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A dark elf in the human world. Рамиль ЛатыповЧитать онлайн книгу.

A dark elf in the human world - Рамиль Латыпов

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disappear with their island. I went to the common house.

      – Dear participants. This is the day we’ve all been waiting for.

      The elder was happy. People came to his house. More precisely, two. One old man in his late fifties. With a beard and a huge axe on his back. Just like a beast. It looks very strong. Next to him sat a fat man covered in fat. There is a wild boar that we caught today. Glad, laughs. He looks at the old ladies with his nasty eyes. Fool that they’re over a thousand years old. Although they look young by human standards.

      – We have guests from the country of Eastern Tone. They want to sign a trade agreement with us. Maybe I’ll even accept us as citizens of the kingdom. So our guest Yako told me.

      He pointed at the fat man. He stood up. He adjusted his belly and red clothes. I didn’t like it right away. Like all of them. He smells like dirt and death. Suffering and humiliation. We dark elves can smell it.

      “I am the ambassador of the kingdom and King of the Eastern Tone the Great Timosh the Third Fairface. You have a lot of game and skins in your village. Sign the contract and you will become our citizens. We will trade with you.

      He took the parchment out of his pants and placed it on the table next to the elders. Then he scratched his ass and sat down to eat again. My hand slid to my sword. I could have cut through his thick neck quickly. The cut will be smooth. But here’s what to do with his guards, and especially with the big guy sitting next to him. I’m definitely not going to win the fight alone. I examined my brothers. The young men also began to hold on to their swords. Even the girls. The old people, on the other hand, began to rejoice at the possible peace.

      “We’d sign it, but you don’t think we can read it.” He can speak by translating words. But there is no magic of text translation in the world.

      – Sign it and that’s it. I give the words there is only a trade agreement.

      “No, that won’t do.

      The old man was very annoyed, but he didn’t just sign the documents. My mother, father, and sisters aged five and seven who were sitting next to me were also upset.

      – Again with you big-eared in a bad way to have. At least one village signed peacefully. Eddie blow the horn.

      The strong warrior stood up, pulled a horn from his bosom, and blew. A bad feeling came over me. Sounds of scuffling could be heard from the street. The clash of swords and the screams of women and children.

      “What are you doing?”

      The chief pleaded.

      “I’ll take what’s already ours. A contract that you didn’t sign would have made it legal. But I am not a champion of the law.

      Everyone in the big house drew their weapons. But it was too late. The soldiers rushed in quickly. And we were quickly shackled in dwimerite. So we couldn’t do magic.

      I took a fancy to my wife. Why she. Why do we need all this? He grabbed her arms and spun her around. I wanted to lie down with her.

      “What are you doing?” She’s just a little girl. She’s only fifty.

      Her father shouted while crying.

      “Ugh. The old woman.

      He drew his sword and killed her. I began to cry. My wife went to the world of Zelu on the third moon to feast with her ancestors. But the fat man grabbed another lady and asked.

      “You’re not an old woman. You’re not even fifty.

      She shook her head. Of course, she’s not even fifty, her thousandth tercentenary was celebrated last week. He led her into the back room. We were pushed out into the street. The soldiers laughed at us. The houses were on fire. Crops, too. Our village is gone. The children screamed, but the soldiers ignored them. I saw a wagon ahead of me. It has a cage on it. We were pushed into it one by one. I hugged my sisters. My mother hugged my father. I don’t know what awaits us. But definitely nothing good.

      “Where they’re taking us.”

      I asked a soldier who was still a young man on horseback.

      “You’re a good earwig now. You will be sold. You are all slaves. It serves you right, godless people. Only the Light can grant you forgiveness. But I wouldn’t have hoped for that. Ha-ha.

      He was laughing nastily. That’s right. What should we do? The cart moved off. My new life has begun. No home, no wife, no freedom.

      Chapter 2. Slavery

      To say that the next two days were pleasant is an understatement. We lost five of our two hundred men by the first night. They didn’t give us any food. By morning, ten people had died. I was trying to maintain order in the cage. But that was impossible. By lunchtime on the second day, minus ten. Suicides. Or maybe? And no. How to determine. There is no food. The children are crying. And you go waddling from side to side in a cart with a cage closed with a barrier that does not let sounds through. I couldn’t see it either. You won’t know where we are. I couldn’t breathe anymore. The strong ones tried to beat the cage, but it didn’t help. First the children lost consciousness, then the elderly. Then all the others. The world went dark. There’s nothing behind it.

      “That earwig is still alive. Get some more, boys.

      The voice was indifferent. Deep, masculine voice. Clearly bored. I started to feel the shaking. They’re carrying me. A nasty smell. The smell of death. I don’t want to wake up. Leave me in the dark. Where it’s empty. Where my favorite is. Where the wife is. Don’t drag me out into the light. A blow to the chest.

      “But he’s alive. Young at all.

      Hit. Hit. Leave me alone. I don’t have anything to live for. My family is gone. The sisters and their parents died on the second day of suffocation. How I hate this world.


      – Yes, come to life. Fight it out.

      No, I don’t want to. Let me go no matter who you are. I want to leave.

      “You need it with magic. “Take off your collar. Be human.

      The sound of a blow, but not at me.

      “You’re sometimes an ogre-like evil boss. Okay, so I’ll try. More from the chosen reptiles.

      A blow, but already on the head. Not necessary. It started to come alive. No. No. No. Light. How it burns my eyes. I want to drink. My lips are very dry. My stomach is empty. Where am I? I’m lying on the table. Cold. Iron. Wet. It’s my blood or my urine. I can’t make it out. The smells were mixed. The old dwarf leaned over me. Hunched over. Little. Skinny. I saw their images in ancient scrolls, our allies used to be. Not anymore. He’s wearing a collar. He smiles. Although what to be happy about. He is a slave. As you can see and I. He is wearing a white doctor’s coat. Nice place. Khlebnoye. Behind it are rows of flasks and beakers. I’m in the lab. Pickled heads of various creatures, humans and elves. I was scared. Although what to be afraid of. They’re all dead. But not me.

      “So is this big-eared guy alive or not?” My dogs are hungry. Make up your mind Rolek the Healer

      – Mr. Chief. He is alive. You Diogenes Vidoas know I’m a master of my craft.

      A man is standing next to the dwarf. Man. Old. Gray-haired. In uniform. White, clean, with medals. Chief. Thinks he’s better than others. That’s how he turned up his nose. Break your jaw and pull out your teeth one at a time. Humans don’t tolerate pain. They’re screaming. That’s what my father used to say. When they started fighting against humans. But it was too late. We should have attacked when they landed. And it was necessary to sink their ships. Everyone to feed the mag beasts. I hate you all.

      – Get up earwig, you will have an exciting life in our “Slave Re-education Camp”. Here you will spend a happy and joyful six

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