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The Masked Magician. I’m not here by chance. Рамиль ЛатыповЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Masked Magician. I’m not here by chance - Рамиль Латыпов

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So in the guild of adventurers is the right place for you. Maybe you can find it before us.– She began rummaging again on the table shelf.– Here are your new papers. Spell"Name and status».

      She handed me a sign with my name and status.

      – From the guild bonus you thirty gold. There is a note in the corner about it.

      I watched. Yes, there is.

      – There is one condition. For now, don’t tell anyone that you’re a hero from another world. And then you will be called to battle. With your fortune, you will lose and dishonor all the heroes that came to us before you. We wouldn’t want that. And don’t talk about your world to everyone. Aralia can be your partner from this day on. And responsible for you. This is clear?

      We nodded. I didn’t want to talk about my world of developed future.

      – Sell the potion, but with a note that it was made by the magicians in the guild. Here are the papers.– A scroll appeared out of thin air, which she handed to Aralia.– Don’t forget to pay taxes. You are now a hero, a citizen of the Yarov state. And sorry for asking, but what’s wrong with your face. It doesn’t look like a curse. Were you born this way?

      – No, it’s a curse. Witch did. You don’t have a cure for this. Or even masks?

      – Sorry hero there is no such potion. Maybe do it yourself. from these herbs.

      She grew five blades of grass from the shelf. Handed it over to me. The smell is floral, and maybe lemon.

      – Potion to remove my curse. I want to become as handsome as before so that the ladies stick to me.– The herbs in her hands became a bubble of bright red liquid. I drank it in one gulp.– Is there an effect?

      – No, you’re still the same freak. Maybe it takes time. In the meantime, it has not worked, here is the mask.– The magician again began to dig in the boxes. Yes, they are simply bottomless or there is emptiness. I didn’t understand her principle.– There she is.– She took out a beautiful mask. All covered in gold and jewels.– The thing is expensive. But it suits you. It has a healing feature and increases stamina. Mask of the lord of darkness. She changes to her master.

      I liked the mask. I tried it on. Covers the entire face. It has two large cutouts for the voice and for the nose. Aralia created a mirror. I liked the look. Became like a man.

      – In it, you are just written handsome. Your body is strong and lean.– Aralia said touching my pumped up arms. But then she pulled them away.– But underneath, you’re a freak.

      – Yes, the mask suits you as a hero. Don’t take it off. You can then visit me in it. But already alone. Let’s talk. I recently lost my husband. At war with the trollsdied. Come comfort the widow.

      Yes, what happened to them. A real magical mask. I will cherish her. Maybe the potion is partially working.

      – Maybe I’ll go.– I looked at the ladies. Apparently they can’t talk anymore.– We need to go to the Adventurer’s Guild. Let’s talk later beautiful mage.

      Began to go out. Aralia followed me.

      – My friend Gaora works in the guild, she will serve you out of turn. And he will give the best assignments. Say something from me. Better pass this note.– The magician began to write a note on a piece of paper with a pen. Just a couple of lines and handed me. I came and took it. She grabbed my hand. Claws and she did not interfere with cutting.– Come in the evening to the house of one thousand three hundred and three Magic street do not linger. I was alone for a long time. My husband was in the war for a year. Waited for him.

      I gently pulled my hand away. He nodded his head and left the office. Strange Day. Aralia came up in the corridor and took her hand.

      – What are you doing? – I asked in surprise. She used to avoid me.

      – I wanted to take your hand. And then you get lost. You are new in this world. I am responsible for you. Let’s go to the guild.

      The lady’s voice became supple and gentle. The anger is gone. Miracle mask. Miracle potion. A girl and a boy who were playing on the stairs, noticing the changes, began to scream.

      – Bride and groom. Tili-tili dough.

      To my surprise, Aralia did not remove her hand. The dwarf lady winked at me at the entrance. Looks mean a lot here. As well as in my world.

      The streets were busy. The people fussed and pushed. Lots of pickpockets here. I’ve noticed a few of them myself. In dark hoods. The small knives on their belts glowed green. It’s probably poison. Although it might be something else. This world is very different from mine. Temples of Light were everywhere. Monks in white robes sang hymns, collecting donations in bowls on their hands. Others in black robes called for prayers.«Ask for forgiveness from the Goddess of Light. She is kind and will drive away the evil creature. Goddess of Evil. A curse on her head». Here are the fools. There are no gods here. There is ruin and poverty everywhere.

      – Let’s go to this store. We need to buy you a weapon. And then you walk around naked.– The lady eagle said laughing and took me to a store with a sign"Magic weapons and items». I began to read their letters in this mask. I didn’t understand how. He took off his mask. Again, vague characters. Allotment. I can read. A lovely mask.

      It was beautiful in the twenty-meter shop. Silk carpets and magical weapons are everywhere. Paintings of battles from different eras. From primitive ones with spears and arrows to magical ones with staves and flying dragons with riders. We were approached by an elderly half-human man with donkey ears and the same teeth in glasses.

      – Welcome to my store. I am an Orly owner. What you need? Let me guess.– He looked closely at the lady. -You need blades. You are a werewolf eagle. Your race is agile, but weak in magic. Look at these blades.– He pulled two blades from behind the counter, obviously expensive ones. Jeweled and blazing red pulsing light.– They are fiery just right for you. It’s also a good idea to buy armor. Here I have one for you.– He deftly took out the coat of mail. Thin and light.– This chain mail is made from ore dmerite. The lightest thing in the world. But very durable.– Seeing the lady’s interest, he continued.– Only two hundred gold for everything.

      – Thirty.– The lady said, trying on chain mail and holding blades in one hand. She was very gentle with them.

      – Fourty.

      – Goes.– He took the payment and turned to me.– I will offer you a young man in a mask. Oh, this is the first time. You can’t be read. And my vision ability doesn’t work. Weird. You are not just a traveler.

      – You better not know.– I said and winked. The words of the mage Thoren must be obeyed. At least while she will help me, in search of options to return home.– Show everything. Maybe I’ll pick up something.

      – Your outfit is very strange. I have never seen such fabric. Lightweight but durable.

      – And then. And it doesn’t burn.– I bought a shirt on sale from non-burning fabric.

      – Excuse me. Spell"the fire». – He came up to me with a ball of fire and ran it down my sleeve. It didn’t catch fire. Living in 2060 is something. Too bad I didn’t bring any equipment with me.That’s the trouble.

      – She may not break.– Aralia plunged her red blades into him. As I thought, they didn’t pierce it.– How wonderful. You are so amazing.– And she kissed me. I’d be happy. But the kiss was for the mask.

      – So you don’t need armor? That’s when you get a staff of water. I’ve had it for a long time. Maybe it will finally work for you. Three generations lie idle.– He handed me a staff with a skull on the base. Apparently the creature was not human. More like a reptile.

      – Too light.– I held it in my hand. Convenient

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