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The Masked Magician. I’m not here by chance. Рамиль ЛатыповЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Masked Magician. I’m not here by chance - Рамиль Латыпов

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eat. Come to the Adventurer’s Guild with me. But before that, you need to tell the city hall about you. A strong magician lives there. It will help you decide on the future. Will give money. You will give me back a lot of money. You will work. For my wings. Are there abilities? In magic or martial art?

      – I went to karate as a child. But abandoned. Definitely not strong in magic. Served in the army for a year. But there have been no wars for a long time. Therefore, only the weapons were cleaned and taken to the shooting range several times.

      – That’s it. Why don’t you heal? What spells do you not know?

      She said as she placed her warm hand on my head. I shook my head.

      – Well, what to do with you. Spell"treatment».

      I magically healed. Got up from the ground.

      – If I were even handsome, it would not be a shame. It’s a pity you’re such a freak.

      – Lady. Excuse me, but I consider myself handsome and attractive. All the girls told me that. I didn’t have many of them.– I said proudly.

      – Look at you.– She created a mirror with magic and put it next to me.– Say are you beautiful?

      A terrible sight met my eyes. The freak in the reflection was me. My attractive face turned into an ugliness. With freckles and pimples. And also warts. Pieces of flesh hung down like dried snot. I touched them, it’s pieces of skin. I tried to tear them off, but I couldn’t. Anyone would run away when they see me. At that moment, I saw the former witch laughing. This is her curse. So she mocked me. Well, I won’t be nice to ladies anymore. Tired.

      – It doesn’t matter if I’m handsome or not. I will have many ladies. I will not be kind to you. Lead to the city. In the guild. And to the magician. We must try to return home and take revenge on the witch. And the fate of the other lady must be known. Maybe you saw her while flying? Young naked? No older than twenty.

      – There are no other people in the valley. The city will be more specific. Haven’t been there for three years. I’ll go to the store. You have to buy a new dress. And that is already old. You need different equipment. Adventurers don’t have an easy life.

      She stepped forward with a brisk step. I followed her. She was cheerful and sang a song about the wind, although a moment ago she had been furious. What a change she is. They walked for almost three hours. Terribly tired. Although he did not give a look in front of the lady. She was just as cheerful as at the beginning of the journey.

      – Here is the city ahead. The glorious city of Bram. A province, of course, but there is an adventurer’s guild here. The first stronghold of people in the valley where the trolls live. Beyond are the great mountains. It’s a good thing they’re on a demon raid now. And then they would eat you handsome. Haha.– She laughed. I began to wonder what kind of prison term they give in this world for killing a girl’s eagle?

      The city seemed unprepossessing to me. An ordinary log wall is not higher than two meters. Behind him were visible flimsy houses without visible luxury. The gloomy soldiers were bored at the gates. The same soldiers stood on the wall. The small queue of those wishing to enter at the gate did not evoke good memories. Customs is tough everywhere. So this is a thorough review. But I don’t have any documents. Even passports. Got a phone. The plate is broken. I pressed. Empty. Discharged. And also new. Must be charged from magnetic fields. It had everything. And digital documents and a card and a travel card between the planets. My whole life is on the phone.

      – Who are they? – Said an old guard in mail and with a halberd.

      – I’m Aralia Orlova, here are my documents.

      She held out the iron tablet that hung on her chest. The guard briefly examined her and returned her back. Then he looked at me.

      – And this one? Kind of painfully strange. You are mad, are not you? Here’s a freak. I don’t need sick people in the city.– He spat vilely at my feet. Others in line began to move away from me.

      – He’s with me. My prey. I’m taking him to the magician Gnus. And the Adventurer’s Guild. Wings pulled out to me, without feathers remained. So I want to become an adventurer until they grow up.

      – under your responsibility. You are a free people. You can still get into the city. So at least it’s official. Three silver and go.

      – That’s it.– She said softly.– Give me one coin. Uncle, I’m such a sweet girl, do me a favor. Somehow I’ll cry later.– She winked at him. I almost felt sick. He’s old and creepy, after all.

      – Okay daughter one coin. And then don’t come, I’m too old for this. Although you are beautiful, you could become my grandson’s wife. After all, he is still that fool, but with you he will take up his mind.

      – Here is a coin.– The girl gently held out a coin with the profile of a snub-nosed uncle. I couldn’t read the inscription on it.

      – Come on in. Just don’t be rude.

      – With such a handsome man, I don’t know, maybe I will. How to keep yourself from temptation.– Aralia began to laugh. Same guard.

      We entered the city. Dirty medieval city. Horses in wagons shitting everywhere. Tired houses. But what struck me was its inhabitants. Various races lived here. Orcs and mermaids, gnomes and elves. Beautiful and terrible succubus. But most of all I was struck by slime people. All liquid. The elves were not those beauties from books and films. Here they were ordinary girls with pointed ears. They were not particularly beautiful. Although I may have thought so. The effect of the former witch’s curse. After walking for ten minutes, we arrived at the shopping district. Counters with dirty food and goods.

      – Only the poor buy here. We need to go to the stone part of the city. There are luxury shops.

      – I believe in the word. I don’t like flea markets myself.

      – What a good and true word. Fleas are tasty enough. Especially on the spit.

      Chapter 2 Magicians and their quirks

      The place where magicians work. From childhood I imagined that it would be a huge white tower in the center of the city. Or a black castle where the skeletons of warriors or zombies serve as a hermit magician. But in this world, everything is easier. An ordinary three-storey house made of mountain stone with a pen and staff sign.

      – Is this building the place where magicians live?

      – And what did you expect. They are people just like us. But they take a lot of bribes. So shut up.

      The girl who used to be an eagle said with a menacing fist. I did not argue with her, we entered the building together. There we were met by a small but cute dwarf girl in a blue uniform. With the coat of arms of a snake and a griffin on the sleeves.

      – Welcome to City Hall. I am Galina administrator. Do you have business with us?

      – Yes. Here he is. Aralia pointed her finger at me.– Fell from the sky and hurt my wings. Pulled out the feathers. I want a reward for his information. He claims to be a hero. The witch sent him to our world. Maybe he’s lying, or maybe not. If so, give me a reward. I also want him to come with me to the adventurer’s guild later. Became my partners in this craft. May the debt be repaid. Because I have to wait until the wings grow back. By the way, what’s your name? She turned to me. In fact, I didn’t tell her my name.

      – Danil.

      – Silly name. But it doesn’t matter.– She turned to the gnome.– Galina who deals with such matters? Maybe the mage is the highest.

      – I’ll look in the catalog now.– The lady smiled at us. I looked in a large book and began to look for something. Flipping through the pages.– So here it is. Thoren the third

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