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Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Группа авторовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Successful Training in Gastrointestinal Endoscopy - Группа авторов

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1.8). The computer allowed for a database and record keeping. Still, the simulator was felt to be crude and somewhat unrealistic.

Photo depicts endoscopic Pong Game (1977): Tested hand–eye coordination.

      (Courtesy: Dr. Christopher Williams.)

      In 1992, Leung and Chung developed a static model and described its use in teaching ERCP [21]. Unfortunately, the utility of each of these models has been limited by their inability to truly simulate realistic conditions. To date, while these static learning devices can be useful in instruction and learning of appropriate manipulation of the endoscope within the bowel lumen, they offer little in the way of simulated pathology. The lack of motility, the “feel” of actual compliant tissue, and the inability to practice therapeutic maneuvers have largely limited the use of static models to introductory training.

      Perhaps, the most comprehensive application of static models in endoscopic teaching was described by Lucero et al. in 1995 [22]. This group designed a psychomotor training program called SimPrac‐EDF y VEE (simulator for the practice of fiberoptic digestive endoscopy and electronic video endoscopy). Moreover, they described a series of courses in which they included static models and superimposed painted pictures to recreate frequently seen endoscopic abnormalities. These courses featured didactic lessons, slides, tapes, and supervised hands‐on training on models. In addition to the Lucero model, those of Classen and Heinkel were also used. A specific Billroth II model was designed to demonstrate the unique features of this altered anatomy. Participants were offered sessions with increasingly challenging manual and cognitive tasks; faculty at the course assessed objective skills of the participants [22].

Photo depicts imperial College/St Mark’s simulator (1980): Limited shaft insertion, but feasibility of simulator demonstrated.

      (Courtesy: Dr. Christopher Williams.)

Photo depicts imperial College/St Mark’s simulator MK2 (1985): Full shaft insertion and audible complaints.

      (Courtesy: Dr. Christopher Williams.)

Image described by caption.

      (Photo courtesy of Cook Medical, Winston‐Salem, NC).

      imageIn contrast, Dr. Christopher Thompson teamed up with MIT engineers to develop a static box model to allow for repetitive practice on five specific tasks designed to mimic component skill sets integral to performing colonoscopy [23]. In a departure from the paradigm to design sophisticated simulators to allow a trainee to practice complete procedures, the Thompson Endoscopic Skills Trainer (TEST) (Endosim, LLC. Boston, MA) is an example of using simulation to deconstruct complex procedures into core maneuvers (Video 1.2).

      Ex vivo artificial tissue models: the “Phantom” Tübingen models

      In order to simulate the resistance to endoscope passage in an actual procedure, this colon model uses a semiflexible series of coils. In addition, to allow for a still wider possibility of simulated techniques, Grund’s model can incorporate real animal tissue into the existing framework. For example, using a chicken heart, they can fashion an ampulla of Vater replete with separate pancreatic and biliary orifices and insert this into their upper endoscopy simulator (Figure 1.10b). The advantage of using this type of system is that several “polyp‐laden” colons and “chicken‐heart papillae” can be prepared in advance and quickly inserted into the chassis of the model during a training session, after the initially prepared material has been depleted.

      The Tübingen simulators made possible the teaching of polypectomy and provided an excellent means of teaching therapeutic procedures such as argon plasma coagulation and simple therapeutic ERCP. In particular, the orientation of the man‐made papilla more closely resembled that of humans than the porcine papilla found in the Erlangen models described below. Pancreatic cannulation and endotherapy was possible, in contrast to the porcine tissue models in which the pancreatic orifice was not readily accessible. However, procedures that required submucosal injection were still not feasible.

Photos depict (a) artificial tissue colonoscopy Phantom simulator, U. of Tübingen. (b) Combined artificial tissue Phantom upper GI simulator with integrated chicken heart tissue papilla for ERCP simulation.
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