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В поисках равновесия. Великобритания и «балканский лабиринт», 1903–1914 гг.. О. И. АгансонЧитать онлайн книгу.

В поисках равновесия. Великобритания и «балканский лабиринт», 1903–1914 гг. - О. И. Агансон

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и Сербия в 1914–1915 гг. М., 1990. С. 12.


      Ottoman Diplomatic Documents on the Origins of World War One (далее – ODD) / Ed. by S. Kuneralp and G. Tokay. Vol. I (The road to Bulgarian Independence, September 1908 – May 1910). Istanbul, 2008.


      ODD. Vol. II (The Bosnian Annexation Crisis September 1908 – May 1909). Istanbul, 2009.


      ODD. Vol. VII (The Balkan Wars 1912–1913). Pt. I–II. Istanbul, 2012.


      Depeches D’Alexandre Mavroyeni Bey, ambassadeur de Turquie a Vienne au ministre ottoman des affaires etrangeres (decembre 1911 – Octobre 1912). Istanbul, 1989.


      Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. House of Lords and House of Commons. Ser. 4. London, 1903–1908; House of Commons. Ser. 5, 1909–1913.


      Steiner Z.S. The Foreign Office and Foreign Policy. P. 193–194.




      Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates. House of Commons. Vol. 32. 1911. Col. 2569–2570.


      Grey E. Twenty Five Years 1892–1916. Vol. I–II. New York, 1925.


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      Tilkidom and the Ottoman Empire. The Letters of Gerald Fitzmaurice to George Lloyd, 1906–1915 / Ed. by G.R. Berridge. Istanbul, 2008.


      Steed H. W. Through Thirty Years. 1892–1922. Vol. I. London, 1924.


      Gregory J.D. On the Edge of Diplomacy. Rambles and Reflections, 1902–1928. London, 1928.


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      Dumba K. Dreibund und Entente Politik in Alten und Neuen Welt. Zurich, 1931; Giesl W. Zwei Jahrzehnte im Nahen Orient. Berlin, 1927; Baernreither J.M. Fragments of Political Diary. London, 1930; Чернин О. В дни мировой войны. Воспоминания бывшего австрийского министра иностранных дел. М., Пг., 1923.


      Dumaine A. Derniere Ambassade de France en Autriche. Notes et souvenirs. Paris, 1921; Poincare R. Au service de la France. Vol. Ill (L’Europe sous les armes, 1913). Paris, 1926.


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      Ismail Kemal Bey. The Memoirs of Ismail Kemal Bey. London, 1920; Djemal A. Memories of a Turkish Statesman, 1913–1919. London, 1922.; Noradounghian H. Les Balkans et la Russie a la veille de la Premiere guerre mondiale. Memories d’un diplomate ottoman. Istanbul, 2010.


      Татарчев X. Първият централен комитет на ВМРО. Спомени на д-р Христо Татарчев. Материяли за историята на македонского освободително движение. Кн. IX. София, 1928; Шатев П. Солунският атентат и заточениците въ Фезан. По спомени на Павел П. Шатев. Кн. IV. Материали за историята на македонского освободително движение. София, 1927; Todorov К. Balkan Firebrand. The Autobiography of a Rebel, Soldier and Statesman. Chicago, 1943.


      Steiner Z. The Foreign Office and Foreign Policy. P. 186.


      Hale O.J. Publicity and Diplomacy, with Special Reference to England and Germany. London, New York, 1940. P. 40.


      The History of the Times. The Twentieth Century Test. 1884–1912. London, 1947. P. 402–405.


      Bridge F.R. Great Britain and Austria-Hungary, 1906–1914. London, 1972. P. 33.


      BD. Vol. IX (2). № 17. Grey to Cartwright. 11.10.1912.


      The Times (1903–1914); The Fortnightly Review (1903–1909); The Contemporary Review (1903–1914); The Westminster Review (1903–1907); The Nineteenth Century and After (1913); The Independent Review (1903–1907); The Economist (1912).


      The Annual Register (1903–1909).

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