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Империя и ее соседи. Сборник статейЧитать онлайн книгу.

Империя и ее соседи - Сборник статей

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Пергамское царство. Проблемы политической истории и государственного устройства. СПб., 2010.

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      Welles Ch.B. The Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period. New Haven: Yale University press. 1934.

      Список сокращений:

      CAH – The Cambridge Ancient History.

      RC – Welles Ch.B. The Royal Correspondence in the Hellenistic Period. New Haven: Yale University press. 1934.

      The image of the Hellenistic king in the ancient historical tradition

      Abstract. The article analyzes those works of ancient Greek and Roman historians that tell about the Roman conquest of Greece and the Hellenistic states, in which the image of the Hellenistic kings was created. The author of the article mentions three main approaches of ancient authors. Polybius and a few other authors very complimentarily characterized such important Roman allies as the kings of the Pergamon state Attalus I and Eumenes II. Criticism of this small group of kings was not expressed or sounded very restrained. The second group consisted of the most famous and dangerous opponents of Rome: Antiochus III, Philip V, Perseus, Mithridates VI Eupator and some other kings. Greek and Roman historians recognized the

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