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$ 300 Million. Alexander NevzorovЧитать онлайн книгу.

$ 300 Million - Alexander Nevzorov

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training is difficult, but possible. We must train.

      It helps to “be in yourself” meditation, exercise with it.

      October 15, 2010

      Is reading generally useful? Lao Tzu said that the whole being knows without studying, sees without looking, reaches without doing. “He knows without studying.” That is, why read books, if you can understand the phenomenon of an internal, divine view. For the person who has achieved perfection (but for that it is perfection to reach it, but not to achieve), really, why read when all the truths (and most likely only one) are already known. But for the remaining 99.99% of people reading is a necessary and useful thing. Of course, this is my personal opinion.

      Different books are read differently by different people. Some (books) are immediately captured, others are not openly interesting, others are so-so… Why does it depend? It depends, perhaps, on how much the person is already prepared for accepting something new, for (from his) development (I’m talking about books of any content). One likes to read works on philosophy, another likes detectives, the third does not read anything at all. Nature (god, universe, quantum fog) helps the reader to find the literature he needs right now. And he immediately understands, barely glancing at the contents, that this is exactly what he needs right now.

      Therefore, in principle, I am now writing these lines for myself and for those who need them (these lines) and precisely at the moment. And to help myself and other people who are now with me in any one range (I do not know what it is measured in), I send to these my notes, which will be either in electronic or in print form, from His heart, from his divine sprout, great love and his blessing. Feel?

      October 15, 2010

      A person who has set himself a goal, for example, to get $ 300,000,000, should understand that achieving this goal will not solve his problems if they have, of course. For example, thinking that 300 million dollars will bring him happiness, joy or something else, the recipient of money is deeply mistaken. If he believes that having a lot of money on his hands, he will feel calmer, more secure, more confident, then he is also mistaken. He (the recipient of money) will not be protected, not happy, not sure, not joyful. And maybe even money will add a negative to his mind and behavior, add problems and failures. Paradox?

      A person is unhappy, he has a bad mood, negative thoughts. He is looking for a way out, he wants to be happy (like all of us) and thinks, if I have something (like $ 300000000), then I definitely will be happy. But he does not need money, he needs to rebuild his consciousness (without the reorganization of which he can not realize his desires and dreams), he needs to learn how to be happy now and in the environment in which he is. How to learn to be happy here and now?

      What is happiness? This is an emotional state of a person, reinforced by (usually) positive thoughts. If the thoughts are negative, then, accordingly, there will be no happiness. If negative thoughts are replaced by positive ones, then the owner of thoughts will be happy (for the most part). Think positive and you are happy. So simple? Yes.

      It is more difficult to achieve these very positive thoughts. Here it is necessary to make a lot of efforts, to make a great spiritual and mental (mental) work, which, with unaccustomedness, it seems, maybe even impossible. “Man is not possible, but everything is possible to God.” Full and constant control over thoughts, not a way out of yourself, that’s the key to success.

      A worker worthy of a reward is also a word from the Bible.

      October 16, 2010

      I walked on the street today, I live in Petersburg, and was surprised by the number of pharmacies. Pharmacies and playing salons. You go, you look, a pharmacy, a gaming establishment, a pharmacy, a games room, a drugstore, a gambling… Occasionally, of course, there are other trading enterprises. There were a lot of gambling establishments after the law on their prohibition was issued. Paradox? Probably, very much the desire to play these machines. Is it good or bad? And it’s not good, and not bad, but it’s so simple.

      And why are there so many pharmacies? Because many people want to buy medicine. And why many people who want to buy them? But because many patients. And why…

      Often I see in the city of stray (homeless) dogs. And I have never seen a stray dog hurt, for example, lying with fever, with a sore look, coughed or sniffed. They feed like we do, if not worse. Special conditions for comfortable living they do not. Stress …, but do they have any stress? Probably, also there. But quickly passing.

      Why are people still sick? The answer is simple, from negative thoughts. If you read on the next pages (with this entry) what people write, in My World, then everything falls into place. Black (negative) words, mate, envy, insults, blasphemy, regret, reproach, threats, in short, a complete set. If words are black, then black is also the thoughts (black, in the end, and actions), so here it is and the disease. From you blackness – in return and you blackness. Why does not everyone understand this?

      October 17, 2010

      The main (whether anyone will argue?) Factor of a person’s health is his mental, moral state. With any disease you can cope (not to admit, which is even better) by setting (adjusting) your body to health. In addition, of course, you need to monitor the condition of your body, not to harm it.

      Harmful substances (poisons) are alcohol, smoking, chocolate, coffee, tea, meat and dairy products. Poisons act not only physiologically on the human body, but also interfere (harm) its spiritual state, if we say “near-scientific,” destroy its subtle vibrations. Try meditating, for example, after taking the heaviest poison – alcohol (in fact, I do not advise).

      In principle, the physiological state of a person and his spiritual world are interrelated. You can not be sick and happy, for example, at the same time. Psychological health is the way to physical health. Physical health is an aid to spiritual health. Not for nothing, Jesus Christ directly linked the state of human health with his moral foundations. “What is easier, say – your sins are forgiven you, or get up, take your bed and go.”

      As for the actual nutrition, the untreated living substances – fruits, vegetables, nuts – are useful. All the rest is not so useful, but due to habits a person is taken for food. The main principle in nutrition, except for not using poisons, is not satiety.

      October 17, 2010

      Different ways come in response to my blog entries. I will not say, of course, that 100% of them are positive. I treat them (to all responses) simply – it does not concern me. Why? Because all these opinions, wishes, judgments automatically, without affecting me, return boomerang back to the author. Man wishes me luck, luck will come to him. He doubts, doubts will prevent him from living. He expresses criticism, and thereby does himself harm. There are opinions that witches, sorcerers, as well as people who do something for some ritual, can harm a person, this is not so. They harm only themselves, and, of course, those who believe in this. Plots, curses, spells, all this is complete nonsense.

      Why does a person react to something negatively? In the vast majority of cases, he does not like something that he does not like first of all in himself. Paradox? No, thus nature (…) tells him lessons that he has not yet learned. That’s when he corrects (retake the exam, set-off), then he will not already meet with negative specific phenomena, which earlier, being with him, prevented him from living. Does it sound complicated? And who said that it will be easy.

      And it’s easy for me. I’m like a tank, like a bulldozer, I’m heading straight for my goal. And nothing can turn me off this path. No doubt, no one’s opinion, nothing. I do not need these very badly 300 million dollars. But I set a goal, and I will achieve it. What do you want (set a goal and achieve it).

      3000000000 $ – I love you and adore…


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