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Кому мешает ДНК-генеалогия? Ложь, инсинуации, и русофобия в современной российской науке. А. А. КлёсовЧитать онлайн книгу.

Кому мешает ДНК-генеалогия? Ложь, инсинуации, и русофобия в современной российской науке - А. А. Клёсов

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A.A. (2012) Ancient history of the Arbins, bearers of haplogroup R1b, from Central Asia to Europe, 16,000 to 1500 years before present. Advances in Anthropology, 2, No. 2, 87-105; Rozhanskii, I.L., Klyosov, A.A. (2012) Haplogroup R1a, its subclades and branches in Europe during the last 9,000 years. Advances in Anthropology, 2, No. 3, 139–156.


      Klyosov, A.A. (2009) DNA Genealogy, mutation rates, and some historical evidences written in Y-chromosome. I. Basic principles and the method. J. Genetic Genealogy, 5, 186–216.


      Клёсов, А.А. (2012) Микросателлиты и гены Y-хромосомы. Вестник Академии ДНК-генеалогии, т. 5, № 7, 911–913.


      Адамов, Д., Гурьянов, В., Каржавин, С., Таганкин, В., Урасин, В. (2015) Константа скорости SNP мутаций Y-хромосомы по данным полного секвенирования. The Russian Journal of Genetic Genealogy (Русская версия): Том 7, № 1,46–67.


      Underhill, P.A., Poznik, G.D., Rootsi, S., Jarve, M., Lin, A.A., Wang, J., Passarelli, B., Kanbar, J., Myres, N.M., King, R.J., Cristofaro, J.D., Sahakyan, H., Behar, D.M., Kushniarevich, A., Sarac, J.S., Saric, T., Rudan, P., Pathak, A.K., Chaubey, G., Grugni, V., Semino, O., Yepiskoposyan, L., Bahmanimehr, A., Farjadian, S., Balanovsky, O., Khusnutdinova, E.K., Herrera, R.J., Chiaroni, J., Bustamante, C.D., Quake, S.R., Kivisild, T., Villems, R. (2015) The phylogenetic and geographic structure of Y-chromosome haplogroup R1a. European Journal of Human Genetics 23, 124–131.


      Klyosov, A.A. (2008) Basic rules of DNA genealogy (Y-chromosome). Mutation rates and their calibration. Proceedings of the Russian Academy of DNA Genealogy, 1, No. 1,3-53; Klyosov, A.A. (2009) DNA Genealogy, mutation rates, and some historical evidences written in Y-chromosome. I. Basic principles and the method. J. Genetic Genealogy, 5, 186–216; Klyosov, A.A. (2009) DNA Genealogy, mutation rates, and some historical evidences written in Y-chromosome. II. Walking the map. J. Genetic Genealogy, 5, 217–256; Klyosov, A.A. (2009) A comment on the paper: Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish Priesthood. Human Genetics, 126, 719–724; Rozhan-skii, I.L., Klyosov, A.A. (2011) Mutation rate constants in DNA genealogy (Y chromosome). Advances in Anthropology, 1, No. 2, 26–34; Клёсов, A.A. (2011) Биологическая химия как основа ДНК-генеалогии и зарождение «молекулярной истории». Биохимия, 76, № 5, 636–653; Klyosov, A.A., Rozhanskii, I.L. (2012) Haplogroup R1a as the Proto Indo-Europeans and the legendary Aryans as witnessed by the DNA of their current descendants. Advances in Anthropology, 2, No. 1, 1-13; Klyosov, A.A. (2012) Ancient history of the Arbins, bearers of haplogroup R1b, from Central Asia to Europe, 16,000 to 1500 years before present. Advances in Anthropology, 2, No. 2, 87-105; Rozhanskii, I.L., Klyosov, A.A. (2012) Haplogroup R1a, its subclades and branches in Europe during the last 9,000 years. Advances in Anthropology, 2, No. 3, 139–156; Klyosov, A.A., Rozhanskii, I.L. (2012) Re-examining the “Out of Africa” theory and the origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in light of DNA genealogy. Advances in Anthropology, 2, No. 2, 80–86; Klyosov, A.A., Rozhanskii, I.L., Ryanbchenko, L.E. (2012) Re-examining the Out-of- Africa theory and the origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids). Part 2. SNPs, haplogroups and haplotypes in the Y charomosome of Chimpanzee and Humans. Advances in Anthropology, 2, No. 4, 198–213; Klyosov, A.A., Mironova, E.A. (2013) A DNA genealogy solution to the puzzle of ancient look-alike ceramics across the world. Advances in Anthropology, 3, No. 3, 164–172; Klyosov, A.A., Tomezzoli, G.T. (2013) DNA genealogy and linguistics. Ancient Europe. Advances in Anthropology, 3, No. 2, 101–111; Klyosov, A.A. (2014) Reconsideration of the "Out of Africa" concept as not having enough proof. Advances in Anthropology, 4, No. 1, 18–37; Клёсов, А.А. (2014) Опыт работы с ККК (калькулятором Килина-Клёсова) расчета времен до общих предков ^yRCA), основанный на модели случайных блужданий и с использвоанием 111 индивидуальных констант скоростей мутаций. Часть 1. Вестник Академии ДНК-генеалогии, т. 7, № 4, 626–638; Клёсов, А.А. (2014) Опыт работы с ККК (калькулятором Килина-Клёсова) расчета времен до общих предков ^yRCA), основанный на модели случайных блужданий и с использованием 111 индивидуальных констант скоростей мутаций. Часть 2. Вестник Академии ДНК-генеалогии, т. 7, № 5, 758–769; Klyosov, A.A. (2014) Reconsideration of the «Out of Africa» concept as not having enough proof. Advances in Anthropology, 4, No. 1, 18–37; E. Elha1k, T.V. Tatarinova, A.A. Klyosov, D. Graur (2014) The ‘extremely ancient' chromosome that isn't: a forensic bioinformatic investigation of A1bert Perry's X-degenerate portion of the Y chromosome. European Journal of Human Genetics 22, 1111–1116; S. To-fanelli, L. Taglioli, S. Bertoncini, P. Francalacci, A. Klyosov, L. Pagani (2014) Mitochondrial and Y chromosome haplotype motifs as diagnostic markers of Jewish ancestry: a reconsideration. Frontiers in Genetics, 5, Article 384. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2014.0038410; Klyosov, A.A. A Comment on the Paper: Were the First Europeans Pale or Dark Skinned? Advances in Anthropology, vol. 4, No. 4, 222–226, 2014; Klyosov, A.A. (2014) Clarifying the ‘African Eve' Concept. Rock Art Research, v. 31, No. 2, 146–148; Клёсов, А.А., Тюняев, А.А. Происхождение человека (по данным антропологии, археологии, ДНК-генеалогии), М., Белые Альвы, 2010, 1020 стр.; Клёсов, А.А. (2013) Происхождение славян. М., Алгоритм, 511 с.; Клёсов, А.А. (2013) Занимательная ДНК-генеалогия. М., Вече, 168 с.; Клёсов, А.А., Пензев, К.А. (2014) Арийские народы на просторах Евразии (М, изд. «Книжный мир»), 351 стр.


      Klyosov, A.A. (2009) DNA Genealogy, mutation rates, and some historical evidences written in Y-chromosome. I. Basic principles and the method. J. Genetic Genealogy, 5, 186–216. Rozhanskii I.L., Klyosov A.A. (2011) Mutation Rate Constants in DNA Genealogy (Y Chromosome). Advances in Anthropology, 1, No.2, 26–34.


      Klyosov, A.A. (2009) DNA Genealogy, mutation rates, and some historical evidences written in Y-chromosome. I. Basic principles and the method. J. Genetic Genealogy, 5, 186–216; Klyosov, A.A. (2009) DNA Genealogy, mutation rates, and some historical evidences written in Y-chromosome. II. Walking the map. J. Genetic Genealogy, 5, 217–256; Klyosov, A.A. (2009) A comment on the paper: Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish Priesthood. Human Genetics, 126, 719–724; Rozhanskii, I.L., Klyosov, A.A. (2011) Mutation rate constants in DNA genealogy (Y chromosome). Advances in Anthropology, 1, No. 2, 26–34; Клёсов, A.A. (2011) Биологическая химия как основа ДНК-генеалогии и зарождение «молекулярной истории». Биохимия, 76, № 5, 636 – 653; Klyosov, A.A., Rozhanskii, I.L. (2012)

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