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Whistler. He’s coming for you. Рамиль ЛатыповЧитать онлайн книгу.

Whistler. He’s coming for you - Рамиль Латыпов

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see her once, you will remember forever how they differed from each other. – And you’re all lying, they don’t write this in books.

      – Do not say that Elsa about Olya, she is a smart girl and if she said that she read about it, then it’s true. – Said the witch teacher, adjusting her glasses and wrinkling her face, how stupid she looks when she does that. – And you, how do you know what they write in such books, you have never opened them in your life. You read only what is included in the school course.

      We laughed, it’s always easier to laugh at another than to admit that you are also the same as them. But I read a lot of books. I don’t even know at what age, maybe always.

      – Still, I don’t believe it. You’d better continue Victor, it’s interesting, even though everything is your invention, but you talk so interestingly. – Elsa smiled at me, my face turned red from such a smile. – Your voice calms me, maybe I’ll fall asleep. And that is a long road.

      – After five days, everyone forgot that he was new. This is what he was waiting for. He performed a terrible ceremony at the cemetery, three kilometers from the pioneer camp, and killed the local dog «Silver». I don’t know if he managed to summon a dark entity, but he himself, taking an ax, cut down five pioneers, a leader and a director.

      – According to your initial words, there was no counselor and director. – The girl Olya, the daughter of a well-known scientific chemist in narrow circles and his laboratory assistant, who is twenty years younger than him, looked shyly at me in glasses. And she’s pretty when she looks under her glasses. We must remember this Olya, a good fallback for me if Katya sends. You cannot always hope for success in everything. I’m not a fool. She is smart, which means you can provide such arguments that she will have nothing to cover them with.

      – The leader was found the next day near the camp near one dug up grave. But then no one was buried there, who was buried there was never recognized. It’s a secret. I made a meaningful pause and continued. – The director was found in the lake.

      Did they find the killer? – It became interesting to the witch, she did not often listen to me like that. Or she, knowing my answer, decided to scare everyone, she loves when she is afraid.

      – Not. That’s where all the salt is. They searched for him for two weeks, but they never found him. The article says that local residents from neighboring villages say that at night he wanders around the camp in search of his victims and whistles. Therefore, journalists called him a maniac «Whistler». Here is the story of the camp we are going to.

      What kind of stupid name is that?

      – Light do not say that, I read in the newspaper that he walked around the camp and whistled, that’s what they called it. He was also called «Ripper» and «Lumberjack», but I like «Whistler» better. And the worst thing is that he buried all the pioneers and they never found him. He may still be alive and wandering around this camp.

      The cemetery is scary. Why is it near the pioneer camp? – Katya was clearly afraid of such places. How cute. She even had an eyebrow twitching, you don’t often see her like that.

      – The cemetery is specially made for those children who do not obey adults. The teacher laughed. She’s so cheerful when she’s not at work. Even began to respect her more. But it wasn’t long. – Just kidding, of course, you were told that they were built for the prison. You didn’t think that the state would bury all sorts of garbage next to worthy people like you or me.

      Knowing how people are judged in our country, it’s stupid to talk like that. But she was not smart, our witch teacher. I exchanged glances with Petka, he thought she was crazy, even showed a sign. I involuntarily laughed. We heard everything.

      – I see our Viktorchik funny. He always reacts inappropriately to death and everything connected with it. He seems to be laughing at her. – The witch made an ominous face, as she did when she gave me deuces. «Death may laugh at you one day. And maybe it will be very soon.

      I was afraid of her words, I swallowed a lump in my throat. She can scare when she wants to. I don’t know where this anger comes from in her, maybe it has developed over the years of working with children. We can be very capricious, well, at least the others are not me and Petka, we are two angels.

      The leader was fed up with it all. Although he is frail in appearance, he does not have unlimited patience.

      – Enough about that. We are going to a fun summer camp to relax and have fun. The past of this place should not worry you. You are still children and do not understand much in life. I need this job to pay off my debts, I won’t let you get in my way. I still have to pay for my studies at the institute.

      For a moment, his eyes turned red. I did not like it. He is not a simple counselor, as he wants to seem. But who is he? Fantasy was already drawing intricate pictures of who he could be. Children have a vivid imagination, and I knew it, although I considered myself quite an adult. But to overcome the last barrier on this path, I need only one thing, and this is what I want to get this summer. I noticed that the bespectacled Olya was staring at me, looking with interest as I look at Katya, and she does not hide it. Here are the new perspectives, an inner voice told me, but I drowned it out and smiled at her. Her face flushed and she smiled at me. It is necessary that Katya be jealous, this is the best way for me to win her over, however, it is described in one book on seduction that I read specially before the trip. «You have to be ready for anything, son,» my adoptive father tells me, he is right as always.

      – It’s good that you understand me. – The counselor was pleased that we were silent, he took it for a victory, I will not argue with him. His appearance was too formidable, not even a look, but an aura, I have not experienced this before. The air became heavy and smelled of burnt paper, it became hard to breathe. Something squeezed his throat, but then let go. – Now we will act according to the scenario of the trip. Did everyone understand me?

      He glared at us menacingly, we nodded. No one wanted to argue with him, even the witch accepted his authority, for the first time I see this. She even puts our headmaster Pyotr Leonidovich in his place when he walks next to her or tries to speak. He himself complained to me about this, how he hired her on the basis of a personal letter from the governor. It was hard to see a sixty-year-old man who almost cried about this. But that’s his problem and I don’t feel sorry for him. All that worries me is Katka, although I knew that this is age-related, but you can’t argue with hormones and you can’t crush arguments, they will walk over you like a concrete rink and leave nothing from you that was before. Difficult stage of growing up.

      Chapter 3 Hello Summer Horror Camp

      Then the trip went according to Edik’s scenario. We sang songs about summer holidays, the counselor told jokes, we played cities. Of course, Petka and I were the last in the game, and when everyone got tired of our endless enumeration of small African cities to the two of us, they awarded the victory and gave us a chocolate bar, which we shared with the ladies. Of course, I’m with Katka, but Petka unexpectedly gave his Olya. Maybe she liked him. I don’t know, but she obviously doesn’t like him, although she didn’t frown openly, like other girls and accepted the gift. My friend has a very bad reputation among girls, all because of the case when he spied on them in the sports locker room from a tree. They caught him, then I managed to escape, still there was nothing to be seen. So they can’t stand it, although they communicate with me as if nothing had happened. Not caught, not a thief. Although there was nothing to see, although Katya has everything in place. That’s when he fell in love with her.

      – Look at our camp! – Petka shouted, he always liked to stand out from the crowd, attracting attention, often this ruined him. When he realized that everyone was paying attention to him, he added. – Our camp, where «Whistler» goes at night. He will sneak up on you when you are sleeping and run away with his tail between his legs when he sees girls without makeup.

      Everyone laughed. We

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