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Assets Of Inspiration. Matthew L. ScigouskyЗарубежные стихи.

Assets Of Inspiration
Matthew L. Scigousky
Зарубежные стихи
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Assets of Inspiration is a collection of poetry based on my life and experiences. I view them as assets because each poem is based on a set of principles that can change your life no matter what circumstances currently define you. We all go through similar experiences both positive and negative. How you look at those experiences will determine the reality you choose to live in. The word choose is very important. Think of each poem as a road map with a set of instructions. It is not enough to just write about a feeling, you must go through it yourself. If you find yourself experiencing one of these poems know that I am right there with you. I have felt the pain, the struggle, the adversity, and the elation from overcoming it to create an abundant life. I believe with all my heart that each and every person has something special inside. You were born with it. If you're searching for it let me help you find it in this book. Here is to you becoming your best self.