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$ 300 Million. 4th book. Alexander NevzorovЧитать онлайн книгу.

$ 300 Million. 4th book - Alexander Nevzorov

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      4th book

      Alexander Nevzorov

      © Alexander Nevzorov, 2018

      ISBN 978-5-4493-3300-1

      Created with Ridero smart publishing system

      I feel that it’s time to write the next, fourth book, about receiving me three hundred million dollars for three months. Once, already 8 years ago, at the beginning of the fourth quarter of 2010, I decided to receive this money before the end of the year, that is, during October, November and December. The first book was published in the form of a diary, where I put my thoughts on this and other occasions. Today is June 12, 2018. Time is about six in the evening Moscow time. Here I will not put dates, I will only say that I will write it (the book) quickly, as I write everything else. At the end of the narrative, I will put a number. I think it will be soon. The text of this book will be presented in separate paragraphs separated by a “large” space. Maybe I’ll put in this documentary story and photos, we’ll see how it works when the book is made. So, as they say, we begin!

      For eight years a lot has changed. And in general, and in particular, and in my life, and in yours, dear reader. Does the person change? Who will answer this question? Rereading now the beginning of the first book, “Three hundred million dollars,” I understand that nothing has changed inside me. Under each line, under each word, I will sign again. Why? Probably because he wrote the book not as a work subordinated to some kind of plan or goal, but what was poured out of the heart, from the heart, as they say. Was it naive? No. Was this a fraud (for yourself, for others)? No. Have I embellished or exaggerated? No, no and NO.

      Eight years ago, I set myself the goal of getting three hundred million dollars in three months. Where to get it? From anywhere. Why three hundred million? I just liked this number, a triple with eight zeros. Why for three months? Why not? I proceeded from the postulate that everything is in the hands of man. All his desires are fulfilled. And he began to build a scheme for obtaining money by the power of thought. What was the result of this? Have you read the first book, dear reader? I think no. Because the sales of her (books) on the Internet are still very small. I will not repeat here everything that I wrote earlier. If interested, buy and read. Here I will only say that I continue to believe that man’s desires are fulfilled. Moreover, they are executed instantly.

      But what have I achieved myself, during this time, over the past 8 years? How much do I have on the account of millions of dollars? Here it is, “the moment of truth”. Today I have 14 thousand rubles on my account. Total? Yes. How so? The author contradicts himself. He says that desires are fulfilled, but he can not fulfill his desire. Why then, and write the book “Three hundred million dollars”? Because this is not the end. Not the end of desire, not the end of life, not the end of the book.

      Who am I, Alexander Nevzorov, who imagines himself a god and wants to receive (from nothing) as much as three hundred million dollars? I will tell about myself. Now I’m 60 years old, this remarkable event happened less than a month ago. I am a young pensioner, with a pension of 9.5 thousand rubles. I work to the best of my ability, performing not very skilled work in recent years. I write books. You will not believe, but today I have them published in the publishing house Ridero almost five hundred. All books are available on the Internet, in free access and free sale. But I’m not a professional writer, because I can not live on the income from books yet. The average “check” for the month is now 2—3 thousand rubles.

      Five years ago I got married. With a new wife we met at the dance. Last fall, bought a two-story house in gardening near St. Petersburg (in Sinyavino), this spring – a car. If it works out (I repeat), I will insert in the text illustrations of my personal life.

      Summer, nature, country house. Fresh air, silence, peace. Dimensional life, early awakening, work (so you do not want to use the word “work” in this context) on the site. Arrivals of guests, shish kebabs, fun. Fishing, bicycle, creativity. Continuation of the book “300 million dollars.” In the morning the message from “PochtBank” came. The contribution (14 thousand) accrued quarterly interest – 199 rubles. Now my bank account has become a bit bigger.

      Yesterday I thought about this. Why, in the presence of so many books published (496 pieces), sales in rubles are so low? What to do next? To write new works or to promote already written? Or combine these actions, but in what proportion? Such a large (as I believe) the number of works I wrote in a relatively short time. In addition to the first part of “300000000 $”, written in 2010, everything else (practically) came out from under my “pen” for a year and a half (2017—2018). Undoubtedly, you need to “promote” your product. But how? How to do it without cash investments? The minimal, so to speak, “blood”. Of course, not blood, but mind, soul and creativity. And what if here, now, on these pages, look for ways to promote their works to the mass market? No sooner said than done.

      The simplest, direct and shortest way to popularize an idea (product) is through the Internet. It is obvious. And then you can (and need to) use social networks, which consists of a large majority of my potential readers. Which of them (from networks) to start with? I choose VKontakte. By the way, I invite everyone to contact me on VKontakte. Find me there is not difficult. My name is Alexander Nevzorov, for me, now (in the summer of 2018), 60, the city is St. Petersburg. Today I have friends of 2.6 thousand people. I do not deny anyone. I invite you also.

      In contact, apart from my personal profile, I opened 3 pages – Interviewer Alexander Nevzorov, Poet Alexander Nevzorov and Astrologer Alexander Nevzorov. I invite subscribers to these pages. The opening of three pages, of course, is not enough to popularize my books. After a moment’s thought (right now), I decide to open two more pages – “Vitaly Mushkin’s Eroticism” and “The Tales of Leon Malin”. Vitaly Mushkin and Leon Malin are my pseudonyms. Opening (and maintaining) new pages does not guarantee a burst of readers’ interest in works. You need to come up with something new (completely new), something that will attract a lot of attention to books. What could it be? What will it be? What?

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