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Golden сarriage for Cinderella. A novel about love. Svetlana MirraiЧитать онлайн книгу.

Golden сarriage for Cinderella. A novel about love - Svetlana Mirrai

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they were together with Andrey Yurievich.

      – Hooray, Happy New Year, – everyone shouted together, raising their cups up.

      – Girls, let’s get acquainted, my name is Sasha.

      I pulled Nadia’s sleeve and whispered softly in her ear:

      – Let’s get out of here.

      We took the Sofa by the arms, and the three of us began to leave the park.

      – Vlada, where are you going? – Yura was following me.

      – To celebrate the New Year, we spent the old one, – I replied.

      – Can I come with you?! Yura asked in a pleading voice.

      “I’m sorry, I can’t,” and I shrugged in response.

      – Maybe we’ll meet after all, leave me your phone number? – the obsessive groom did not lag behind.

      I decided not to explain anything, waving goodbye to him.

      – Nadenka, I’ll find you, honey, – Sasha shouted after us, he could not stand still at all and staggered from side to side like a pendulum in a clock.

      We returned home an hour before the New Year. Nadia busied herself with the table setting.

      And I hurried to the kitchen to put the goose with apples in the oven.

      – The chimes will strike soon! Nadia said, hastily laying out the dishes and cutlery on the table.

      Quite unexpectedly, the doorbell rang.

      “Who could it be?” Nadia asked.

      – Most likely, they made the wrong apartment, I’m not waiting for anyone, – I replied to my friend and continued fussing in the kitchen, laying out hot goose on plates.

      “Only Santa Claus can come at this time, but I’ll take a look anyway,” Nadia replied and went to the door.

      There was a click of the lock, and suddenly a melody came from the entrance, someone was playing the accordion and singing:

      – Five minutes, five minutes,

      The clock will strike soon.

      Five minutes, five minutes,

      Make up those who are in a quarrel!

      I wiped my hands on a towel and also went out into the corridor to look at the artists.

      The girls, like military men on command, lined up along the wall, but only the commands were distributed not by the military commander, but by Santa Claus himself, his staff was huge, beautifully decorated with tinsel with a star on top. He hit it three times and, as if by magic, took out a bottle of champagne from his red bag.

      – The New Year is already on the threshold, so let’s raise our glasses, friends! Santa Claus said happily.

      The guy smiled and sang again:

      – Oh, like with Santa Claus

      I want to get acquainted!

      My beauty is not enough —

      I’ll pay extra with moonshine!

      Santa Claus with the Snow Maiden

      They go everywhere together.

      In every house they pour

      They have two hundred grams each!

      – Uh-uh,” the girls chimed in.

      Nadia stamped her foot and danced with the accordion player.

      – Well, why are you standing in the entrance, now the chimes will strike, come in, sit down, – I hospitably invited everyone home.

      The guy in front of us politely bowed and sang:

      – And my name is Artem,

      The whole house knows me,

      Day and night I’m on the accordion

      I repeat “Waltz Boston”!

      He bowed to us once more and introduced himself:

      – Artem is my name, hello everyone!

      The young man was at most twenty-five years old, he was a tall, fair-haired guy with excellent posture and a beautiful actor’s face.

      I put all the guests at the table, there were enough seats for everyone. And at this time, on TV, the president’s congratulations were already coming to an end, the anthem began to play, we all got up from the table, and with a glass in my hands, I said:

      – Let’s make our innermost wishes under the chimes and drink champagne. May all your dreams come true in the New Year!

      When the chimes struck twelve, our eyes met with Santa Claus, and I began to realize that they were familiar to me, and I recognize his long black eyelashes from thousands of other eyelashes. But I decided not to show it.

      – I wish you all a Happy New Year! I will give a gift to everyone for pleasure – a poem from your mouth for me! Santa Claus said solemnly.

      Artyom took the accordion again and sang ditties:

      – I fell in love with Santa Claus.

      Oh, he’s a hot man!

      So milo congratulated me,

      That a Snowman was born.

      The snowman listened to the whim

      Attach the carrot from the bottom,

      And when was it fulfilled —

      He melted with shame.

      The girls took scarves and kerchiefs and, merrily holding hands, began to dance.

      – We sang ditties to you

      Is it good, is it bad

      And now we ask you

      For you to clap us.

      “Friends, I’m waiting for your poems, whoever remembers what tells, and for that I’ll give you a candy with a surprise inside,” said Santa Claus, taking out a bag of sweets with multi-colored candy wrappers from the bag.

      – The poems are called “Never regret anything”, author Andrey Dementiev.

      Never regret anything after

      If what happened can’t be changed.

      Like a note from the past, crumpling your sadness,

      With this past, break the fragile thread.

      Never regret what happened.

      Ile about what can not happen already …

      Nadezhda finished her poems to our applause.

      – What a clever girl, Nadenka, here take a candy, look at what’s inside, – and Santa Claus handed a blue shiny candy to Nadia.

      There was a note in the candy, she read it out loud:

      – Give your kiss to someone you like.

      Nadia boldly approached the accordion player and kissed him on the cheek. Artyom also took Nadia’s hand in his palms and kissed her back.

      The Sofa became the next declamator. The woman stood in the center of the room, straightened her back, straightened her shoulders, she looked already sober, perhaps the champagne quickly turned her head and just as quickly faded away.

      – Tell me, Uncle, it’s not for nothing

      Moscow, burned by fire,

      Given to a Frenchman?

      After all, there were fighting fights,


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