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The Future of Health. Roberto AscioneЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Future of Health - Roberto Ascione

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      Such sensors would be able to signal the likelihood of developing a certain pathology, and thus prompt the individual to schedule a specialist visit. This would completely change the management and treatment of a pathology as we imagine it today. Important transformations are taking place regarding the management of the personal data of each one of us: just think of the latest versions of the iOS and Android operating systems, in which real computerized medical records dedicated to the consumer/patient have been introduced. The symptom journal is a feature already embedded in operating systems that allows users to collect a large amount of information in a structured and processable way. A considerable number of clinical trials already have access to a much larger database than before. This data has been generated by participants thanks to the presence of these integrated applications in most smartphones.

      Apple Watch was certainly not the first instrument on the market among the wearables. However, it has been one of the cornerstones in the health-care revolution. Through not only its built-in functions, but also scenarios it makes possible, it has proposed itself as a common interface to numerous health apps that can communicate with it. This is why the Apple Watch has turned out to be a very important instrument for increasing a patient's adherence to their health-care program. In fact, specific apps can send alerts to remind a person to take a particular medicine, or they can use the Apple Watch's sensor network to make predictions about certain pathologies and recommend specific health checks.

      In the same year, the ECG function was made available to all the users of the Apple Watch Series 4. The ECG app makes it possible to record the user's heart rate and rhythm using an electric heart sensor, and then to check the recording for the presence of atrial fibrillation (AF). The ability of the app to accurately classify an ECG recording as AF was tested in a clinical trial involving about 600 subjects. The app had a 98.3 percent sensitivity in the classification of atrial fibrillation, and a 99.6 percent specificity in the classification of the normal sinus rhythm.

      An important step in Apple's push to market its Apple Watch as a health and fitness device is represented by the agreements it has struck with insurance companies such as Aetna, United Healthcare, and Devoted Health, which are subsidizing the cost of the device for their policyholders.

      Apple is joining forces with researchers to conduct three health studies that include using Apple Watch to explore how blood oxygen levels can be used in future health applications. This year, Apple will collaborate with the University of California, Irvine, and Anthem to examine how longitudinal measurements of blood oxygen and other physiological signals can help manage and control asthma.

      Empatica Inc., a spin-off of MIT's Media Lab, with offices in Cambridge and Milan, has built a smartwatch based on an advanced machine learning algorithm. It is capable of identifying seizures and sending alerts to the caregivers, recording sleep and rest data, and detecting electrodermal activity (EDA). EDA allows researchers to quantify physiological changes in the sympathetic nervous system, also known as the fight-or-flight response. It is the first device linked to a neurological condition that has been approved by the FDA.

      Certified in Europe and the United States, Empatica's Embrace 2 is a device for adults and children over the age of 6. In a multisite clinical trial, 135 patients diagnosed with epilepsy were admitted to high-level monitoring units for continuous monitoring of level IV epilepsy. There, video electroencephalography (EEG) was used to monitor their brain activity. Simultaneously, they wore an Empatica device. In 272 days, 6,530 hours of data were recorded, including 40 generalized tonic-clonic seizures. Embrace's algorithm has been shown to detect 100 percent of the seizures.

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