Teach Yourself VISUALLY Microsoft 365. Paul McFedriesЧитать онлайн книгу.
a printer is connected to your computer, you can print your Microsoft 365 files. For example, you might distribute printouts of a file as handouts in a meeting.
When you print a file, you have two options: You can send a file directly to the printer using the default settings, or you can open the Microsoft 365 app’s Print screen to change these settings. For example, you might opt to print just a portion of the file, print using a different printer, print multiple copies of a file, collate the printouts, and so on. (Printer settings vary slightly among Microsoft 365 apps.)
Print a File
Backstage view appears.
The Microsoft 365 app sends the file to the printer.
How do I print using default settings?
If you do not need to change any of your default print settings, you can simply click the Quick Print button on the Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). If you do not see the QAT, see Chapter 1 to learn how to display it.
If the Quick Print button does not appear on your QAT, you can add it. To do so, click the More button (
Select Data
You can select data in your file to perform different tasks, such as deleting it, changing its font or alignment, applying a border around it, or copying and pasting it. Selected data appears highlighted.
Depending on the app you are using, Microsoft 365 offers several different techniques for selecting data. For example, in Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, and Publisher, you can select a single character, a word, a sentence, a paragraph, or all the data in the file. In Excel and Access tables, you typically select cells. In OneNote, use the technique appropriate to the type of data you want to select.
Select Data
Select Data in Word, PowerPoint, or Publisher
Note: You can use this technique to select characters, words, sentences, and paragraphs.
Select Cells in Excel or Access
How can I use my keyboard to select text?
To select text or cells to the left or right of the insertion point or cell pointer, press