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Free Women, Free Men. Camille PagliaЧитать онлайн книгу.

Free Women, Free Men - Camille Paglia

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      Camille Paglia is the University Professor of Humanities and Media Studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. A regular contributor to Salon.com, she is the author of Glittering Images; Break, Blow, Burn; Vamps and Tramps; Sex, Art, and American Culture; and Sexual Personae.

      "A compilation of Paglia's best, and most incendiary, previously published essays . . . At times infuriating, at times glittering, Paglia's prose is always biting and relentless" Huffington Post

      "Fiercely erudite, freewheeling and sex-drenched . . . The Helen Vendler-meets-Patti Smith grad seminar you wanted but never quite got [. . . Paglia is] a fearless public intellectual and more necessary than ever" New York Times

      "Paglia is a brilliant thinker on culture and human nature . . . Inspirational in its tone and its message" Helen Smith, The New Criterion

      "Her work is always thought provoking . . . Relatable and enthralling" BUST


       Glittering Images:

      A Journey Through Art from Egypt to Star Wars

       Break, Blow, Burn:

       Camille Paglia Reads Forty-three of the World’s Best Poems

       The Birds

       Vamps & Tramps: New Essays

       Sex, Art, and American Culture: Essays

       Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson





      Published in Great Britain in 2018 by Canongate Books Ltd,

      14 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1TE


      This digital edition first published in 2018 by Canongate Books

      Compilation copyright © Camille Paglia, 2017

      First published in the United States by Pantheon Books, a division of Penguin Random House

      Information on previous publications and illustration credits appears here

      The moral right of the author has been asserted

      British Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data A catalogue record for this book is available on request from the British Library

      ISBN 978 1 78689 218 8

      eISBN 978 1 78689 217 1



       1 Sex and Violence, or Nature and Art

       2 The Venus of Willendorf

       3 Nefertiti

       4 Madonna: Animality and Artifice

       5 Rape and Modern Sex War

       6 Junk Bonds and Corporate Raiders: Academe in the Hour of the Wolf

       7 The MIT Lecture: Crisis in the American Universities

       8 The Strange Case of Clarence Thomas and Anita Hill

       9 The Nursery School Campus: The Corrupting of the Humanities in the U.S.

       10 The Return of Carry Nation: Catharine MacKinnon and Andrea Dworkin

       11 A White Liberal Women’s Conference

       12 Loose Canons: Review of Germaine Greer, Slip-Shod Sibyls

       13 Men’s Sports Vanishing

       14 Coddling Won’t Elect Women, Toughening Will

       15 Academic Feminists Must Begin to Fulfill Their Noble, Animating Ideal

       16 Gridiron Feminism

       17 The Modern Battle of the Sexes

       18 American Gender Studies Today

       19 The Cruel Mirror: Body Type and Body Image as Reflected in Art

       20 The Pitfalls of Plastic Surgery

       21 Feminism Past and Present: Ideology, Action, and Reform

       22 No Sex Please, We’re Middle Class

       23 The Stiletto Heel

       24 Scholars in Bondage: Review of Margot Weiss, Techniques of Pleasure; Staci Newmahr, Playing on the Edge; and Danielle J. Lindemann, Dominatrix

       25 Gender Roles: Nature or Nurture

       26 Are Men Obsolete?

       27 Put the Sex Back in Sex Ed

       28 It’s Time to Let Teenagers Drink Again

       29 Cliquish, Tunnel-Vision Intolerance Afflicts Too Many Feminists: Interview with Deborah Coughlin, Feminist Times

       30 Southern Women: Old

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