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The Martian Chronicles / Марсианские хроники. Рэй БрэдбериЧитать онлайн книгу.

The Martian Chronicles / Марсианские хроники - Рэй Брэдбери

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That's why Mr. Iii laughed when I suggested my men sign the papers too!”

      “Yes, Mr. Iii told me.” The psychologist laughed out of the carved, smiling mouth. “A good joke. Where was I? Secondary hallucinations, yes. Women come to me with snakes crawling from their ears. When I cure them, the snakes vanish.”

      “We'll be glad to be cured. Go right ahead.”

      Mr. Xxx seemed surprised. “Unusual. Not many people want to be cured. The cure is drastic, you know[20].”

      “Cure ahead! I'm confident you'll find we're all sane.”

      “Let me check your papers to be sure they're in order for a 'cure'.” He checked a file. “Yes. You know, such cases as yours need special 'curing'. The people in that hall are simpler forms. But once you've gone this far, I must point out, with primary, secondary, auditory, and labial hallucinations, as well as tactile and optical fantasies[21], it is pretty bad business. We have to resort to euthanasia[22].”

      The captain leaped up with a roar. “Look here, we've stood quite enough[23]! Test us, tap our knees, check our hearts, exercise us, ask questions!”

      “You are free to speak.”

      The captain raved for an hour. The psychologist listened.

      “Incredible,” he mused. “Most detailed dream fantasy I've ever heard.”

      “God damn it, we'll show you the rocket ship!” screamed the captain.

      “I'd like to see it. Can you show it in this room?”

      “Oh, certainly. It's in that file of yours, under R.”

      Mr. Xxx peered seriously into his file. He went “tsk[24]” and shut the file solemnly. “Why did you tell me to look? The rocket isn't there.”

      “Of course not, you idiot! I was joking. Does an insane man joke?”

      “You find some odd senses of humor. Now, take me out to your rocket. I wish to see it.”

      It was noon. The day was very hot when they reached the rocket.

      “So.” The psychologist walked up to the ship and tapped it. “May I go inside?” he asked slyly.

      “You may.”

      Mr. Xxx stepped in and was gone for a long time.

      The psychologist emerged from the ship after half an hour of prowling, tapping, listening, smelling, tasting.

      “Now do you believe!” shouted the captain, as if he were deaf.

      The psychologist shut his eyes and scratched his nose. “This is the most incredible example of sensual hallucination and hypnotic suggestion I've ever seen. I went through your 'rocket,' as you call it.” He tapped the hull. “I hear it. Auditory fantasy.” He drew a breath. “I smell it.” He kissed the ship. “I taste it. Labial fantasy!”

      He shook the captain's hand. “May I congratulate you? Your insanity is beautifully complete!”

      “My insanity.” The captain was pale.

      “Yes, yes, what a lovely insanity. Metal, rubber, gravitizers, foods, clothing, fuel, weapons, ladders, nuts, bolts, spoons. Ten thousand separate items I checked on your vessel. Never have I seen such a complexity. There were even shadows under the bunks and under everything! Such concentration of will! And everything, no matter how or when tested, had a smell, a solidity, a taste, a sound! Let me embrace you!”

      He stood back at last. “I'll write this into my greatest monograph! I'll speak of it at the Martian Academy next month! Look at you! Why, you've even changed your eye color from yellow to blue, your skin to pink from brown. And those clothes, and your hands having five fingers instead of six! And your three friends. – ”

      He took out a little gun. “Incurable, of course. You poor, wonderful man. You will be happier dead. Have you any last words?”

      “Stop, for God's sake! Don't shoot!”

      “You sad creature. I shall put you out of this misery which has driven you to imagine this rocket and these three men. It will be most exciting to watch your friends and your rocket vanish once I have killed you. I will write a neat paper on this case.”

      “I'm from Earth! My name is Jonathan Williams, and these – ”

      “Yes, I know,” said Mr. Xxx, and fired his gun.

      The captain fell with a bullet in his heart. The other three men screamed.

      Mr. Xxx stared at them. “You continue to exist? This is superb! Hallucinations with time and spatial persistence[25]!” He pointed the gun at them.

      “No!” cried the three men.

      “An auditory appeal[26], even with the patient dead,” observed Mr. Xxx as he shot the three men down.

      They lay on the sand, intact, not moving.

      He kicked them. Then he rapped on the ship.

      “It persists! They persist!” He fired his gun again and again at the bodies. Then he stood back. The smiling mask dropped from his face.

      Slowly the little psychologist's face changed. His jaw sagged[27]. The gun dropped from his fingers. His eyes were dull and vacant.

      “Hallucinations,” he mumbled frantically. “Taste. Sight. Smell. Sound. Feeling.” He waved his hands. His eyes bulged[28]. His mouth began to give off a faint froth[29].

      “Go away!” he shouted at the bodies. “Go away!” he screamed at the ship. He examined his trembling hands. “Contaminated[30],” he whispered wildly. “Carried over into me. Telepathy. Hypnosis. Now I'm insane. Now I'm contaminated. Hallucinations in all their forms.” He stopped and searched around with his numb hands for the gun. “Only one cure. Only one way to make them go away, vanish.”

      A shot rang out, Mr. Xxx fell.

      The four bodies lay in the sun. Mr. Xxx lay where he fell.

      The rocket reclined on the little sunny hill and didn't vanish.

      When the town people found the rocket at sunset they wondered what it was. Nobody knew, so it was sold to a junk-man to be broken up for scrap metal.

      That night it rained all night. The next day was fair and warm.

      March 2000: The Taxpayer

      He wanted to go to Mars on the rocket. He went down to the rocket field in the early morning and yelled through the wire fence at the men in uniform that he wanted to go to Mars. He told them he was a taxpayer, his name was Pritchard, and he had a right to go to Mars. Wasn't he born right here in Ohio? Wasn't he a good citizen? Then why couldn't he go to Mars? He shook his fists at them and told them that he wanted to get away from Earth; anybody with any sense wanted to get away from Earth. There was going to be a big atomic war on Earth in about two years, and he didn't want to be here when it happened. He and thousands of others like him, if they had any sense, would go to Mars. To get away from wars and censorship and conscription and government control of this and that, of art and science! You could have Earth! He was offering his good right hand, his heart, his head, for the opportunity to go to Mars! What did you have to do, what did you have to sign, whom did you have to know, to get on the rocket?

      They laughed out through the wire screen at him. He didn't want to go to Mars, they said. Didn't he know that the First and Second Expeditions had failed, had vanished; the men were probably dead?


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