Praying the Rosary for Inner Healing, Second Edition. Fr. Dwight LongeneckerЧитать онлайн книгу.
Praying the Rosary
for Inner Healing
Praying the Rosary
for Inner Healing
Second Edition
Fr. Dwight Longenecker
Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division
Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.
Huntington, Indiana 46750
The Scripture citations used in this work are taken from the Second Catholic Edition of the Revised Standard Version of the Bible (RSV), copyright © 1965, 1966, and 2006 by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Excerpts from Rosarium Virginis Mariae are from the Vatican website,
Every reasonable effort has been made to determine copyright holders of excerpted materials and to secure permissions as needed. If any copyrighted materials have been inadvertently used in this work without proper credit being given in one form or another, please notify Our Sunday Visitor in writing so that future printings of this work may be corrected accordingly.
Copyright © 2019, 2008 by Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, Our Sunday Visitor, Inc. Published 2019
23 22 21 20 19 8 9 10 11 12 13
All rights reserved. With the exception of short excerpts for critical reviews, no part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means whatsoever without permission in writing from the publisher. Write:
Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division
Our Sunday Visitor, Inc.
200 Noll Plaza
Huntington, IN 46750
ISBN: 978-1-68192-427-4 (Inventory No. T2317)
eISBN: 978-1-68192-428-1
LCCN: 2019931478
Cover design: Amanda Falk
Cover art: Shutterstock
Interior design: Amanda Falk
Interior artwork: Shutterstock
How to Pray the Rosary for Healing
Presentation in the Temple: Childhood
Finding in the Temple: Adolescence
Baptism in the Jordan: Vocation and Early Adulthood
Wedding at Cana: Love and Marriage
Preaching the Kingdom: The Prime of Life
Transfiguration: The Face of Christ
Institution of the Eucharist: Relationship with the Church
Agony in the Garden: Facing Despair
Crown of Thorns: Facing Humiliation
Carrying the Cross: Facing Illness and Suffering
Resurrection: Claiming Christ’s Victory
Ascension: Watching and Waiting for Total Fulfillment
Pentecost: Receiving the Fullness of the Holy Spirit
Coronation: Being All We Were Created to Be
Appendix: Prayers of the Rosary
Preface to the French Edition
by Father André Cabes, rector of the Shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes
Praying the Rosary in Complete Harmony with God’s Heart
Salvation and Healing
This book helps us to bond with Jesus’ disciples on the paths of the Gospel, thanks to the companionship of Mary, the “Mama” who is always on hand. The prayer of the Rosary is not just any kind of prayer; it unites us with God’s welcome, which is directed to his creature that, in turn, finally accepts him. The Rosary helps us embrace the gift that God wants to bestow on us: simply to restore us in the relationship that, from the beginning, he offered us; an appeal that our deaf ears have ceased to perceive over time.