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Flooded city. Рамиль ЛатыповЧитать онлайн книгу.

Flooded city - Рамиль Латыпов

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have said that; rage crossed his face. Got punched in the face. What did I want? The waitress brought the food and took the money and left, still snorting at me. They ate in silence. He refused to talk to me. We sat until evening. I listened to the conversations, but did not hear any useful information. Everyone praised the Baroness for her new laws. They scolded the king for his stupidity. In short, everything is as before. It’s time to go to work.

      – Forgive me for my words. Let’s go, we still have to protect the merchants.

      He just nodded, and we left the tavern and went to the merchants. They were waiting for us. Seven gnomes. Everyone, bearded and cheerful, was loading boxes into carts. What there was didn’t bother me.

      – I’m Mikhail, this is Soph, we came from the guild to work. – I gave the card to the largest gnome.

      – I’m Mateo. And these are my brothers. Only I can speak your way. Half payment upon arrival in the capital of the gnomes Magma. Then we load up another item and head back. We will stop in the capital for an hour. Don’t get lost there. We’ll come back and get the full amount. Agreed.

      – Fine. – Why did he tell us this? It was still on the sign. I decided since we are newbies we need to chew on everything. Okay, at least it looks easy. They are strong guys and could handle it themselves. But the merchants’ guild demands protection of the cargo. So we had to hire people. But they didn’t want to pay a lot. And for starters, it’s a good thing for us to do. Not dusty and not bad money. And I’ll see the capital of the gnomes. Haven’t been there yet. Maybe I’ll go see the dwarf ladies. An hour is enough.

      – Is your lady mute? Just silent.

      – No, I’m not dumb. You little dork. And I’m not a lady, I’m a guy, all my life they’ve been taking me for a lady, I’m tired of it. We’ll do the work or you’re going to stare at me. Maybe he’ll undress so that you can see me better and understand that I’m not a lady.” He was furious. It’s good that this rage is not directed at me.

      – I’m silent. Here’s the best place for you. “He pointed to a bench in the cart, on which there was a pillow and a blanket. “We thought there was a lady in the squad, so we bought it for you.” I’d better go ahead and download. You sit down, you can go to bed, we’re leaving in an hour. And sorry if I offended you.

      The dwarf ran away to the others. The thief sat down, but his anger did not go away. I sat down opposite him, but then lay down and fell asleep. We need to gain strength. The road is long.

      Chapter 3 Bandits and Traders

      I haven’t slept so sweetly for a long time. I woke up from the shaking of the cart. It was already morning. The sun rose. The dwarf brothers were arguing about something in a language unknown to me. Although I studied a lot of them at the academy. Soph slept next to him. His sleep was disturbing. He tossed and turned and twitched his arms. Apparently he remembered his life in captivity. He suffered a lot. Now I have become its owner. We need to change. I’ll be gentle with him. He is my servant, debtor of life. Our destinies are connected.

      – Mikhail woke up. – Said the familiar voice of Mateo. He rode next to us on a two-meter lizard that stood on both legs. Here they were called “reptiles”.

      – Yes, it was a sweet dream. I can’t believe it myself.

      – Apparently you had a lot of problems. So they broke out. Rest was needed. – He smiled. He’s a good guy, even though he’s a dwarf.

      – Everyone has problems. How much longer to go?

      – Seven o’clock, maybe eight. The roads can be crowded. Especially the bridge on the Irig River. There are customs officers standing there shaking money. Scoundrels. – He spat. – Who will restore order here?

      – A strong warrior who will return everything back in ten years. – Said the awakened Soph. – In my country it was the same in Malawi.

      – It may well be. – The dwarf said sadly. – And good morning. You want to eat. I made tea and made sandwiches. Or do you need a break? Wash there and – He made a significant pause, hinting at the bushes. – Go into the bushes. A magician can do everything. I know about you. I heard rumors.

      – Yes I can. – I did not dispel his delusions. A magician’s honor is more valuable. I’ll be patient.

      We stopped. While we were walking into the bushes, the gnomes quickly set up tables and chairs. A couple of minutes and I saw two tables with cups of tea and sandwiches filled. I waited for my companion, we ate. He never spoke to me. It may calm down over time. I never understood these demi-humans. They get offended and sulk. No, to talk.

      Then they cleaned everything up just as quickly and moved on. Dwarves are funny people. Sang songs. We distributed dark kvass to everyone. After a couple of glasses, I started singing along, even though I didn’t understand the words.

      We passed the border calmly. The dwarves gave the grimy guard a paw and moved on. So we found ourselves in a no man’s land between states.

      Several hours passed. The dwarves in my cart began to shout something loudly. I realized this is not good. I took a closer look. Oh God. A crowd of magical beasts is coming towards us. My companion didn’t know what to do either, so he just pressed himself against me. Looks with sweet eyes. How can you not protect this? I began to read spells.

      – What are you thinking? This is why we came here. – Mateo said proudly. I looked at the other dwarves. They were not afraid, on the contrary, they rejoiced. – We are animal hunters, boy. Sit quietly in the cart, we will do everything ourselves.

      The dwarves took the carts to the side of the road. We stood with nets along the road. A crowd of animals rushed towards them. The first of them began to approach. They caught them with nets. And they stunned them with arrows from crossbows. Although they were small, no more than twenty meters in height, they were dexterous. By the time the herd of magical beasts left, they had caught fifty magical beasts. Mostly large birds. But among them were five magic wolves and a hippopotamus.

      – They are migrating now. It’s time to hunt. – Said Mateo, covered in sweat. He was clearly pleased with himself. “We caught such beauties.” And also in no man’s land. You don’t have to pay taxes for catching, only for importing. Profitable. Hooray guys.

      All the dwarves shouted joyfully. It was a good day for them. Soph pulled away from me, snorting disdainfully. I realized that I had to end this.

      “Hit me and we’ll forget about that conversation.” “I thought he would answer something and start a manly conversation.” But the blow came quickly. In the jaw. In my most valuable place on my face.

      – Everyone has passed. “He, apparently having calmed down, continued. – So our fellow gnomes are smugglers. They steal animals during migration and then sell them locally. With the proceeds they buy various goods in Magma and sell them in the country of Otis people. Smart. And most importantly, it’s almost legal. Dwarven border guards do not read well and documents are easy to forge.

      – That’s right brother. – Said the cheerful gnome, building a cage on the second cart. – You adventurers will have to switch to a reptile. We need carts like we need cages.

      – Let’s go, Mikhail. I get seasick on them, so I’ll sit in the back. I don’t like animals at all. – He said, helping me get up from the floor of the cart. His shot is good.

      We got the animal young, but calm. Although the thief still didn’t like him. He stood rooted to the spot in front of him. Everything is shaking. Beat him.

      – Are you afraid of reptiles? They are kind. I tamed a lot of these at the academy. “I said and deftly sat on him. Then he patted the green head. This is how they become kinder.

      – No,

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