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Urban Remote Sensing. Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Urban Remote Sensing - Группа авторов

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in Urban Spectroscopy from the Technical University of Berlin and the German Research Centre for Geosciences in 2003. Currently, she is with the Remote Sensing Technology Institute (IMF) of the German Aerospace Center (DLR). She is interested in airborne and spaceborne imaging spectroscopy with a focus on material‐based reflectance properties of urban surfaces. Recently, Dr. Heiden has widened her interests toward a better process understanding of soils in degrading ecosystems. She is the Science Coordinator for the spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission DESIS onboard the ISS and member of the Science Advisory Group of the German spaceborne imaging spectrometer mission EnMAP.

      Virginia L. Kalb Virginia L. Kalb is a Data Analyst and Software Developer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. She supports ground processing of satellite data in the areas of gridding and mapping, as well as product development. She is the lead developer of the VIIRS top‐of‐atmosphere day/night band product, VNP46A1, in the Black Marble suite. Her research interests include development of applications of the day/night band to aurora observations and the use of Geographical Information Systems as the visualization and analysis platform.

      Chaogui Kang Chaogui Kang is an Associate Professor of Geographic Information Science at Wuhan University, China. He is currently a visiting scholar at New York University’s Center for Urban Science and Progress. He is leading Urban CoLab at Wuhan University with the mission to develop data‐driven, human‐centric, and edge‐cutting methodologies for tackling urban problems from a geospatial perspective. His primary research interest lies in the intersections of travel behavior, built environment, and social inequality with the assistance of pervasive urban sensing techniques.

      Yuhao Kang Yuhao Kang is a PhD student in GIScience at the GeoDS Lab,the University of Wisconsin‐Madison. He holds a M.S. degree in Cartography and GIS at the University of Wisconsin‐Madison, and a B.S. degree in GIS from Wuhan University. His main research interests include Place‐Based GIS, GeoAI, Social Sensing, Cartography, and Geo‐visualization. He is the author of over 20 book chapters, journals, and conference papers.

      Bin Jiang Bin Jiang is a Professor of Computational Geography, Division of GIScience, Faculty of Engineering and Sustainable Development, the University of Gävle, Sweden. His research interests center on geospatial analysis of urban structure and dynamics, e.g. topological analysis, scaling hierarchy applied to buildings, streets, and cities, or geospatial big data in general. Inspired by Christopher Alexander’s work, he developed a mathematical model of beauty – beautimeter, which helps address not only why a structure is beautiful, but also how much beauty the structure has.

      Marianne Jilge Marianne Jilge is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the German Aerospace Center (DLR) in Oberpfaffenhofen, Germany. She holds the B.Eng. degree in cartography and geomedia technology from the University of Applied Sciences Munich, Germany, the M.Sc. degree in applied geoinformatics from the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg, Austria, and the PhD degree in geomatics from the Ruhr‐University Bochum, Germany. Her main research interests are related to urban mapping with remote sensing techniques, especially the mapping of urban materials, and spectral libraries from imaging spectroscopy data.

      Raffaele Lafortezza Raffaele Lafortezza is an Associate Professor at the University of Bari, Italy and in the University of Hong Kong. His main research effort is to provide natural resource managers and decision‐makers with geospatial knowledge, tools, and indicators that would enable them to become better stewards of healthy and sustainable ecosystems. His research involves the development and use of remote sensing technology to map, monitor, and assess urban forest resources and ecosystem services.

      Feilin Lai Feilin Lai is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Geography at the Florida State University. Her research interests include remote sensing, GIS, machine learning, and spatial analysis with applications in urban ecology and land change science.

      Thomas Lauvaux Thomas Lauvaux is a Make Our Planet Great Again (MOPGA) research laureate at the Laboratoire des Sciences du Climat et de l'Environnement (LSCE) in France and an affiliate at the Pennsylvania State University in the USA. He holds a PhD in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences and is specialized in data assimilation and mesoscale modeling applied to carbon cycle science. His current research focuses on developing atmospheric assimilation systems at both regional and urban scales to measure fossil fuel emissions from large metropolitan areas and sources and sinks over continents.

      Arthur Lehner Arthur Lehner received his PhD in Applied Geoinformatics from the University of Salzburg, Austria in 2019. His research interest focuses on the use of remote sensing for urban planning applications. Specifically, he contributed to remote sensing guided analysis of urban space.

      Xiaojiang Li Xiaojiang Li is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Geography and Urban Studies at Temple University, USA. He was a Postdoctoral Fellow at MIT Senseable City Lab. His research focuses on developing and applying geospatial analyses and data‐driven approaches in the domain of urban studies. He proposed to use Google Street View for urban environmental studies and developed the Treepedia project to map street greenery for cities around the world. He is currently using human trace data to study human activities and investigate the connection between urban environments and human activities.

      Hao‐Yu Liao Hao‐Yu Liao is a Research Assistant in the Department of Geography at National Taiwan University, Taiwan. Her research interests are spatial data analysis and environmental remote sensing, particularly SAR image analysis. Her master thesis focuses on establishing a machine‐learning model to capture the spatial heterogeneity of radar’s double‐bounce effect in SAR imagery. This work was published in the International Journal of Applied Earth Observations and Geoinformation.

      Xiuwen Liu Xiuwen Liu is a Professor of Computer Science at the Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, USA. His main research interests are machine learning, deep learning, natural language processing, and applications to remote sensing and other areas. He received the Young Investigator Award from the International Neural Network Society in 2004, the best paper award from the International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications in 2007, and the Developing Scholarship Award from the Florida State University in 2008.

      Yu Liu Yu Liu is Boya Professor of GIScience at the Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographical Information Systems, Peking University, China. His research interests focus on analytical methods for various types of big geo‐data. He has been the PI or a Co‐PI for about 10 grants from NSFC (National Science Foundation of China) and MOST (Ministry of Science and Technology) of China. He published more than 150 papers in peer‐reviewed journals.

      Ying Lu Ying Lu is a PhD student of Geography at the University at Buffalo, the State University of New York, USA. Her research interest centers on large‐scale remote sensing and mangrove forests. She has authored two papers about mangrove forests and Google Earth Engine.

      Ding Ma Ding Ma is currently a Postdoctoral Researcher at Research Institute for Smart Cities, School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. His current interests focus on topological and scaling

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