Viscoplastic Flow in Solids Produced by Shear Banding. Ryszard B. PecherskiЧитать онлайн книгу.
processes. The studies showed a valuable perspective with the significant experience and knowledge of professor Zenon Mróz, a Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, and Katarzyna Kowalczyk – Gajewska on cyclically loaded tubes on the KOBO processes. I also received a big help from Mrs Aleksandra Manecka – Padaż, MSc, in elaborating the book's graphics. Together with discussions in statu nascendi of the work, her contribution became invaluable. The late professor Piotr Perzyna, my PhD advisor and scientific tutor, contributed to my studies with many valuable discussions about the shear banding model and its applications in the studies of viscoplastic processes.
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