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Your wish. Виктория Олеговна РогозинаЧитать онлайн книгу.

Your wish - Виктория Олеговна Рогозина

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cobblestone, four times the height of a man, in which there was one minor dent. Such boulders were often used to practice powerful techniques. Necroline clenched her hand into a fist, and it glowed with grave blue light. Necroline ran up and struck the cobblestone with a light blow, leaving a decent-sized dent with a network of large and small cracks.

      – It seems that this is your maximum, – Melania said thoughtfully. “Unfortunately, you can’t hit harder. But Verdandi was able to split a similar stone. Oh well, absolute strength is not in magic and not even in physical training.

      This phrase alarmed Dale. He just thought that if he became the most powerful ninja, then only then would he be able to know Absolute power.

      Necroline dropped to one knee wearily, her clothes and hair dripping as if she had taken a dip in a waterfall. Caroline smiled involuntarily. She realized, as always happens in such training, it was the fall into the waterfall that took place. For training, Melania forces Necroline to wear the most uncomfortable clothes. In a skirt, you don’t especially jump up and take a step (you have to mince). That’s why every time Necroline slips and cannot keep his balance when he runs across a log or at the moment of casting another spell on the move, well, you have to fall and “swim” over and over again.

      Necroline’s legs and arms shook. The girl was barely holding on. But still, Melania was satisfied with the training and its results.

      Necroline dropped to her second knee, panting, trying to catch her breath.

      – And this brat wants to stop me?! Thundered furiously over the waterfall, and a moment later another observer of the training process appeared.

      Cute and according to the complexion of the figure, it is immediately clear – kunoichi.

      – Get out! Necroline instantly jumped to her feet, becoming cold and hard again.

      – Fi, how rude. I challenge you! The girl waved her hand.

      – Verdandi, leave in a good way. I gave my word to my girlfriend that I would not kill for no reason and I do not kill crazy people. But you interrogate, and I will have a serious reason.

      Verdandi rushed forward, preferring action to dialogue. Violent hand-to-hand combat ensued. Both girls did not spare each other and fought seriously, trying to get each other out of the “civil war”. They moved quickly, almost imperceptibly to the human eye. Suddenly, Verdandi tripped and Necroline collapsed, and her opponent used…

      – Perfect capture!!! Caroline exclaimed.

      Calm in such a situation remained only Meline. She hoped that Necroline could get out by some means or a miracle. For example, strongly kick Verdandi with a knee in the stomach or chest.

      A “perfect hold” is a hold on an opponent when he cannot move. In this case, Verdandi held Necroline’s chest and left limb with both legs, twisting her palm with her hands. The defeated kunoichi gritted her teeth.

      “Move more, and I will break your arm,” Verdandi smiled bloodthirstyly, wanting her to disobey.

      As expected, Necroline listened to only two people: Melania and Caroline. Verdandi’s order or request did not impress her, and so the kunoichi jumped to her feet with all her might, throwing off Verdandi, breaking her arm. The left limb limply hung along the body. Without waiting for the opponent to get up on all fours, Necroline slightly threw her back and punched her good hand next to her opponent’s temple. The first left a decent imprint in the ground in the rock, serving as a terrible hint.

      “Don’t get in my way anymore,” Necroline spoke softly and decisively.

      Rising to her feet, the kunoichi, without looking back at the loser, went to her friend. The medical ninja immediately started whispering a healing spell, unable to bear the pain and violence. Verdandi left silently. They’ve had similar fights before, usually ending as abruptly as they started.

      – Stupid! Caroline gave her friend a resounding slap in the face.

      Did I break my promise? Necroline’s eyebrow arched in surprise.

      – Was it necessary to break your arm with a jerk?!

      “We should have done it gradually,” Zander suddenly laughed nervously.

      – That’s right, pointy-eared, – Necroline smiled, defusing the situation.

      – Listen, can I ask a question? Dale suddenly asked.

      Kunoichi turned serious again and nodded in agreement, froze in anticipation of the question.

      – Why are you trying to seem ruder than you really are? Dale continued. You are very beautiful when you smile.

      – It’s just that when you start treating everyone in a good way, everyone starts to be rude, and it will be bad for me later. It’s better to be afraid then. And what?

      – No, nothing, – Dale looked from Necroline to Melania, from Melania to Caroline, and then to Zander.

      “Today you can rest,” the elder sister graciously allowed, which could not but rejoice.

      Necroline nodded her thanks.

      – I still have things to do today.

      Together, the company headed towards the house, leaving the kunoichi alone with their “business”. Necroline sat at the very edge of the waterfall, listening to the sound of falling water, and looking down, thinking painfully about something. Yesterday’s chamomile stuck out in her hair. Caroline, on reflection, decided to return, approaching her friend from behind.

      – Do you want to talk, – rather affirmatively than inquiringly whispered “fair”.

      Necroline nodded. Now she looked very tired.

      – Do you think about that girl, Lesya? Caroline asked again.

      “Yes,” the kunoichi nodded. – She is very similar to me. Melania was threatened, and then I shielded her with myself. They told me to leave otherwise I would die. And I said that I would accept death with dignity. I was then eight years old, no more. You know, I dream that someday I will live in peace and not be afraid for the lives of my friends. But all these horrors… as if it happened yesterday.

      – I understand you, – Caroline laid her head on her friend’s shoulder.

      “Although something else worries me now,” Necroline hugged the “fair” by the shoulders. “I think I’m starting to fall in love. For the first time, my heart feels something…something other than anxiety.

      – Dale?

      – Yes. He looks so much like that guy, but is often silent. I read his mind several times. By the way, he didn’t even block me, but Care, he’s completely clean. Honor, pride and feelings – he has all this.

      – You’re just afraid of getting burned. Like then… you’ve been alone for too long, so it’s hard to accept at least some feelings.

      Necroline sighed sadly.

      “Thank you,” the ninja smiled. You have supported and helped me so many times already.

      – Necroline, I’m your friend. You can always rely on me.

      They were silent for a little longer. Necroline sighed heavily, and Caroline touched her friend’s forehead with her forehead, helping to cope with mental problems. Whatever one may say, but they are still friends, the most real.


      Necroline was sitting at the table with everyone. Melania and Caroline cooked well, so they covered everyone in the shortest possible time and forced them to eat a variety of delicious food, cooler than any self-assembled tablecloth. Dale and Zander ate with gusto. Ninja very rarely eat well. Usually they have to eat pasture, not really relying on delicacies. Necroline sat gloomy, darker than the clouds.

      – What’s the matter? Caroline

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