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Tradition against communism. Almaz BraevЧитать онлайн книгу.

Tradition against communism - Almaz Braev

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p>Tradition against communism

      Almaz Braev

      © Almaz Braev, 2020

      ISBN 978-5-4498-5036-2

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter I. But and ben.

      Chapter II. Men of the rite. Pharisees.

      Chapter III. Who looks into the abyss.

      Chapter IV. Ideas and hypocrites.

      Chapter V. “For you have nothing if you have no rights!”

      Chapter VI. Communist Sharikov.

      Chapter VII. Where did “take and share"come from?

      Chapter VIII. Turgenev’s fathers and children.

      Chapter IX. As the heroes began to steal.

      Chapter X. Self-Destruction.

      Chapter XI. Freedom, equality, fraternity.

      Chapter XII Fathers and children 2.

      Chapter XIII. How an idea gives way to a habit.

      Chapter XIV. The revolution is used by scoundrels.

      Chapter XV. Eldest son.

      Chapter XVI. The Secret Of Boris Berezovsky.

      Chapter XVII. Where did the democratic peoples come from?

      Chapter XVIII. Nicholas II inherited the country with the revolution.

      Chapter XIX. Where do Democrats and socialists come from?

      Chapter XX. Give them an inch and they’ll take a mile

      Chapter XXI. Old Europe young Russia

      Chapter XXII. “Beat the Jews!”

      Chapter XXIII. Inevitable restoration

      Chapter XXIV. Gaskala in the USSR

      Chapter XXV. Stalin is a red conservative

      Chapter XXVI. Why repression occurs.

      Chapter XXVII. Not the heirs.

      Chapter XXVIII. We, Colonel Nicholas II.

      Chapter XXIX. What is good for a Russian is death for a German

      Chapter XXX. Trotsky’s Commanders

      Chapter XXXI. Two migrants.

      Chapter XXXII. The great chain.

      Chapter XXXIII. Stalin’s Commanderies.

      Chapter XXXIV. Yeltsin and his generals.

      Chapter XXXV. Stalin in Tsaritsyn.

      Chapter XXXVI. Supermen

      Chapter XXXVII. Hit and push.

      Chapter XXXVIII. How nomads to judge Stalin

      Chapter XXXIX. Envy.

      Chapter XL. Knowledge is half the battle. You can’t buy generosity.

      Chapter XLI. Marx was refuted by simplicity.

      Chapter XLII. In the name of the cause, not in the name of the community.

      Chapter XLIII. Marx, goodbye?

      Chapter XLIV. Why the USSR fell easily



      But and ben

      Any pioneer, whether he is a revolutionary or Jesus Christ himself, should know. Before him, this path was used in droves. It never occurred to anyone that the path could be used any other way. I mean, along the path of life. Walk with other thoughts. For any habit, all sorts of left-wing thoughts only get in the way. Like an obstacle in the way that any member of the team has walked many times. And here is an obstacle… Any sighted person will certainly bypass the new adventure and go on the path again. Even with a blindfold

      Life is an interesting thing. Someone’s old and proven skills are immediately passed on to the new generation. This new generation may not care at all and not check the experience of fathers. On the contrary, the young always say that their ancestors were great, and their ancestors were great. They always praise their ancestors. For land, for shelter, for being born into a strong people. In other words, they praise both modernity and old experience. If the old experience were bad, there would be no land or shelter. A person who does not support this patriotism will be met with suspicion. If ordinary people watch in silence, then the nobles or the elite will persuade ordinary people to beat the scoundrel. And banished. These noble people-elders (zerots) not only adopted the old experience, but also the status of their parents. Any modern elite spent a lot of energy with their ancestors to lead their people the old old way. My ancestors drove, and now my heirs are in charge. We are talking about the traditional elite (zerots) And traditional peoples. This is the history of many centuries.

      And then there is a strange person who says that you are not thinking correctly. You’re not standing right. You’re turning the wrong way. This is not how you live. And anyway, you believe the wrong gods. Oh, the horror!

      Now you must imagine the Sanhedrin’s reaction to the appearance of Jesus Christ. The greatest man who called himself the son of God. It was the Council of elders or the Jewish zeroth who were most indignant at this unheard-of impudence. They were on the trail of their fathers, and then this upstart came along. The Pharisees made the main effort to have this rebel crucified. Not the king of the Jews. Not the Procurator of Judea. He just washed his hands of it. Namely, the high priest of Caiaphas and his colleagues for the coveted walking trails. What do I want to say?

      I want to say that in a place where for centuries we have walked the same way, moved by inertia and observed all the rites, expecting nothing and obeying inertia, suddenly someone will appear. This someone will say, here you go back and forth, back and forth for many centuries, maybe even a thousand years, and now the earth will fall under you. Well, not literally, of course. A figuratively. You are blind, you are deaf, you are inert, like Pets that go back and forth with you and you are no different from them. Well, not directly of course. But the hint of resemblance to cattle will be obvious. The pagan old gods just love life. Pagan gods or spirits produce this life for the sake of life. They just give it to a person, a bird soaring in the sky, and a reptile crawling on the rocks. The snake also has a use. Even dung flies are needed in nature. In nature, everything is harmonious, there is not a single superfluous detail. All this good and evil, good and bad, just and unjust, equality and hierarchy were invented by man himself. And nature just loves life. It does not matter what you think about the way of life, the regime, or the dictatorship of the ruler. But all the zeroth or medieval elite will certainly be outraged, as it should be for the priests, as it is determined by human nature and by feudal laws. Who spent a lot of effort, and went back and forth a lot: great-grandfather went, grandfather went, father went. All these people created a caste of Pharisees, a kind of high priests or priests. And here some upstart, troublemaker and rebel wants to ruin the whole system, knock out the dynasty, break the Pharisees ' career. What will your reaction be, for example, if you are a Pharisee? How do you look at an upstart who knows what you need better than you? You don’t know, but you know what you need best, so he says you don’t know what you want to do with him?

      But this is a rebel and a revolutionary, as well as a prophet and a pioneer.

      He appeared for a reason. Soon there will be more of them. Turmoil is inevitable. And they will win. Because it will be supported from below. But these rebels will still lose. Because nature loves order. It creates quiet people, people of law and ceremony more than rebels. And people of the rite do not need anything. Only to go here and there, even though all my life and fulfill the covenants ancestors’.



      Where people of the rite come from. The Pharisees are not only actors of the distant past in Judea. Pharisaism is a common definition of double standards, and hypocrisy in simple terms. All earthly Pharisees are pre-attributed dishonesty and hypocrisy, it is not necessary for a Pharisee

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