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The Masked Magician. I’m not here by chance. Рамиль ЛатыповЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Masked Magician. I’m not here by chance - Рамиль Латыпов

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m not here by chance

      Рамиль Латыпов

      © Рамиль Латыпов, 2022

      ISBN 978-5-0056-5741-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      Chapter 1 Former

      The park is always sunny, especially on such a summer morning. I Daniel sat on the bench. Purely. Freshly. Nearby is a pond where ducks swim. The beauty. I can’t even believe that just yesterday I broke up with my beautiful girlfriend Regina. Even though she was always jealous of me, I loved her. Maybe I still do. She always suspected me of cheating. Rummaged through the phone. And yesterday she climbed into my apartment with an inspection, which I rented. I checked every corner. And as luck would have it, I found lipstick. I don’t understand where she comes from. Maybe it’s left over from past tenants. But for her it was the last straw, and she broke up with me. I was very sad. But it looks like I’ll be given a second chance today. She wants to talk. Maybe we can make up. She is feisty, but outgoing. Believes in all sorts of signs. Black cats, spilled salt. Reads all sorts of conspiracies. In short, he suffers from garbage. But I’m not judging. That’s when she began to whisper over my tea, I didn’t like it. But I drank, I love her. I’m sitting waiting. He put on the cleanest white shirt and black trousers. Shaved and combed. I was ready for reconciliation. I bought two packs of protective equipment. After a quarrel, our passion is stormy. I looked at the reflection from the window with an advertisement for baldness products. Straight beauties. Pulled up, inflated, at least on the cover. Twenty-two already.

      – Save the tone.– Shouted a thin female voice.

      I looked around. The park is empty. Where is everyone? Looked into the pond. The girl screams, it is clear that she is drowning. The reflex worked well. No wonder he served in the army for a year. He quickly took off his clothes and dived into the water. The lady was already sinking. Ducked after her. Pulled to shore. Yes, she’s naked. He took it under a tree, suddenly they will see and not understand it. Feel for a pulse, alive. But she’s not breathing. Began to do artificial respiration. Helped.

      – So you’re a bastard here with the girls muddy I thought we’ll put up. That it was by chance that lipstick was found in the apartment. And you’ve been cheating on me all this time.– Regina stood with a cake in her hands and a bottle of kvass. I went to reconcile. All evil, directly burning. First time I see her like this.– I am tired of you. I thought you were different. Everyone betrayed me. For this I send you to another world. There you will suffer for a long time and your girlfriend too. But to another country. You will never find her. I am the witch Regina Bony, I order all the dark forces to throw these creatures out of our world.

      Black clouds filled the sky. It started raining. Everything turned black. I fainted. That’s the way things are. My ex-girlfriend turned out to be a witch. Although I could have guessed from her rituals and inclinations. Now I won’t be nice to ladies. I’m tired of all.

      Opened my eyes. Everything is strange. Air gets into your ears. I’m flying. Down at high speed. Down to earth to death. Birds flew by harshly. Strange birds. Large. I have never seen such birds in my life. Look like eagles. But the feathers are red. He grabbed the leg of a bird. She pecked, but flew down with me. This saved me from death in the fall. Feathers flew off her in bunches. But I landed. I released the bird and lay down on the grass. All in sweat. Scared terribly. Fields on the entire horizon. The bird lay down.

      – Where did you come from you stupid freak.– Said the bird in a female voice.– Ruined all my feathers. You see, I can’t fly because of you. That’s because the people went. We’ll have to take the form of a person, for a while, until the wings grow back.– She began to turn into a cute girl with red hair and a white short dress.– I would have turned away for the sake of decency. Here’s the shameless one.– The lady hit me on the cheek with her open hand. But not much. She has a very warm hand. Soft.

      – Daughter, he did not offend you.– A black eagle landed on the ground, obviously the leader. Behind him and the whole flock.

      – No, everything is fine. But the feathers will not grow soon.– The girl said as she brushed off her dress.

      – He will pay me for it. Do the same with my sister.– An eagle with a white spot on its beak turned into a boy of about seventeen and took me by the breasts.

      – I came from another world. My ex turned out to be a witch and sent me here. Although I don’t know where I am. This is not Russia?

      – Leave him son Anton.– Said the old eagle turning into an old man under sixty.– Look at him. He is clearly an alien. Hero from another world. Again, perhaps the kings called. Maybe an evil magician or a witch called. Although the world is calm. Wars are always going on.

      The girl’s brother let me go to the ground. I fell into the mud. He looked at me menacingly and clearly wanted to kill me. It has so much power.

      – If he is a hero he must be strong.– The girl said. I took a closer look. Beautiful red hair. Brown eyes. The figure is straight berry. Eyes and hair likeeveryone in her pack. There are twenty of them. They stood around me. Fists are clenched. Shouting curses.– But the eyes are painfully vile. Appreciates me. No wonder my grandmother told me that people are lustful.

      – I will kill you.– My brother said and clenched his fists near my face.

      – Don’t blame him, he’s just an alien. They are all like that at first. I have seen two of them in my three hundred and eight years. Everyone started that way. Harem started. And he will start. You will only feel your power.

      – I won’t start a harem. I had enough of my witch. For now, I won’t mess with the ladies. Exactly.

      – That’s good.– Grandfather said narrowing his eyes.– So, you will not stick to your daughter. She still can’t fly. Will be your adventure companion. And as the feathers grow back, they will fly back to us.

      – I don’t want to be with him.– The girl said angrily.

      – Do not argue, daughter. He is a hero. Champion. You can’t leave him alone. And then the wrong forces will be typed. Knowledge there is all sorts of vile. And he will kill us all in retaliation. I know them. Heroes are a vengeful people. Heard the legend of ancient heroes"Victor Conqueror of Heights». Here was the wicked one. And his friend Peter is lightning fast. But many thousands of years have passed. Maybe they are no longer alive.

      – If he’s that dangerous, let’s kill him and that’s it.– My brother said as he punched me in the face. Blood was pouring from his nose and eyes.

      – We cannot do this. He is strong.– The old man said.

      – Now we’ll find out. – My brother hit me in the face again. The blood got stronger. The pain is hellish. He is strong. Beat further.– You see, he is mortal and not strong.

      – Yes, strange. They must be strong. So, however, it was with other aliens. Although they should spawn in the recruiting circle, not in the air.– Grandfather thought while I was beaten by the whole flock. The brother got a taste and started kicking. The girl has the same bare legs. Thought I would die.– Stop hitting him. Don’t take sin on your soul. We are not that kind of people. We soar above the clouds and live in the world.

      – Okay father. – Brother stopped, others reluctantly the same. But going aside, they spat on me.

      – You young people are so impulsive. Evil steel. How the dragon Mala was killed in the north and the trolls came to us in the valley. They stopped listening to the elders.– The grandfather turned to the pack and said. – Here’s my solution. My daughter Aralia will travel with a summoned hero. She will help him find his place in this world. Maybe he will go to the city, they will give him a reward. For the first time, she should have enough money. And when he finishes the treatment, he will return to us. We all fly away.

      The whole flock of birds began to mourn. Saying goodbye is hard work. Everyone in turn hugged Aralia, turned into eagles and flew away. And I lay with a broken face in a pool of blood and urine. The girl waved her hand for a long time. Then she came up to me and kicked

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