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Academy of Miracles – 2. Dwarf Question. It’s time to act. Рамиль ЛатыповЧитать онлайн книгу.

Academy of Miracles – 2. Dwarf Question. It’s time to act - Рамиль Латыпов

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her for an important matter. She sat next to her princess and another lady-in-waiting, Sophia, in her red wing. On the way to it, everyone congratulated me on my victory.

      – Princess release her for me for a couple of hours. I have important business with her.

      – Oh, you still decided to do it with her. This is good. She buzzed my ears that you don’t want her. At the hotel you will say that they will make a discount from me. Then you will go to the doctor for medicine, say that he will also make a discount from me. Enjoy Claudius while you can. The princess laughed. Although I noticed sadness.

      – No, what are you. I need her for advice.

      – No matter. Don’t hate her. I agree you can go Tatiana.

      My girlfriend ran up to me and kissed me on the cheek. She is so gentle. She is so beautiful in this lush dress.

      We left the academy. The city is always lively and beautiful. in the main streets. There are many dark corners behind the beautiful facade. And my friends bandits homeless children live in them.

      It didn’t take long to get in the right direction. Soldiers passing by the golem saluted me along the way. I am respected.

      So that’s where you took me. To a real estate office. – Said my girlfriend near the Sign «Realtors Mermaid».

      – Of course, only you can help me buy a good apartment or house. I would be ashamed to come alone and ask for a double bed for the house. I would have been offered a little room in a hostel and that’s it. And so when a girl is with me, they will offer a big house.

      – I knew that you think that our future is to be together. That’s right, after the academy I don’t want to go back home. I will live here in the city. We will be good together.

      – Everything will be decided by time.

      I did not argue with her, otherwise she would leave and opened the door, letting the lady in. My home is just for Martha and me. From one thought that we will only be together intoxicated thoughts. But I pulled myself together.

      Three mermen with scales instead of skin stood near two armchairs. This is clearly where all the negotiations will take place. The chief merman was sitting at a large table sorting through papers. Looks like we’ve entered a heated argument.

      We want to buy us a house. – Said the excited girl. She liked the idea of being alone. Especially on two local beds. She is a beautiful girl and such thoughts sometimes visited me.

      – It is very good. Young people came to the address. Sit down in this chair and let’s get started.

      We sat down in a comfortable chair together. My girlfriend sat as close to me as possible. And she wrapped her arms around me. This picture embarrassed three adult men under forty. It’s in my hand. There will be fewer questions.

      – We have many options. What type of housing do you need?

      – We need a house. Not strong big. But not small and cheaper. – I said cheerfully. – No more than two hundred and eighty-five gold coins. – That’s all the money I have. Of course, I could save up to three hundred and go for Martha, but where will she live. I can’t go to the hostel. The hotel is expensive. And we still need to do paperwork for release. Also to the mayor Anthony Mirage to give a bribe to the priest of the religion of light. I still don’t have enough money for it. I need a house with a separate entrance to the basement. Multi-storey is better. Where can people be accommodated? Arrange beds. – This is a good option for homeless children. There they will at least spend the night calmly clean and without disturbing me having their own key.

      – The amount is not big and the requests are strange. – Said another of them. Hidalgo is written on the chest. «But we have options. Look here.

      He waved his hand and three holograms from the crystal in his hand flashed in front of us. Three cute houses. All of them are unique in their own way.

      – They fit all your needs. They have two storey cellars with rows of beds. They had large families. The difference between them is in the areas where they are located. In the golden area near the academy, this house. He pointed to the red house. -But Orcs settled next to him. And they stink a little in there. So the residents are gone. Although they themselves were rat people.

      My girlfriend immediately shook her head. She can’t live there. Even though I didn’t call her.

      – No, we need a clean house without a stench.

      – This red house in the area of the poor. In a dark area. There are a lot of bandits there. And the night is restless.

      My girlfriend shook her head again.

      – I can’t walk in the park at night. I so wanted it. It won’t suit us. I need a park. There I will walk with our children. She smiled at the men. They exchanged glances. They thought she was pregnant. It’s good for me. – And this white house.

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