Continental Rifted Margins 1. Gwenn Peron-PinvidicЧитать онлайн книгу.
promoting the development of magmatic features that do not overlie the melt source (Magee et al. 2016). Therefore, the source location can be a great distance from the observed structures, adding huge uncertainties on the identification and characterization of the physical sources.
Figure 1.35a. Summary of the main geometries related to magmatic activity encountered in rifts and rifted margin studies. The figure is from Calvès et al. (2011), based on the study of the West Indian margin, and adapted from Symonds et al. (1998). Schematic volcanic margin transect at the top panel illustrating seismic facies units associated with extrusive volcanic deposits
Figure 1.35b. Seismic facies chart, morphometric data and interpretation of the volcanostratigraphic elements identified on the West Indian margin (source: from Calvès et al. 2011)
Further reading.– The above descriptions are abbreviated and often simplified. If interested in reading and learning further, the reader is referred to the following list of publications and references:
– General: (Mitchum et al. 1977; White et al. 1987; White and McKenzie 1989; Eldholm 1991; Saunders et al. 1997; Symonds et al. 1998; Planke et al. 2000; Calvés et al. 2011; Magee et al. 2016).
1.6. References
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