Английская грамматика: объяснения и тесты. Часть 3. М. М. БитюковаЧитать онлайн книгу.
all day.
a) said
b) asks
c) asked
2. My younger daughter … she wanted to be a famous actress.
a) say
b) tell
c) told
d) said
3. Michael said that he … that woman by the window several times before.
a) met
b) has met
c) had met
d) was meeting
4. The teacher said that Everest … the highest mountain in the world.
a) is
b) was
c) has been
d) would be
5. Lizzy told us that Sam was leaving … .
a) tomorrow
b) the next day
c) the previous day
6. Tina asked what they were going to do … .
a) right away
b) now
c) today
7. Paul said that he … a great time at the party.
a) had
b) is having
c) has had
d) had had
8. David said that he … Susan the following day.
a) had called
b) will call
c) would call
9. Mrs. Jones asked the boy … .
a) where was her purse
b) where her purse was
c) where her purse had
10. Antonio asked Sylvia … .
a) if she liked pizza
b) did she like pizza
c) she liked pizza
11. The receptionist told Miss Marple that her friend … for the past 24 hours.
a) wasn’t seen
b) hadn’t been seen
c) isn’t seen
12. Billy wondered how much further … .
a) should they ride
b) they will ride
c) they should ride
Тест для проверки пройденного уровня C
1. The secretary said that she … and couldn’t work any more.
a) is tired
b) was tired
c) has been tired
2. My friend asked me what holidays … .
a) I liked
b) have I liked
c) did I like
3. Patrick asked Johanna when … go out with him.
a) would she
b) she would
c) will she
d) she will
4. The Navy officials said that the dolphins … in salt water holding tanks.
a) will be kept
b) would be kept
c) are kept
5. When they came and found what … by the soldiers of Pharaoh they became angry.
a) have been done
b) has been done
c) had been done
d) was done
6. Anna asked the passer-by … he knew where the nearest post office was.
a) whether
b) weather
c) unless
d) until
7. Miranda asked … back with further news.
a) to phone
b) to being phoned
c) to be phoned
8. The driver was requested … so fast.
a) don’t drive
b) not to drive
c) hasn’t to drive
9. Pedestrians are required … the road at the zebra crossing.
a) cross
b) crossing
c) to cross
10. Suddenly she realized that she … too hard that month.
a) studied
b) had studied
c) had been studying
11. The little bear wondered who … in his bed.
a) is sleeping
b) had been sleeping
c) slept
12. I didn’t know that all this … quite by chance.
a) happened
b) had happened
c) was happening
Глава 3. Вопросы в английском языке
Вопросительные предложения, или вопросы (Questions), – это неотъемлемая часть любого языка. Без них не было бы ответов. Поэтому так важно научиться их задавать правильно.
Существует несколько видов вопросов: общие, специальные, альтернативные, разделительные и краткие вопросы. Рассмотрим каждый вид в отдельности.
Общие вопросы (General questions)
Эти вопросы задают с целью получить общее представление о предмете, действии или качестве. На них можно ответить двумя способами: либо “да”, либо “нет”. Общий вопрос строится по следующей схеме:
1 – вспомогательный глагол
2 – подлежащее
3 – сказуемое
4 – дополнение
5 – обстоятельство (места, времени)
Например: Do you know her? (Ты