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H. C. Robbins Landon, Beethoven: A Documentary Story (New York: Macmillan, 1974), 210. Lichnowsky’s physician, Dr. Anton Weiser, tells the story of when Beethoven was offended by being asked to play the violin at a dinner.
Swafford, Beethoven, 21.
Swafford, Beethoven, 53.
Franz Wegeler and Ferdinand Ries, Beethoven Remembered: The Biographical Notes of Franz Wegeler and Ferdinand Ries (Salt Lake City, UT: Great River Books, 1987), 39.
Swafford, Beethoven, 98–99.
Swafford, Beethoven, 128. “Part of his gift was the raptus, that ability to withdraw into an inner world that took him beyond everything and everybody around him, and also took him beyond the legion of afflictions that assailed him. Improvising at the keyboard and otherwise, he found solitude even in company.”
Swafford, Beethoven, 98–99.
Heiligenstadt Testament letter.