Celestial Messages. Isabelle B. TremblayЧитать онлайн книгу.
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your head. I didn't always understand that ... and I know that my Cartesian mind took notes for my next reincarnation. Take care of your body and soul, and listen to THEM. They are your best messengers to move forward in life.
Stop being discouraged by trivialities. You have a life that isn't perfect, but if you want it to change, it’s up to you to make the required changes. You know, I worked a lot in my life believing that’s what life is all about. And I firmly believed it. Well, no, the most important thing is to thrive in what you do and what comes from your heart. Nothing else. Nothing more. You just need to listen to what vibrates and excites you, and let yourself be carried away. Society has set standards that are physical. Concrete. But then, when you depart, what will you bring along on your big journey? Will you be happier? I brought only my soul and what I learned; I couldn’t bring the rest. I judged myself on what I had done. And my actions toward others weighed more heavily on the balance than the sales I had made. Do you understand the importance? Yes, it’s necessary to be materially well off, but not at any cost. Life is there to teach us and allow us to move forward. It's not good to stand still. You have to fight your fears. Fight what nourishes you and what doesn’t come from your heart. Your head is nurtured by your ego. It never has anything good to say.
I chose my date of departure long before I was born. I acted before my departure by choosing to stop living. To deliberately take an action that put an end to my destiny. The pains were too much to bear. I couldn't handle them. I didn’t feel better after I departed. The pains were also severe because they were moral. The body ceased to exist, not the soul. Especially not the soul. We need to understand that life is a gift. A gift from the universe that helps us to improve and heal ourselves. Helps us to have experiences that move us forward, never backward. I was told that I would be back with you. And the only thing I know for sure is that I’ll experience those same pains. Again, and again. So that I can overcome and heal them, because the goal is not to crush ourselves, but to evolve and become better. As simple as that. Hard to live those moments, but afterwards the soul is released and flies away. Each moment lived was chosen beforehand to allow for this quest for happiness, so much desired. Never forget that you’re always accompanied during these lifetimes.
Hello, I'm doing pretty well. Here, it's not much different from your home. We have peace, love and respect. Impatience, anger or any other feeling that reduces our vibration is not tolerated. Is not accepted. Not part of us. I had to climb a lot of ladders before I got here, because my last life took me through a lot of trials, hatred and anger that bugged me down... And I got caught up in it without really paying attention. I’ve seen deep down; I’ve seen the darkest side of the human heart... And yet I still believe in its potential and its light which is like the sun hidden by the clouds. Needs a boost to shine again. Don't harbor anything unhealthy. And above all forgive. Forgive yourself first and foremost. You’re the most important person. Above all, forgiveness comes from the heart. A heart that "boils" because it carries bad vibrations is never good. Life’s journey is primarily a learning experience. Don't let the darkness in you deprive you of light and your paradise.
My name is Markus, I died a long time ago. I'm not in a hurry to come back to Earth. I still have many people there. I prefer to wait for them. I'm really not ready to go back on a mission. Here, the only color that matters is that of the heart. It’s the only indispensable source. The heart is paramount because it’s energy, it’s love. It’s also an indispensable life engine for the people we loved. I had three boys and one girl. They all did well, some without my help, while I’ve had to accompany and guide others. From up here, as you so aptly put it, I’ve continued to do so! My mission wasn’t really over. I still had to go through a process that was necessary to live better and serve as best I could with my heart. We continued to exist and to be there. Always present. Living in energy and love. We don't have the same memories as you, but we have the same feelings of love. That doesn't change. It can never change. Know that the only door that never closes is the door to the heart.
I was born to die immediately. I know this sounds ironic, but my short life mission was to appear for a few moments in my parents’ lives to touch their souls and teach them the importance of life and love. We come to earth to gain experiences that will be beneficial to life experience and the soul which never stops evolving. I remained a newborn baby in the eyes of my parents, but my soul evolved to several levels through this simple incarnation. Though the passage may be brief, what is learned may be enormous. That was the case for me and the parents I had chosen. These choices that seem so difficult are nevertheless imbued with great, powerful and limitless love. I know their hearts were broken when they realized I would never grow up, never take my first steps or smile. However, the first steps were replaced by a greatly more evolved soul. I’ll return when they are ready for an even greater mission. Love the soul that continues to orbit around you, and cover it with love.
Patience is quite an art, my granddaughter. It’s acquired through practice and experience. Sometimes we even feel like life is playing on us. You’ll learn over the days, months and years to stop worrying and trust in the future. I know it's not easy, but it's really the only way to live better, day by day. It's not easy, but by letting go, you can do it without difficulty. You often face trials in your daily life and projects. You need to give yourself a chance to make it happen. When you’re baking a cake, you need ingredients ... and the recipe! You also need to bake it to make it what it is. It's the same with your projects in life. Good things come to those who wait. Others have lived before you. Others will follow after you. Life needs to move at its own pace to become better and bigger. Don't lose focus in your life but focus on other things while you wait for it to simmer. What do you think?
Father, mother, I’m fine. I went through a lot of strong emotions, which dragged me to where I never thought I would end my day. I’m sad because I feel like I punished myself by disobeying. I approached the river, I thought it was frozen, that I could have fun in it, without believing for a moment that it could be dangerous. I didn't think, I just acted. I'm not a bad boy, just a little distracted. I feel bad that I hurt you. That I broke your heart forever. Waiting and not knowing what has happened is very difficult for parents. Choosing to come and experience it on earth puts people in a very anxious state of mind and very low vibration level. Not knowing is really a shame. Know that the love I have for you is powerful. That it can never die! No, never. It's something bigger than us, stronger than anything. A bond that will never leave us and never break ... I’ll come by sometimes to tell you that I love you. Through butterflies, through hearts. You’re wonderful, and I love you.
Thank you all for allowing me to find my light again. Even though you feel my departure is too hasty, too mysterious. However, it was decided well before my incarnation. Incarnation has a lot of mysteries. It challenges us more often than not. I’m fine. Here, everything is calm. Everything is quiet. I’m close to you, but in a different way. I know that my sudden and violent disappearance somehow raised your awareness because you joined forces and vibrations to find me. To get me back to my parents safe and sound. Life had other plans for me. I love you so much, my parents. I don't have enough words to express my love, let alone the vibrations that might make you feel it. I love you, my sister; you’ve grown up too fast, without letting life help you grow old one day at a time. That’s the way it was supposed to be. You had to be wrapped in bubble wrap to avoid the worst. I’m proud of you. You’re beautiful. You’re wonderful. You’ll be a nice beacon for some people. And for my little brothers, you are beautiful and strong. Never let anything bother you, and live each day as if it were the last... I love you.