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Your wish. Виктория Олеговна РогозинаЧитать онлайн книгу.

Your wish - Виктория Олеговна Рогозина

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was so much cruelty in his eyes. Cyrus himself was a teenager in his twenties, but with incredibly flabby and old skin.

      The tribunes listened with bated breath to their conversation. Not every time the opponents fight and talk about something. Usually they first hit the face, and then they ask: “Who are you?”. These, for example, decided to immediately find out “hu from hu?”.

      – What happened to you? Necroline asked in an indifferent tone. You’re not even human anymore. You are a demon. You sold your soul to the Devil.

      – Future Devil. I think you know Sumeragi Murakamura, – Cyrus smiled slyly.

      Necroline shrugged her thin shoulders. Fear and hatred lit up in her violet eyes.

      “I’m not coming back,” she said decisively.

      – You will be forced, – Cyrus smiled, exposing fangs.

      – Hide your teeth.

      Takasaki pointed his finger at Kira, pointing at the sword.

      – This is the sword that left the wounds. She won’t be able to resist him.” Takasaki said it unexpectedly loudly.

      – Does it move you? The elf chuckled mockingly.

      – No… Yes.

      – So no or yes??

      “Yes,” Takasaki admitted mournfully, lowering his eyes. “Just don’t tell anyone else.

      Thinking, the guy went down to the lowest stands, preparing, in which case, to run to the aid of Necroline. And the sword that he saw with Cyrus was the most ordinary in appearance, but in fact it had a unique blade of the element of fire. Wounds do not heal from weapons belonging to any element. Maximum scarring.

      At the same time, Emperor Tatsumi was also visibly nervous. He recently learned that Kir died three months ago. Now it is clear what Necroline meant when she said “demon”. So Cyrus really sold his soul to the Devil.

      “I must stop this duel immediately!” Tatsumi decided. But, alas, two more people, also members of the jury, refused to stop the fight.

      “If you agree to be my slave, I will not kill you,” Cyrus offered, quite peacefully.

      Necroline lunged forward, both katanas unsheathed.

      “I promised to kill you,” she said, parrying several thrusts from Kir’s sword.

      – Try it, – Kira’s next attack left a scratch on the girl’s hand.

      For the first time ever, Necroline became uncontrollable. She rushed forward, trying to make an appetizing cut out of Cyrus. She didn’t think about risk. The girl made lunges dangerous for her life, sometimes she had to run away herself, fearing that the blade of Cyrus would catch up with her in the back.

      Takasaki noticed that both of the girl’s katana attacked with amazing ease and speed, but Kira’s defense so far was perfect. Necroline was saved so far by one thing – Cyrus did not seriously attack. His punch would have been stronger, and given the difference in swords… the katana blades would have simply broken.

      But then Takasaki miscalculated. Unexpectedly, Cyrus delivered a stabbing blow, and then suddenly turned it into a slashing blow aimed at the head. How Necroline got away from such a blow, even no one could immediately figure out. In fact, the girl framed the blade of one of the katana and therefore miraculously did not hurt her. After that, Necroline tried to carry out a high side blow, but the tip met the blade of the sword substituted by Cyrus. The blade of the katana twisted in surprise, but it held. Almost immediately, Necroline saw a yellow magical light, but did not have time to do anything. Something hit the girl in the chest and neck, and even threw it back a lot. Necroline flew head over heels across the arena. Cyrus stood and watched as the girl struggled to get on all fours, and then to her feet. Necroline touched her fingers to her neck. The only thing she understood was that the artery was not affected, but the laryngeal cartilage and muscle were pierced. Blood flowed like a stream. Necroline wanted to say something, but no sound came out of her mouth. A silver-blue lightning bolt appeared in the girl’s hand. Necroline swung it, hoping to cut Cyrus in half, but he deftly jumped over her, ending up behind the back of the ninja girl. Necroline spun around and threw lightning like a spear. The attack hit Cyrus in the chest. He fell, bleeding. Necroline staggered. Legs trembled, and knees tried to meet each other.

      Takasaki jumped into the arena and caught Necroline as she started to fall unconscious.

      “Doctors, hurry up,” Tatsumi commanded.

      In less than five minutes, Necroline was taken to the hospital.

      “I’m surprised she didn’t kill him,” Melaine shook her head.

      Cyrus, unlike Necroline, crawled away on his own. Although it is necessary to say for fairness that he was seriously injured and the wound inflicted by lightning remained with him for the rest of his life.

      – What is this jutsu? Tatsumi asked as he approached Caroline.

      He knew Melania and Caroline well. Necroline then specially introduced them.

      “I don’t know,” Takasaki admitted honestly.

      “Me too.” Caroline shook her head.

      – And I, – Melaine looked down.

      “It’s a Jutsu Blade,” the elf replied. “Almost no one knows him. This further proves my theory.

      – Do you think that Necroline is the devil’s runaway daughter and the Devil’s bride?! Caroline raised an eyebrow in surprise.

      “I hope it’s not true,” Takasaki sighed.


      It was midnight. The pale bloody face of the moon looked out the window. Rain lightly knocks on the glass, calming shattered nerves.

      Necroline lay on her back in bed, staring up at the white ceiling. She was still in the hospital. This is the sixth day since that fight with Cyrus. There was an emptiness in my soul. Black and cruel. Two days ago, the girl secretly got out of the hospital through the window and, making her way to the laboratory, where Cyrus “rested” in a test tube. It is in test tubes that demons are cured. At parting, kissing the glass of the test tube where Cyrus’s lips were, Necroline hit the Jutsu-Blade, permanently killing the demon. She then returned to the hospital.

      There was not a single thought in my head. The day after the battle in the arena, Necroline began training in secret.

      They came to visit her every day. Tatsumi provided the girl with the best doctors. Melaine and Caroline sobbed side by side each time. They were worried, because Necroline was constantly silent due to a wound on her neck. Takasaki and Zander constantly brought fruits and flowers, wishing him a speedy recovery.

      “I am not really me. That is, it is, of course, “I”, but not the “I” that should actually be. “I” is a completely different me, not the one I show. So “I” is not really me, and maybe not me at all, Necroline thought.

      The cold wind outside the window tore off the autumn leaves. It was the same weather when Necroline first landed on Earth.

      The girl shuddered, remembering the fear she had experienced.

      She was the daughter of the Devil. This devil was a friend of the Devil himself. It was the two of them who planned the wedding of Necroline and Murakamura. Necroline was a very spoiled girl. She was trained in palace etiquette, but, alas, did not observe it at all. The girl was constantly rude, rude, capricious to others and behaved in the most unworthy way.

      The girl knew about the wedding with Murakamura and treated it as if it were supposed to be so. She already felt like the High Queen in Hell. Murakamura at that time played with cars, and Necroline with dolls, in other words, they did not intersect. But one day everything changed.

      Her own older sister Sakura turned out to be

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