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The light of my future. Lee YeonЧитать онлайн книгу.

The light of my future - Lee Yeon

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Hee, you did great! To be honest, I wasn’t sure if you’d make it on time. You’re doing well. And Sung Joon is pleased with his assistant for the first time. What can be compared to a real miracle,» he continued to praise me on the way to the work chair, and I rose to my feet and looked at him guiltily.

      «It’s not like that,» I answered stifledly, and swallowed nervously. «Mr. Min Hyuk, I have something to tell you,» I swallowed the lump in my throat, feeling extremely embarrassed and guilty. It all happened because of my negligence.

      «What’s wrong, Min Hee?» He was instantly alert.

      «It’s about Sung Joon,» I replied in a barely audible voice, «he was admitted to the hospital last night.»

      «What are you saying?» He exclaimed angrily and frowned, scorching me with his brown eyes.

      I plucked up the courage to tell him everything that had happened yesterday, knowing that I was doing the right thing no matter what.

      «You should have reported this to us right away! If anyone saw you, Sung Joon would get into a scandal! Do you realize how imprudent you were?» I nodded my head guiltily, hiding my eyes, but at the same time I fought with myself, as I was outraged that the possibility of Sung Joon appearing on the news worried the general manager more than the health of the agency’s leading artist. «You think that your father is the owner of the agency, so you can be negligent in your duties?»

      «Do you think I’m waiting for your indulgence?» I could not contain the fit of rage, «if I did not feel guilty, I would not tell you anything. So please do as you always do in such cases. I will accept any punishment that is provided for in our contract. I followed all your instructions regarding fan gifts and wrote everything on the sheet. The same list is available electronically in your mail. With your permission…» I bowed to him and hurried to leave the office, holding back tears with all my might, although I understood that this whole situation was not worth my worries.

      I did not expect that everything would take such a turn. Feeling offended (which was not typical of me) and tears coming to my eyes, I hurried to a cozy balcony, the exit to which was only accessible through the meeting room located on the fifteenth floor, hiding my burning face behind my hair and trying not to look at someone who might get in my way.

      Tiredly plopping down on a small sofa located under a glass canopy, I closed my eyes and covered my face with my hands, feeling the events and people around me press on me. I did not think that this work would touch my feelings and affect my emotional component so much.

      «You rushed past me so fast that I didn’t immediately realize it was you,» Cho Hee’s mocking voice rang out, and I turned to look at him. He walked over to the couch with a smile and, at a safe distance from me, gracefully sat down beside me, «it’s hard, isn’t it?»

      «What exactly?» I asked, continuing to look at him. Despite being tired, Cho Hee looked quite happy.

      «Working with my brother is hard?» He clarified and looked at me with a sad smile in response.

      «No. I wouldn’t say that,» I shook my head, wrapping my arms around my shoulders, «it’s hard to watch him deliberately deprive himself of health and happiness.»

      «Song Joon was against it when he found out that I want to debut in a group as an idol. We even had a fight. And the more I’m here, the more I understand why exactly. He worked hard to give me what he doesn’t have He took care of me since he was eighteen. He replaced my mom and dad. Cooked breakfasts, attended meetings, picked out school uniforms and supplies. And all so that I was happy and did not feel lonely. But I know that all this time he himself was alone. And he truly deserves everything he has. Especially the love of the fans. But… this love is so ghostly and elusive that it is not so easy to feel it. Besides, if they knew the real Sung Joon, they wouldn’t have squealed like that when they saw him,» he chuckled, obviously remembering some events in his life with his older brother, «but after you appeared, he began to change.» After these words, Cho Hee’s smile became wider, «No matter what you are thinking now, no matter how much you hate everything that happens to Sung Joon, do not leave him if you care about him. Because you also began to change after you bonded with my brother. And now you two have a real chance for mutual love.»

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