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Golden сarriage for Cinderella. A novel about love. Svetlana MirraiЧитать онлайн книгу.

Golden сarriage for Cinderella. A novel about love - Svetlana Mirrai

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and walked for a long time along a narrow corridor, which was decorated with a carpet, along which various offices of secretaries, ministers and various deputies were located. Sergei Valeryevich was also, apparently, a deputy minister. Finally we reached his office. He was quite strict and formal. A leather armchair, a leather sofa and a work desk with a mini-bar were the boring interior of their owner. On the wall hung a picture of our president and the coat of arms of the country. Camellia flowers on the windowsills and a decorative rose on the floor in a vase slightly diluted the official atmosphere.

      The men sat down on opposite sides of the table and immediately began to talk animatedly. I sat comfortably in an armchair and, closing my eyes, decided to rest a little, so I did not immediately delve into their conversation. But when phrases about tribes began to reach me, I, of course, began to listen.

      – We want you, Father, to act as a missionary and take Vera to New Guinea. I would like to thank God that there are still such priests,” Sergei Valeryevich said firmly and leaned back, stretching his arms wide along the back of the chair.

      – I agree with you, in such places it is impossible without faith, – the priest replied and spread his hands.

      – of course. After all, our goal is to develop a civilized society in Papua New Guinea. Many tribes that live there are actually still in the Stone Age and practice cannibalism. Our missionaries work with them. Maybe three drops of cognac before dinner? – Sergey Valeryevich got up from his chair, went to the mini-bar and opened the door of the cherished locker. And there was a huge variety of different bottles with different colored caps.

      – Sergey Valeryevich, I would love to, but I’m driving. We still have to go home,” regret could be heard in Peter’s voice.

      – Three drops, just three drops. Yes, and if the guys from the traffic police stop, then call me,” our rainbow host said cheerfully.

      “Then I agree,” Pyotr said and, smiling, raised the crystal glass to his lips.

      The men drank in one gulp and had a snack with a lemon on duty, which was lying on Sergei Valeryevich’s table.

      – Good, strong cognac, – said Peter.

      Sergey Valeryevich suggested that we go to the dining room with him for lunch.

      We went down the stairs to the first floor, the doors to it were open. The dining room turned out to be all in marble and paintings, candlesticks hung on the walls. It smelled of delicious and fragrant food. Two young girls worked at the distribution, they laid out dishes on plates and smiled sweetly at everyone.

      – My dear, hello! – the gray-haired man said loudly and took my hand, I recoiled from him in surprise, but when I looked at his face, I recognized him as a pop artist Aristarch Borisovich.

      “Scared?” laughing in his velvety, beautiful voice, he asked.

      – A little. Hello, Aristarkh Borisovich,” I said happily, coming out of my stupor.

      – Bon appetit, and I’ll go, or a photo for memory? and his face melted into a snow – white smile.

      Peter saw a celebrity next to me and immediately came up to us. He took a picture for me, and we went to lunch.

      – We also have pop stars, so Aristarkh Borisovich came to dine with us. And I have chosen all the most delicious for you.

      And indeed, there was a herring on the table, a smoked sausage, fried chicken with vegetables and fragrant borscht with pampushki.

      – My father told me that you are not a vegetarian, and I included meat in the diet, – Sergey Valeryevich said carefully.

      We sat down at the table. Everything was really delicious.

      – The food is wonderful, – said the priest, he culturally brought a napkin to his mouth and dabbed her lips.

      – Yes, we have the best chefs.

      – As for the service in New Guinea, your main residence is in the city of Port Moresby, and from there you will go to different settlements and small towns. We will provide housing and food. You think about it and call me within a month.

      Sergey Valeryevich finished his tea and, looking into my eyes, added:

      – Yes, and of course, Father, consult your mother.

      I nodded uncertainly and looked down. I was embarrassed to be in someone else’s role. We got up from the table and slowly began to leave.

      Sergey Valeryevich walked us to the car and said goodbye.

      – Where are we going, Vladochka? Peter asked, sitting at the wheel.

      – To Kiev! I replied and laughed.

      – No, we don’t need to go to Kiev yet, – he said playfully.

      – Then let’s go to heaven!

      – That’s it, let’s go to heaven!

      Gorky Park has become our paradise for today. After parking the car, we got out and headed into the depths of the park.

      – The sun is shining in the sky, and the sun is shining side by side, – Peter smiled, holding out his palm to me. I hugged him and took his hand.

      The park was very large. We walked along the alley among the benches and fountains. Suddenly he stopped, looked into my eyes and unexpectedly kissed me on the lips.

      – And you know, I fell in love with you like a boy, – Peter whispered in my face.

      “I’m in love with you too,” I replied.

      We continued walking forward, holding hands. I felt him, and he felt me, and it was a state of inexhaustible bliss that we let into our hearts now.

      – Look how beautiful it is, up ahead,” I said, admiring.

      – Yes, very much.

      And Peter approached a young guy who was standing not far from us, holding the handlebars of a bicycle.

      – Young man, what is the name of this pond?

      – Mmm… I don’t know, sorry, – the guy was confused.

      An elderly woman passing by overheard their conversation.

      – And this, young people, is the Pioneer Pond, it was created back in the nineteenth century, the whole territory then belonged to the Petty-Bourgeois School. Before the revolution of 1917, the reservoir was called Small. Only when Gorky Park was built here, it was renamed. I worked as a teacher before, so I know the history of this place well.

      – Thank you, and I’m also fond of history, – said Peter.

      – Grandma, let’s go,” the little boy who was standing next to her said tearfully.

      And they immediately left.

      After walking a few steps forward, we came even closer to the pond. Boats and catamarans floated in front of us. Small fish splashed in the water, and fry in flocks dissected the pond.

      – I have to tell you something, Vladochka. I definitely have to leave tomorrow. I have a service, and I have to be at the temple by the weekend.

      – Of course, I understand everything.

      I felt very sad, but he had his own life, another family, there, far away, in a completely different country.

      – And so that you wouldn’t be sad, I ran to buy delicious ice cream. Which one do you like?

      – Buy me a milkshake, then I will try not to be sad, – I tried not to show the true emotions that just engulfed me at that moment.

      Peter bought himself an ice cream, a cocktail for me and went to the free catamaran:

      – And now we’re going to do a few laps,

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