for.
The yacht-charter company meant everything to her. It had been started by her parents when she was a young girl, and her mother had run the office while her father had dealt with the practical side of things. She used to sit in the office with her mother and pretend to help, and when she had finished her education she had worked for the company full time.
Her mother had always said that one day the company would be hers, and sure enough Simone’s father had handed over the reins to his daughter. But it had come with a catch. The business had been in trouble when he’d handed it over, and Simone had discovered that her father had been slowly gambling his money away, drawing more and more on the business funds. By the time Simone had discovered the extent of the problem, it had been too late. Now she found herself practically begging strangers for help, trying to salvage the business in any way she could.
Simone held her head in her hands. If only her father had been more careful with his money. If only she had seen the accounts earlier. If only. She hated her father for his selfish actions, whilst loving him at the same time as only a daughter can.
The business had meant everything to Simone’s mother, and for this reason Simone was willing to do everything in her power not to let her down. She had been so proud of the success they’d had with their venture. She would be heartbroken if she knew what was happening now.
So engrossed was Simone in her thoughts that she didn’t see the man crossing the room. The first she knew of his presence was when his well-remembered voice cracked open memories best forgotten.
Cade Dupont!
The last person in the world she wanted to see at a time like this. How he would glory in her downfall.
She turned her head, her breath catching in her throat, raw emotions rising like a floodtide. His six-feet-plus figure towered over her; his savagely handsome face sent a chill straight through her heart. Simone closed her eyes, hoping he was nothing more than a figment of her imagination and of deeply disturbing memories, but no—when she slanted another look, he was still there.
An impeccable grey jacket sat over wide shoulders, and matching trousers hid powerful thighs. A white silk-shirt emphasised skin darkened by the sun, and a grey-and gold-silk tie completed his ensemble. The gold in the tie matched the gold in his eyes—eyes that once had the power to melt her bones at a hundred paces. And, unhappily, he was as gloriously male as he had ever been.
‘What are you doing here?’ Simone asked.
‘Now there’s a welcome.’ Without waiting for an invitation, he slid on to a chair opposite. ‘Aren’t you pleased to see me?’
‘I’m surprised,’ she replied, ignoring his question. ‘I thought you were on the other side of the world.’
‘And by the look on your face you wish I’d stayed there.’ His nostrils flared, and the smile that accompanied his initial greeting slammed back to wherever it had