The Principles of Health. Introduction. October 2018. Edouard PervushkinЧитать онлайн книгу.
Depending on feelings presented in the conflict, a specific area of the brain will be damaged. Dr. Hamer researched these connections on head MRI and created «a scientific table of new medicine» (as he called it). This table surprisingly repeats and complements the information we see in traditional Chinese medicine texts on metaphysics of diseases. For example, several people were fired: one will experience devaluation («I don’t feel valuable»), damage to the cerebral relay in the white matter of the brain and impaired locomotor system; another may experience a loss of his or her territory with damage to the cerebral relay in the gray matter of the right hemisphere and to the arteries of the heart. Someone may feel shame which triggers the development of melanoma, and someone might say: «Oh, I dreamed for a long time to try new things!» and there will be no problems.
In addition, in biology there is no question of time. It doesn’t matter if the tragedy occurred 3 days ago, 3 years ago, 33 years ago or even in the life of the grandfather (transgenerational conflicts can last through generations). Ask the person: «What happened on June 26, 1997?» And she’ll say: «Nothing special, it was summer.» But if a tragedy occurred in her life, she’ll say: «It was morning, pink curtains moving on the window, we quarreled with my husband, he slapped me in the face. Even now, after 19 years, I feel my left cheek burn.» A conflict continues to live in the system.
The brain sends a signal to the nervous, vascular, endocrine and other systems of the body how to work in new conditions. Physiology is changing, adapting to new requirements. Simplifying physiological processes, we can say: it is a blood supply disturbance. Anyone knows that if there is a normal flow of arterial blood and outflow of venous blood and lymphatic fluid, normal metabolic processes occur, and there is no room for diseases.
Pathological processes develop when physiology is overloaded with stress and tensions, which cause disturbances in the brain and blood circulation. Symptoms appear. A symptom (whether it is a body temperature rising, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, pain in the abdomen or in the right foot, tumor in the liver, decreased hemoglobin) reports on a physiological disturbance, damage to a specific area of the brain (or several areas in case of several symptoms) and specific stress. Even if it is a burn or a fracture, what may seem like an accident is an unknown pattern.
Of course, it is necessary to understand the phases of the disease. Dr. Hamer calls them the «cold» and «hot» phases. In the parlance of neurophysiology, it is an activity of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system (sympathicotonia) and the parasympathetic division of the ANS (vagotonia). Anyone, even without medical education, understands that when you run away from the bear there will be one kind of reactions in the body, and after that, in the safety of a cave, completely different ones.
Knowing the phases of the disease makes it clear why inflammation is good. Inflammation means a beginning of the recovery, an influx of fluids into the damaged area, including arterial blood. Therefore, we feel pain, see redness of the area, edema, swelling, increased local and general body temperature, impaired segment function (it is necessary to immobilize the area for healing). Let’s say, an athlete ran more than usual and got stress: his legs hurt and increase in volume, it hurts to move, muscle palpation is painful. It all means a recovery process with inflammation. Or a hand fell into boiling water – stress; then a hand swells – recovery is in progress. Or someone got into a situation that «smells bad», and nasal congestion appears (as when you get into a smoke-filled room, a protective reaction arises, nasal congestion). Or a person wants to slow down the development of the situation and gets arthritis of the knee joints. Inflammation always goes with the participation of microbes.
There are problems in understanding the role of microbes. It is believed that microbes are unhealthy for people. But let’s think about it… We have quite a lot of cells in our body, about 50 trillion. But microbes are 10 times more. It’s clear that we coexist, helping each other. The immune system controls their activity. The activity of the immune system, like any other, is under control of the nervous system. Microbes live inside us and around us in myriads.
Some people say: «I have a weak immune system, so I often catch a cold.» Let’s think about this common phrase… and look around. People with a weak immune system don’t get sick, they die, for example, from AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome). Therefore, when we see symptoms of infection, it means that the nervous and immune systems are working hard. When they work in the normal mode, we feel good. When microbes are active it is important to understand their role. First of all, remember what medical students read in their textbooks on microbiology: for development of microbes there should be a suitable environment (conditions) in the body. But microbes don’t form this suitable environment.
Talking about bacteria, their task is decomposition. The consequence of this work for the body has many positive effects on digestion, synthesis of vitamins, etc. Each bacterium works in its own field.
Sometimes people talk about dysbiosis (a bacterial imbalance) as if it’s a source of all troubles. Let’s think… If you leave some products, such as fruits, after a while they’ll start to rot. It’s the work of bacteria. If products were in a plastic bag, they’ll become liquid and even warm. The same process goes in the intestines, lungs, skin or kidneys. When stasis forms in the tissues and products of metabolic processes accumulate, they must be removed, and the immune system activates bacteria necessary for this. A problem is not the kind of bacteria, but why they appeared in this place. We consider the circulatory disturbance, timely delivery and removal of substances, adequate nervous system control. When I was a novice osteopath, I was surprised why after an osteopathic work otitis, sinusitis, colds, lower back pain went away in three days without any additional treatment? It turns out that recovery was already on the way, there was enough to free the bloodstream to remove metabolites and a recovery process was quickly completed.
It seem to me that viruses have become proverbial. They are accused of many sins up to causing neoplasms. However, what is a virus? It is an RNA-strand. Neither living nor dead. Virus RNA, integrating into the DNA of a host cell, produces new proteins and changes the biochemistry of the body. We literally become the others. This is necessary to resist stress, to become stronger. The latest information I know about this topic: scientists claim that our genome is 65% virus RNA. So who wants to kill whom?
By the way, let’s talk about genome and genetics. Often I come across a misunderstanding of this issue. Once it was believed that if there are about 100 000 proteins in our body, there should be 100 000 genes and about 20 000 regulatory genes. We dreamed that identification of the DNA sequence will help us to control diseases and abilities. It turned out that there are only 25 000 genes. In comparison, a simple Drosophila fly has 16 000. A question arose: how does this system work and controlled? A science of epigenetics answers these questions. The point is in understanding the epigenetic information landscape that controls the genome. Again, we see here the central control by the nervous system.
Finally, there are fungal infections. In 1g of soil can live up to several hundred thousand fungi. Fungi help to quickly transform substances and make the soil fertile. In biology, this means a process that requires transformation – mourning, that wasn’t live through. For example, someone went to study in another city. After some time he noticed a fungal nail infection. This problem is often associated with hygiene: maybe he put on someone’s slippers? But in fact this man didn’t live through the mourning saying good bye to the land of his ancestors. In this case you can make a lot of effort without much success. I remember one important case of a man about 47 years old. He had a set of various symptoms; in addition, there was almost complete absence of nail plates on big toes of both feet, only some crumbs at the base of the nails. Some symptoms disappeared, others appeared, everything was as usual. After about 3,5 years since our first meeting I noticed that his nails had completely restored. For me it was a shock, since I was sure that the nails had been dead.