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Сборник упражнений по английскому языку. Часть 1. М. М. БитюковаЧитать онлайн книгу.

Сборник упражнений по английскому языку. Часть 1 - М. М. Битюкова

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shop round the corner) она (she) купила (bought) новое пальто (a new coat);

      e) фирма (the firm) в прошлый понедельник (last Monday) подарила (gave) Сэму (Sam) золотые часы (a golden watch);

      f) он (he) только что показал (has just showed) мне (me) фотографию своей семьи (a photo of his family);

      g) Барбара (Barbara) недавно (recently) сшила (has made) красивое платье (a beautiful dress) для своей дочери (for her daughter).

      2) Singular and plural forms of the nouns (Формы единственного и множественного числа существительных)

      Exercise 2. Look at the plurals below. Find them in the puzzle. (Посмотрите на формы множественного числа существительных. Найдите их в рамке ниже)

      Toothbrushes – beaches – brushes – buses – classes – dishes – dresses – foxes – hairbrushes – matches – potatoes – tomatoes – watches

      Exercise 3. Fill in the table using the words below according to their plural forms. (Заполните таблицу, используя слова ниже, в соответствии с образованием множественного числа у существительных.)

      Pet, university, life, fireman, song, louse, cards, news, spectacles, class, tooth, pocket, son-in-law, story, postwoman, clothes, juice, information, money, forget-me-not, half, bus, eye, guy, knowledge, coca-cola, grown-up, ox, month, police, food, road, dish, person, family, scissors, hero, key, spoon, hair, tax, tomato, pajamas, air, passer-by, path.

      Exercise 4. Make these words plural. Put them into the puzzle (across) to find out what Mike wants to be when he grows up. (Образуйте множественное число от следующих существительных и заполните кроссворд, чтобы узнать, кем хочет стать Майк, когда вырастет)

      Foot – vegetable – child – man – tooth – potato – boy – party – bush

      3) The verb to be (Глагол “быть”)

      Exercise 5. a) Fill in the gaps with is or isn’t in the following conversation at the party. (Заполните пропуски подходящими формами глагола to be в следующем диалоге, происходящем на вечеринке)

      Anna: Who (1) ____ he?

      Jo: He’s Michael. He (2) ____ a writer.

      Anna: Where (3) _____ he from?

      Jo: Ireland.

      Anna: (4) ____ he married?

      Jo: No, he (5) _____. He (6) _____ single.

      Anna: (7) ____ he nice?

      Jo: Yes, he (8) ____. He (9) ____ lovely.

      Anna: And who (10) _____ she?

      Jo: She (11) _____ Jessica. She (12) _____ a dance teacher.

      Anna: Where (13) ____ she from?

      Jo: England.

      Anna: (14) _____ she married?

      Jo: Yes, she (15) _____. She (16) _____ married to George.

      Anna: Oh. (17) ____ she nice?

      Jo: No, she (18) ____ . She (19) ____ awful. She (20) ____ very unfriendly.

      b) Fill in the gaps with am, ‘m not, are or aren’t in the following conversations. (Заполните пропуски подходящими формами глагола to be в следующих диалогах)

      1) A: (1) _____ you from Spain?

      B: No, we (2) ____ . We (3) _____ from Argentina.

      2) A: (4) ____ you Tom?

      B: Yes, I (5) ____ .

      3) A: (6) ____ they English or American?

      B: They (7) ____ English.

      4) A: Where (8) _____ your children?

      B: They (9) ____ in the shop.

      5) A: (10) ____ you Portuguese?

      B: No, I (11) ____. I (12) ____ Brazilian.

      Exercise 6. Two tourists, Peter and Maria, are in a café. Put their conversation in the right order. (Два туриста, Питер и Мария, находятся в кафе. Расположите реплики их диалога в правильной последовательности)

      4) Pronouns (Местоимения)

      Exercise 7. Fill in the gaps using the correct pronoun. (Заполните пропуски в предложениях, используя соответствующие местоимения.)

      a) replace nouns on the place of the subject to personal pronouns (замените существительные на месте подлежащего на местоимения).

      1) Rostropovitch / He is а great musician of today.

      2) Mozart & Bееthоvеn / ______ were composers of genius.

      3) "Yesterday" / ______ is one of the most famous songs by The Beatles.

      4) Montserrat Caballe / ______ is а great Spanish singer.

      5) Rococo, Baroque and Gothic / ______ are only а few styles in the architecture of St Petersburg.

      6) This cat / ______ is terribly nice.

      7) This dog/ ______ was the family's favourite.

      8) Woody Allen/ ______ is а very famous American film director.

      b) fill in the gaps using the personal pronouns (вставьте местоимения вместо прочерков).

      ______ am а doctor. ______ have а wife. ______ is а scientist. ______ have two children: Mary and Bob. Bob is sixteen years old. ______ is two years older than Mary. ______ is fourteen. ______ have а computer. ______ is Bob and Mary's best friend.

      c) complete the sentences with the suitable pronouns (закончите предложения,подставляя подходящие местоимения).

      1. Marу is а student аt the Academy of Arts. Architecture is interesting for her .

      2. We are musicians. Regular practice is important for ______ .

      3. John & Jane are actors. Their theatre is home for ______ .

      4. I am а student of English. English classes are quite expensive but very necessary for ______ .

      5. He is lazy. Any work is difficult for ______ .

      6. Tom is а very weak boy. The door of his flat is too heavy for ______ .

      7. They were good at the last English lesson & they were pleased with ______.

      8. Mr. Brown is the president of а company. He is proud of ______.

      d) using the possessive pronouns fill in the gaps in the sentences (используя притяжательные местоимения, заполните пропуски в предложениях).

      1) This is (Mary’s) her favourite novel.

      2) Bill is (John’s) ______ brother.

      3) Jane is (Mr. and Mrs. Carter's)

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