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Friends in the World of Sword and Magic. Рамиль ЛатыповЧитать онлайн книгу.

Friends in the World of Sword and Magic - Рамиль Латыпов

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yourself are a joke. «I muttered, turning away. What was he really up to?

      – Don’t be offended. Let’s go, the guild is waiting. He smiled, but I noticed that he didn’t like that the maid was dressing me and not him. Although he started it all and felt like he was in charge for the first time in a long time. He often wanted to be the leader of the group, but it was always me. Without me, he would have remained a troubled teenager with a bunch of complexes. Although I have enough of them, I skillfully hide them from others. Well I think so.

      When we were leaving, Virgil suddenly stood up from the table and hugged me, saying:

      – Mister Victor, good luck, let your nickname be the conqueror of heights.

      Walking out into the yard, I immediately realized that we were already in a completely different world. Carts with horses carried straw, people with swords on their belts, magicians with hoods and magic staffs. This is definitely not my small provincial town in which I lived. I also noticed many magical races, such as ogres and elves, draconians and mermen, orcs, gnomes, small flying fairies, demons and beastmen of various types. The streets were clean, my friend said that the magic of cleansing works here and the mucus eats up dirt and debris. It was light everywhere, although the sun was already setting due to a special ore that glows at night in lanterns throughout the city.

      Walking through the block, I understood why my friend liked this particular house, although the money would have been enough for something better. Just after the quiet block was the bustling red light district. Cups of various stripes beckoned customers to come in and taste the forbidden fruits. The smell of perfume and aromatic ointments, lubricants and sex was dizzying. Apparently, having been refused by the maid, he often comes here, maybe he ran out of money that the guild gave him, so he brought me here. So his plan is revealed, it’s good that he doesn’t know about us and his girlfriend. Will he forgive me for this? Of course, we often quarreled, but before that everything was child’s play, but now everything is serious. Why did I do this, I couldn’t resist the juicy naked body. She herself came on the very day when my girlfriend left for another city. She came to my room after my parents left and immediately undressed without saying anything. I couldn’t resist, even though I should have. For the sake of our friendship with Petka and for our own sake. But I’m a lost person, seeing a cute face I can’t resist. We need to correct ourselves and control ourselves. I definitely won’t dare to lay claim to Virgil. It would be better for her to be a nobody’s, than for me to let my friend down again. Although I immediately wanted to see her naked and find out why there seemed to be no life from her. Although she looks so alive, and the maid’s uniform is almost debauched. If she had worn glasses like Olya, I wouldn’t have been able to restrain myself a long time ago.

      My friend laughed, mistaking my thoughtful look for embarrassment or desire.

      – I see that you want to come in?

      – No, Petka was not even in my thoughts. – Although such a thought came to my mind.

      – Not now, sorry. We need to get money from the guild and take on a task. And – He came closer to me. «I’ve got a little idea, you’ll give me a thousand gold pieces in a friendly manner.»

      – Of course friend. «I laughed, and it’s clear why I’m here.» Maybe by giving him the money I can go home. I don’t like all this medievalism and the world of sword and magic so much. It’s all painful for children. Although when I saw a naked minotaur girl with big bare breasts I immediately took my words back, the girl smiled sweetly at me and invited me with her hands to come into one of the salons.

      «The main thing is don’t think that I called you just for this.» – He smiled, although too artificially, it is clear that very soon we can stop being friends. I will go to the army, he will go to college, and our paths will diverge forever. Although this is normal, it’s like this for everyone, childhood passes and adulthood begins.

      – Of course friend, this will be our great adventure. «I said joyfully, I need to at least have some fun with him one last time, I’ll have at least something to remember in my old age, when I’m thirty.»

      The guild was a large three-story building made of mountain stone with a large sign «Guild of Heroes» with a coat of arms in the form of a unicorn. The inside of the building reminded me of the old-time inns in my city, except for the wall with task signs and the reception desk. At the guild we were met by rude warriors standing near the board who announced that when they saw my friend they parted to give us the way, apparently they respect him here, but they looked at me like I was trash, I didn’t like it. A more pleasant crowd was sitting at tables with various dishes. Ladies of different races in light armor cast languid glances at Petka and me. Mages buried in ancient scrolls and their young students bringing them drinks and books. They hope to become like these decrepit old men, they are fools.

      – My favorite hero is back. – Emma, a very cheerful elf with blue hair, a green sundress and a small blue hat, shouted from the reception desk.

      – Emma is my curator in this guild. – Petka introduced her to me. The girl was already hanging on his shoulder and kissing him on the cheek, so cute.

      Then, she gave us kvass to drink, asked a lot about his adventures, even kissed my friend lightly on the lips when she received a sign with the completed task. True to her work. Having learned that I also needed a card, she went with us to Mr. Chao on the third floor. Knocking on the black wooden door, we entered his place (there is actually a reverent attitude towards aliens from another world, I liked it). A thin figure stood at the window dressed in a blue robe, holding a staff in an almost withered hand.

      – Young people, sit down, make yourself at home. Emma thank you for your hard work, you can go. «She smiled at us and left, and we sat down on the spacious sofa. The owner of the room sat down in the chair opposite us. – Lightning-fast Peter, as you promised, brought a friend, Victor, I believe. «After I nodded, he continued. He apparently knew about his friend’s problems with money. – We three are guests in this world. We have several rules that you, Victor, must remember and we will not have problems with you. First, don’t tell anyone about our world except aliens like us, with the exception of wives and children who can keep this secret to themselves. Here we catch such aliens from another world and call them «Wanderers.» They give us a reward of a thousand gold pieces, magicians and sorcerers from all over the Hundreds kill our people for potions and amulets, because for an unprecedented reason we have more of it than the inhabitants of this world. Second, don’t tell or share the knowledge and technologies of our world; they’ll figure out how to live without us. It is not for us to interfere with their natural history. We can place the emergence of a revival like the grandfather of you-know-who. – He looked askance at Petka, who only smiled sweetly at him, apparently he was used to this, he had listened to this more than once. – Thirdly, do not kill civilians and aliens like you and me, unless they attacked you themselves or challenged you to a duel, robbers and demons are allowed, you can also kill in a war if you want to participate in it. There are no more than eight wives and concubines each. «He narrowed his eyes and for some reason looked not at me, but at Petya, although in theory the lecture was for me. Chao also knew about this dream of my friend about a big harem, and I trembled. – Leave the young ladies for others. With children under eighteen, no, no. It doesn’t matter that in this world the age of majority is fifteen, it doesn’t concern me, we follow the laws of our world. There was only one before you, but we quickly handed him over to the police of our world, so look at me. The rules are clear – after my nod, he continued. – Let’s see your rank, young man, put your finger on this plate. – I obeyed – So very interesting, your level is one hundred and thirty-five, the highest I have seen among people here. And the monster conqueror specialization means you can tame all sorts of creatures, that’s cool. What name should you write as a hero?

      – Victor Conqueror of heights and hearts. This is what our maid Virgil advised me to do. I have no reason to disagree

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